Industrial Genomics

By Shindulus, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

Industrial Genomics

Identity : Division • Deck: 45 • Influence: 15

The trash cost of each card is increased by 1 for each facedown card in Archives.

I am in trouble to know if in this text "in Archives" refers to the central server Archives (Archives + root) or only the Archives by itself (the place where cards are trashed or discarded and inactive).

I'm pretty sure it only refers to cards in the actual Archives, not upgrades installed in the root of that server.

The pretty sure is the same problem I have :D .

Ooh, that's a juicy one!

I'm gonna go ahead and agree with AmtsboteHannes on this one. For remotes, cards are either 'in' a server or 'protecting' it.

However, the rules define the Root as follows:

Root- This is the area of a central server where upgrades for the server are installed. When an upgrade is installed in the root, it should be placed below the server . If a root has no cards installed in it, it is considered to be empty

emphasis mine.

Root therefore would appear to be separate from the actual server contents. However, it's probably best to get verification from Lukas when the card comes out.


Just found this on page 13 of the rules:

Upgrades– An upgrade can be installed in any server. When an upgrade is installed in a central server, it is installed in the central server’s root .

Emphasis mine again.

I could see this go either way.

Edited by CommissarFeesh

I obviously can't be sure how a card is intended to work without an actual ruling. However, if you take a look at the ruling on how to access Archives it says:

"When accessing cards in Archives, the Runner turns all cards faceup in Archives before accessing them."
That does not mean accessing Archives allows you to reveal upgrades in its root, it only refers to card that were trashed or discarded facedown, and I'm assuming the meaning of the phrase "in Archives" on Industrial Genomics is consistent with the one in the FAQ.
Or I could be completely wrong, that may happen.

Hmm. Perhaps there should be a formal difference between 'face-down' and 'unrezzed'.

Tweeted @rukasufox.

I got the answer from Lukas :

Thanks for the question. It only refers to Archives (and not the root). The root must be called out specifically and is not normally included when an effect refers to a central server. Hope that helps,

Pretty clear