Stay on Target details!

By Desslok, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Yeah the Hunter is redundant, although not everyone buys the adventure books (though that still doesn't explain why mass combat was in Onslaught and not the corebook or the GM guide, it's pretty important for a game focused on a massive war) so I'll let that one pass. Plus it's actually a pretty cool design and it was fun to use in Rebel Strike (an awesome game if only because it gives you a 2 player version of Rogue Leader :D )

But the Interdictor, like most of the things Galactic Battlegrounds (a game I have very little love for) introduced, does indeed look like bad fan art. And there are several ships that fill it's role without looking like like SFS just taped a few Bombers together and successfully sold it in an act of highly profitable fraud.

Can't decide if I will render it non-canon in my games or just shamelessly insert an Imperial engineer whose only purpose is calling it an overengineered and redundant piece of scrap.

The fact that it took a slot that could have been given to something cool; like the Assault Gunboat, the Advanced, the Avenger or even the Oppressor, is what really makes me sad.

Still, I can't wait for the other fighters, the gear, the new talents, riding animals and carriers. This one fighter only slightly dampens my excitement, and I still ordered it as soon as I found it available so I guess FFG wins in the end. :P

Edited by Rationalinsanity

Yeah the Hunter is redundant, although not everyone buys the adventure books (though that still doesn't explain why mass combat was in Onslaught and not the corebook or the GM guide, it's pretty important for a game focused on a massive war) so I'll let that one pass. Plus it's actually a pretty cool design and it was fun to use in Rebel Strike (an awesome game if only because it gives you a 2 player version of Rogue Leader :D )

But the Interdictor, like most of the things Galactic Battlegrounds (a game I have very little love for) introduced, does indeed look like bad fan art. And there are several ships that fill it's role without looking like like SFS just taped a few Bombers together and successfully sold it in an act of highly profitable fraud.

Can't decide if I will render it non-canon in my games or just shamelessly insert an Imperial engineer whose only purpose is calling it an overengineered and redundant piece of scrap.

Yeah the TIE Hunter is my second favorite TIE model, behind the Oppressor but I don't see the need for it to appear again so soon. I don't hate the TIE Interdictor though and I would love to see some of the Wookiee vehicles and Starfighters Galactic Battlegrounds introduced appear in AOR

I have to imagine they have plans to save some of the cool, absent fighters for later books. If they give us all the cool stuff up front, the later books will be filled with these unusual and unloved designs.

So any special rules for new manoeuvres or anything similar?

Since we're going spoiler crazy - any new ship equipment in there? Something to fill up the hardpoints with?

Would also love to hear some feed back and opinions on the new spec trees for those of you lucky enough to have it already!

but the fact remains that those troops still have an MoS, which in this game is represented by one's Duty.

I would argue that Duty does not represent an MOS or AFSC. An MOS is a job title. Or rather, an MOS is something like "Pilot" or "Infantry." Now, the Infantryman's Duty might be focused on ground superiority, but to say that his job classification is "Prove you're superior to your Imperial counterparts in a straight-up fight" sounds silly to me. There's some blending, obviously, but Duty always struck me as a "calling," rather than an official job classification.

There can easily be Duty types like Headhunter (eliminate enemy Aces) and possibly Test Pilot/Trainer. I don't have the book, so I don't know what's in there for sure, but coming up with ten new Duty types/subtypes doesn't seem at all out of the question.

The new (or modified) Duty types are on page 19. They include:

  • Air Superiority
  • Intelligence
  • Ground Superiority
  • Personnel
  • Placard Hunter
  • Recruiting
  • Resource Acquisition
  • Sabotage
  • Space Superiority
  • Tech Superiority
  • Support

Since we're going spoiler crazy - any new ship equipment in there? Something to fill up the hardpoints with?

  • Astromech Droid Socket
  • Gravity Mine Launcher
  • Hardened Circuits
  • Hull/Keel Renforcement
  • Physical Countermeasures
  • Ram Attachment
  • Slave Circuit

So any special rules for new manoeuvres or anything similar?

The book introduces "Astromech Maneuvers," and "Astromech Actions" as well as rules for handling NPC astromechs. NPC Astromechs don't get actions, they contribute a boost die to the player's action instead. Advantage and Triumph generated by the player's action gives the opportunity for an Astromech Maneuver or Astromech action.

The book also has charts full of suggestions on how to spend advantage, threat, etc. in asteroid/debris fields, in a nebula, and in large space battles.

I didn't see any new "pilot only" maneuvers, but I've only just done a very quick flip-through.

Yeah, the new rules for Astromechs were fun to playtest. I'm not sure what the final version of said rules are (don't have my copy of the book yet), but I know one of our playtesters was giddy as a schoolgirl at being able to use these as an Astormech PC (Ace/Rigger), and the other PCs found them handy even for NPC Astromechs... when they remembered to use said rules ;)

The Ram Attachment did elicit the rather (to us) humorous image of a over-caffeinated Squib piloting an A-Wing with said attachment into the bridge of an Imperial Star Destroyer :lol:

Gamorrean ace with an assault shuttle, a ram and boarding tube... it will be glorious.

Cheers guys, like the sound of the astromech actions as well.

The Astromech stuff was also me... but since my copy hasn't arrived yet, I haven't had a chance to compare it to my original submission. It was fun to write, albeit a small section. Dogfighting terrain was my bit as well...

I'm still hoping someday they give us some more pocket carriers. Something sil 5 with say 8 to 20 crew, a handful of anti-fighter weapons and maybe a couple of light turbolasers carrying a flight or two of fighters

I'm still hoping someday they give us some more pocket carriers. Something sil 5 with say 8 to 20 crew, a handful of anti-fighter weapons and maybe a couple of light turbolasers carrying a flight or two of fighters

The Imperial version of the Gozanti from Rebels can convey four TIE fighters and has some light armament.

The Astromech stuff was also me... but since my copy hasn't arrived yet, I haven't had a chance to compare it to my original submission. It was fun to write, albeit a small section. Dogfighting terrain was my bit as well...

Very nice! So far those are my two favorite sections, it's nice to have some more detail on what can be done with astromechs and there are great suggestions in the terrain part!

Any new talents?

I'm still hoping someday they give us some more pocket carriers. Something sil 5 with say 8 to 20 crew, a handful of anti-fighter weapons and maybe a couple of light turbolasers carrying a flight or two of fighters

The Imperial version of the Gozanti from Rebels can convey four TIE fighters and has some light armament.

I know, that's why I specifically said more pocket carriers.

I really hope my contributor copy shows up today. I'm excited to read through this one and check out everyone else's sections.

I really hope my contributor copy shows up today. I'm excited to read through this one and check out everyone else's sections.

From what I've heard from another source, it may be a week or so after release before you get your copy (-ies).

Or maybe FFG just didn't like him.


What are the new career skills and talents?

Check it

T-Wings and a nifty-looking Dresselian beast rider.

Plus Heavy-95s.

...okay, when did Dresselians get so bad-ass looking...?!


Since I started writing about them?

Kidding, obviously. The art direction on these books is always incredible.

Kidding, obviously. The art direction on these books is always incredible.

On a side note, I took home Imperial Assault the other day and my wife commented on how badass the female smuggler looked*. Then I broke out my copy of Dangerous Covenants and showed her the spread for the Enforcer. Her esteem for FFG has improved even more.

*She's an illustrator, so she's very critical of art.

Edited by kaosoe