Ghost armor / tunic / Mordrag order of operations

By Badend, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Tunic reads "When you suffer 1 or more wounds, roll 1 power die for each wound suffered. Cancel 1
wound for each blank you roll."

Ghost armor reads "Spend 1 fatigue to cancel 1 wound being dealt to you."

Mordrag's ability is "Mordrog recovers 1 fatigue each time he is wounded."

The question: when you take a wound, can you roll with the tunic, and then use ghost armor if the wound isn't cancelled? Is suffering a wound different from being wounded (For Mordragin with ghost armor, which is actually a pretty fun combination, although it limits his armor choices).

I think that being wounded means actually returning a heart token, so no super Mordrag combo. But the difference / order of being dealt a wound vs suffering one is unclear. I lean towards ghost armor coming first, but it is more based on seeing the tunic as a last line of defence when all else fails, rather then based on descent logic.

Badend said:

Tunic reads "When you suffer 1 or more wounds, roll 1 power die for each wound suffered. Cancel 1
wound for each blank you roll."

Ghost armor reads "Spend 1 fatigue to cancel 1 wound being dealt to you."

Mordrag's ability is "Mordrog recovers 1 fatigue each time he is wounded."

The question: when you take a wound, can you roll with the tunic, and then use ghost armor if the wound isn't cancelled? Is suffering a wound different from being wounded (For Mordragin with ghost armor, which is actually a pretty fun combination, although it limits his armor choices).

I think that being wounded means actually returning a heart token, so no super Mordrag combo. But the difference / order of being dealt a wound vs suffering one is unclear. I lean towards ghost armor coming first, but it is more based on seeing the tunic as a last line of defence when all else fails, rather then based on descent logic.

Yes you can roll for the Tunic, then use the Ghost Armour.

You do not actually suffer any wounds until you deliver up the little heart token. Any wound prevented/cancelled, be it by the Ghost armour or by the Tunic, is not suffered.

Being wounded means suffering 1 or more wounds.
Cancelling something means it didn't happen.
There is no neat little combo there.

I'm not sure, but check Ghost armour and Tunic carefully. They might read 'damage' rather than wounds. Damage and wounds are not the same things.

I would argue that there's no clear order specified by the cards themselves, but the only official ruling made regarding ambiguous timing (specifically "start of turn" effects) is that the affected player can choose the order of resolution, so I like to apply that rule to situations like this. Since rolling for the tunic first is clearly preferable for the hero, I assume that will always happen.

How about shield? May hero use shield to cancel wound after seeing the result of tonic?

- a "hit" is when the result is not a X and when there is enough range in the case of ranged or magic attacks made against not adjacent target.

- "damage" is the amount of cute little hearts on the attack dice plus any bonus

- "wounds" is the number of tokens you are supposed to lose after calculating armor.

For the shield, I would say yes. Can use after rolling the dice for the tunic.