Stay on Target details!

By Desslok, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

So does coolstuffinc. I'm going to be near one of their stores today, I might just have to give it a try.

I picked up a copy at the LGS yesterday - so it's definitely out!

Eeexcellent... Now for the bean spillage to commence. :)

Can someone with a copy just list the ships in it? I'm super curious.

No luck at my stops today.

What Ships and gear does it have in it?



Tempest bomber


R-41 Starchaser


Heavy Z-95


TIE Agressor

TIE Hunter

TIE Interdictor

TIE Phantom

Ton-Falk-class escort carrier

Quasar Fire-class escort carrier

Secutor-class battlecarrier.


Vetinary kit

Restraint harness

Custom tool kit

Targeting goggles

Owner's workshop manual

R7 astromech droid

Q7 astromech droid


Crash suit

Armored flight suit

Riding tack

Padded beast armor

Laminate beast armor

Megafauna carriage

Weapons: Cavalry blaster

E5 blaster carbine

HH-50 heavy blaster pistol

Longeing whip

animal shock prod



AV-21 Landspeeder

1-L Imperial-series repulsor tank

SU-50 high-performance airspeeder

Nebulon-Q racing swoop

PTB-625 heavy bomber

Cheers as he sees both the E-Wing and the T-Wing on the list. "Now all we need is the Novasword and Cutlass-9 to appear in an AOR or EOE product and we'll have my top 5 favorite Star Wars Legends starfighter models in the system. And the book even has a couple of other fighter models from my top 10 list."

"Out of curiosity is the Ton-Falk-class the KDY Escort Carrier or a newly invented model? I know Ton-Falk was the location of the battle which inspired the Imperial Starfleet to develop Escort Carriers but on the other hand it does seem kind of odd for the Empire to name a warship class after the site of a major Imperial defeat."

Edited by RogueCorona

Really the **** Tie Interdictor!!! The most ridiculous Tie variant out there? I'm really let down by this.

Any kind of role-playing stuff in it?

I'm guessing the AoR books won't have alternate Duty as the EoE books do for Obligation, but do we get new Ace-centric Motivations?

Also, I assume there are creatures for the Beast Rider?

I'm guessing the AoR books won't have alternate Duty as the EoE books do for Obligation, but do we get new Ace-centric Motivations?

Why would these books not have alternate Duty options?

Beasts big enough to ride have already been confirmed in previews. Narglatch, rupings, tauntauns, banthas, fambaas, and 12 other beasts.

And new Duty and Motivations are highly likely.

Why would these books not have alternate Duty options?

Because there's only so many things you can do for an army. Whereas external Obligations are pretty much limitless.

As 99% of Aces are probably going to choose 'Space Superiority' anyway, I assume the Duty section will cover how things like Personnel or Procurement could apply to an Ace, more than offering us new ones.

Owner's workshop manual

Brilliant ! I assume it's generic and each craft could conceivably have an Owner's Workshop Manual?

Really the **** Tie Interdictor!!! The most ridiculous Tie variant out there? I'm really let down by this.

Yeah, that is a huge let down. If the Empire needed another bomber/assault craft they could have just used the Assault Gunboat or something less stupid. Instead we get that joke from a glorified Age Of Empires mod. Guess I'm going to have stat out the TIE Avenger myself for the next few sessions I'm running.

Everything else looks really awesome though, can't wait to order it.

Why would these books not have alternate Duty options?

Because there's only so many things you can do for an army. Whereas external Obligations are pretty much limitless.

Speaking from experience, the US Army doesn't understand that. They will always ask you to do things you were never trained to do and expect you to do more with less. I wouldn't be surprised if the Rebel Alliance asks for even more.

What kind of animals do we get?

Of the new ships, I really liked the Z-95 Heavy. Am curious to see how the new sidearms panned out, as well as the species write-ups.


I can very easily see different and new types of Duty, or even just breaking out some of the more generalized Duty types to be something a bit more specific. But I also think you're allowing your real-life experiences to unfairly color your perceptions on this.

Yes, a military organization that's as strapped for resources as the Rebel Alliance is will frequently require it's members to do things outside of their MoS, but the fact remains that those troops still have an MoS, which in this game is represented by one's Duty. And if a situation comes up that falls within that Rebel's MoS, then they're going to be more psyched and more willing to push that much harder. An Ace/Hot Shot might not be that enthused about a mission focusing on sneaking around an Imperial base to swipe data on shipping records for an Imperial patrol group, but they're going to be really enthused if they've got a chance to hope into a starfighter and blast some TIES into space dust.

Edited by Donovan Morningfire

Really the **** Tie Interdictor!!! The most ridiculous Tie variant out there? I'm really let down by this.

I would have preferred the TIE Oppressor myself but its nice to see them willing to use ships from Galactic Battlegrounds. That means so far they have included designs from every GCW era game that introduced new ship designs except for Battlefront which AFAIK only introduced one new model, and Rebellion, and hopefully some of the Rebellion introduced ships will follow soon.

HD, I wouldn't say _no_ to more Duty types... but I can't quite see how they'll do that, without having mundane stuff like 'Duty: Cleaning the Refreshers'. I respect anyone who's served in real-life, but a lot of stuff that's important to the actual logistics of running an army doesn't make for exciting sci-fi adventures.

And as Donovan points out, most Aces are going to feel happiest blasting TIEs out of the sky than doing anything else.

There can easily be Duty types like Headhunter (eliminate enemy Aces) and possibly Test Pilot/Trainer. I don't have the book, so I don't know what's in there for sure, but coming up with ten new Duty types/subtypes doesn't seem at all out of the question.

Cool, I'm happy to see what comes up.

It'll probably be similar to the new Obligation charts in the EotE career sourcebooks released thus far, in that the new Duty table for the Ace (and any other AoR career) will most likely be a mix of existing Duty types from the core rulebook with a few new ones added in.

And when it comes time for FaD career sourcebooks, we'll probably see the same thing done with Morality.

Bit annoyed at the inclusion of the TIE Hunter, given that we just got stats for it in the last AoR book release (Arda 1 adventure). That seems like a bit of lazy copy-pasting to me.

Was a bit excited when I read the name TIE Interdictor, imagining a large TIE with the ability to interdict a single silhouette 4 or smaller ship from jumping into hyperspace. Then I looked it up. Erm... what the?!? Looks like something I would have drawn after watching Empire Strikes Back for the first time... when I was eight.

Why couldn't they have given us, oh I don't know, a TIE Advanced instead maybe? From memory it's yet to appear in print and, being a movie fighter, surely there should be stats published for it!

Minor gripes tho because I really like the rest of the list. A good mix of older and newer ships, better and worse ships. Looking forward in particular to the carriers.

The TIE/Ad is a weird oversight. I can only imagine they're holding it out for some kind of Empire sourcebook, a la the EotE Corellian/Hutt ones?