Stay on Target details!

By Desslok, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

So four new Ties, two of which are the Hunter and Phantom. I'm betting the third is the Scout. I really want the forth to be the Avenger! Come on FFG show that EU veteran some love. It deserves it.

Probably going to be the Aggressor or Droid. :'(

Edited by zathras23

Hunters would be nice... A fix to the Defender's speed would also be nice...

Hopefully we'll be seeing the TIE Warhead, the Hunter, the E-Wing Series IV, (not nerfed, just let us work towards the good stuff like the jedis do their lightsabers), and maybe some *changes*, hopefully, to combat so that it's not rocket-tag anymore? "class abilities" would just be a bandaid after all.

Uh, that said.

The H-wing, man. The H-wing. I thought I'd seen ugly in a starfighter but this thing's worthy of papa nurgle.

I wonder since they are including the gungan mount in this book if we are going to get a Gungan race as well.

Nah, they've already told us the races are ChadraFan, Xexto and Prune Face.

So plenty of deformed-looking freaks but no gungans.

I wonder since they are including the gungan mount in this book if we are going to get a Gungan race as well.

I did the mounts, but Maelora is right, no Gungans in Stay on Target... Just Gungan trained mounts for some variety.

I like the flying creatures; my players are going to want to ride these.

Gungans, not so much :)

The mounts in the book are intended as samples, as there's no way I could have detailed everything :) The fambaa serves as an example of a truly enormous beast that has been shown to be used in combat.

Gungans, not so much :)

No one wants gungan anything... can they just be consigned to history and never spoken of again?

Tusk Cat's from Naboo on the other hand!

Now that I think about it, with the Xexto, how would it be handled if a player had that race and wanted to yield a gun in each hand? The first thing that comes to mind is to just repeat the rules with dual-wielding but twice more over.

Edited by ImperialSpy

Up the difficulty again and it still costs 2 Advantage to get each successive weapon to hit. I'd also add a number of Setback since you can't aim those weapons.

Maelora, no-one wants riding Gungans... a battle palanquin with Gungan slaves however...

I like Gungans. I don't like Jar-Jar Binks, but he's a village idiot among the Gungans (and bad writing allowed him into politics, but Clone Wars tried to redeem him). OTOH, Gungans like Roos Tarpals are fine in my eyes.

Up the difficulty again and it still costs 2 Advantage to get each successive weapon to hit. I'd also add a number of Setback since you can't aim those weapons.

That's a bit punitive since they could just buy a rifle with autofire for much cheaper and still have 2 hands free. Just using the regular dual-wield mechanics and letting them spend an extra 2A to hit with the 2 extra guns would be easier.

Gungans, not so much :)

No one wants gungan anything... can they just be consigned to history and never spoken of again?

Tusk Cat's from Naboo on the other hand!

I actually thought the Gungans were cool. They had some fascinating weaponry and a beautiful city. One shouldn't disregard a whole race just because of one individual. That's like hating the human race because Gilbert Godfrey is part of it.

I like Gungans. I don't like Jar-Jar Binks, but he's a village idiot among the Gungans (and bad writing allowed him into politics, but Clone Wars tried to redeem him). OTOH, Gungans like Roos Tarpals are fine in my eyes.

I don't think the Clone Wars redeemed him. There was one episode where he accidently killed a Jedi. But it's no reason to hate the entire race. I'd much rather have Gungans than that race with the chairs for faces.

Gungans, not so much :)

No one wants gungan anything... can they just be consigned to history and never spoken of again?

Tusk Cat's from Naboo on the other hand!

I actually thought the Gungans were cool. They had some fascinating weaponry and a beautiful city. One shouldn't disregard a whole race just because of one individual. That's like hating the human race because Gilbert Godfrey is part of it.

I'll also jump on the Gungans are fine bandwagon. One has to remember that JarJar was kicked out of the city for a reason. He was hated by the Gungans as much as by the viewers. My only other issue with them are the blue ball things that they were destroying tanks with. It seemed like a weird thing for a native-type people to have which was created only so that they could actually stand a chance against tanks.

Hmm...seems that "Stay on Target" is shipping now! Yay!

Gungans, not so much :)

No one wants gungan anything... can they just be consigned to history and never spoken of again?

Tusk Cat's from Naboo on the other hand!

I actually thought the Gungans were cool. They had some fascinating weaponry and a beautiful city. One shouldn't disregard a whole race just because of one individual. That's like hating the human race because Gilbert Godfrey is part of it.

Gilbert Godfrey, is a great man and you know it.

Please, please, please don't tell FFG about the ChairHeads, or we're bound to see them in the Smuggler book :(

Hmm...seems that "Stay on Target" is shipping now! Yay!

Awesome. Added to my SW:IA order which is hopefully shipping soon as well.

Hmm...seems that "Stay on Target" is shipping now! Yay!

Awesome. Added to my SW:IA order which is hopefully shipping soon as well.

And it looks like the official release date is the 23rd.

TECHNICALLY before Christmas...

(And then I can finally start talking about the book...) :lol:

Edited by DarthGM

No one wants gungan anything... can they just be consigned to history and never spoken of again?

Tusk Cat's from Naboo on the other hand!

WRONG. I like Gungans, except ONE!

Yeah even his fellow Gungans didn't like Jar Jar

Yeah we all know the only reason Boss Nass made Jar Jar a general is he was hoping the battle droids would shoot the general first. When that didn't work he sent Jar Jar far away with a job that had no real power until Padme went crazy and temporarily gave Jar Jar her authority.

Hmm...seems that "Stay on Target" is shipping now! Yay!

Awesome. Added to my SW:IA order which is hopefully shipping soon as well.

And it looks like the official release date is the 23rd.

TECHNICALLY before Christmas...

(And then I can finally start talking about the book...) :lol:

I know I can't wait to see the [*REDACTED*] and how they resolved [*REDACTED*]. Oh and in first chapter with the talent [*REDACTED*]. It's SO broken. :)