It's been a while...

By skidlz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello everybody!

My wife and I played Descent 2nd ed right up until...March 2014? Problem is, we moved and have two small children and haven't been able to play. We have the base game and Labyrinth of Ruin, but what else is new? I see things like Shadows of Nerekhall, a campaign book, Manor of Ravens, co-op rules, maybe some other stuff?

What do I need to buy if this game is largely going to be played by two people? Are LT packs worth it?

I'm trying to give FFG all my money, but I only have so much of a budget for board games, no matter how cool the game is.

It depends on how you want to play as 2 people.

If you like the dynamic of one being the OL and the other controlling the 4 heroes, then I highly recommend Nerekhall. I only ever played it with 4 heroes, but the scenarios are all designed and balanced really well, the city-flare is a nice change to the atmosphere of the base game and LoR, the new classes are fun to play and the new monsters all have some very special abilities.

However the hero-miniatures are a big step down quality wise from the base game. Then again I guess this is only really a problem or noticable if you paint them.

The new campaign book looks very interesting (cinematic expirience and choices that affect the campaign) and eventhough it only uses base-game components, it could be very cool if they even one-up the quality of the Nerekhall quests.

Hero and Monster packs are ok as well, however check out if you really want those heroes and monsters. Some of these packs are really forgetable imo.

The LT packs are kind of a money grab. Read up on the plot-decks and choose the one you like the most and don't mind the miniature. Afterall the cards seem to be the most expensive thing in these packs.

I mean really? Getting all the LT miniatures for the base game is more expensive than the basegame itself?

If you are interested in co-op play, get the PoD, it's very cheap. The thing is it only uses monsters and rooms from the base-game, so you can't really expand it and I guess the replay value is not that high.

Edited by DAMaz