So, as you all know, the Longlas has the accurate quality.
As you also all know, an Aim action (either half or full) and a called shot are separate actions. Since a called shot is a full round action, it cannot be combined with an aim action - as it is in essence an aim action, albeit a much harder aim.
As of right now, I have been ruling that if my group's sniper uses a called shot, he cannot gain the benefits of the accurate quality. Essentially, he doesn't get the extra damage or +10. Thus, he needs to choose if he needs to be precise or if he wants to be more general and hit harder.
However, his comrade has the spotter (I think) ability which stacks a +20 to aim on top of his shot. While I still don't allow this to carry over to his PC and grant him the accurate benefits, it has been suggested around the table.
I want to know how you all interpret these rules, if you have run into this problem and how you handled it, or if perhaps I am reading the rules wrong.