Stay on Target details!

By Desslok, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG



Man, I never thought I'd see an old Challenge Magazine ship make the leap to Canon(ish). I loved the hell out of this thing in the early WEG days. Well played, FFG, well played.

(By the way, full news report here: )



...and yet, I still think it's neat.

I like that ship. It's very Star Wars-y.

And nice one, Agatheron. I have a player who has set aside XP for the Beast Rider spec.

I don't like it much. Sorry. It 3 has seats and there is no turret. It doesn't take 3 guys to fire the guns forward.

Edited by Zar

Well, it's more of a heavy bomber - slow, heavy punch, loads of armor, performs like a beached whale. Why the 3rd crew member? The obscene amount of weapons this thing sports (Ion guns, missiles and lasers). And yes, the original drawing had a turret - not sure why it didn't make the jump here.


Here, the original text from Challenge:

The BTS-A2 Long Range Strike Fighter/Bomber, or H-Wing, was a recent addition to rebel flight

bays. Manufactured by Koensayr, famous for the BTL-S3 Y-Wing Starfighter, it was only a matter of
time before the Alliance included the H-wing in its arsenal. It's service in the Alliance is likely to remain
low in number considering that the combined cost of almost any two single-seat fighters cost as much as
one H-wing.

The H-Wing is a weapons platform capable of delivering a hard punch. The fighter's primary weapon is
a heavy laser cannon mounted in a rotating dorsal turret. This laser can only be fired from the
turret's gunnery chair; no gunnery control is included in the piloting cockpit. Some H-Wings however,
have been configured so that the turret can be fixed in a forward facing position, and fired by the
ships second gunnery control. Also, the H-Wing carries two torpedo launchers, with complete magazine
of eight torpedoes for each of it's launchers- twice the payload of a Y-Wing. The ordinance is benefited
by an improved fire control system, so that it can efficiently serve as a strike fighter/bomber. These
weapons systems are complimented by two fire-linked ion cannons. This weapon has a rotation of
40 degrees, which allows the gunner to fire independently of flight control.

The H-Wing has a hull that is designed to allow the craft to take multiple hits, along with the protection of
a strong shield system, the H-Wing can survive extended combat, but not without cost. Maneuverability
and sub-light speed have been sacrificed increased battle worthiness, creating a distinct disadvantage
being able to outrun or disengage combat.

The H-Wing has several benefits to its single-seat counterparts. With a crew of three, the ships systems
are more efficiently handled. The cockpit contains a primary and secondary crew station. Piloting
controls are installed only at the primary station, but shield control, ion cannon, and torpedo fire control
are installed in both stations, giving the crew flexibility.

Many of the components used in the Y-Wing were adapted for use in the H-Wing, such as Fabritech
ANX-Y sensors and Koensayr engines, complete with thrust vectrals. Many components were not used -
for instance, instead of using an R2 astromech, a limited jump nav computer similar to that used in the
B-Wing is employed. Also, the H-Wing does not employ ejection seats. That option isn't feasible in the
tight space remaining after all systems are installed. The fighter does, however, contain a cramped,
cabin, which includes a single bunk with soundproof divider that can be used on a rotational basis.

Reports indicate that the craft is best suitable for strike/anti-shipping and screening fighter/transport
duty. Overall, the encounters against Imperial craft have proven favorable for the H-Wing. Some
Rebel leaders have suggested that the H-Wing should replace the B-Wing as the primary heavy
assault fighter. However, this replacement isn't likely to happen, since many smaller outposts don't
have fighter bays capable of housing and servicing the H-Wing. Also the craft also lacks speed; even
the slow B-Wing is quicker. The final reason is economics: Not only is the H-wing a high-cost vehicle, but
it also requires a greater number of trained flight personnel. Such personnel are always short in supply. It
is most that the H-Wing will serve as a special engagement craft, used where its advantages will provide
it its greatest combat effectiveness.

I don't like it much. Sorry. It 3 has seats and there is no turret. It doesn't take 3 guys to fire the guns forward.

Strangely, the article mentions the turret, but the art doesn't seem to have one. I'm guessing that the stats do include the turret, though.

We included the H-Wing heavily in my old Dragon Squadron campaign back in the days of WEG. One of the players loved it and was the pilot for the H-Wing proto-type . He was to test it in combat before full production came into effect.

Its inclusion makes the resurrection of my Dragon Squadron Campaign one step closer to a reality. Now we just needs stats for Trianii and Verpine...bring on the Tech and Corporate Sector books.

I like that ship. It's very Star Wars-y.

And nice one, Agatheron. I have a player who has set aside XP for the Beast Rider spec.

Well... the specialization tree and talents belongs to Andy Fischer along with the playtesters. Of what's been revealed officially so far, I was the one to write the beast riding rules, as well as to stat-up the mounts. My hope is that they caught the typos that I just noticed in my own manuscript :blink:

I'm very pleasantly surprised to see the H-Wing and the Carriers. I'm curious to see if we'll finally get to see the V38 Assault Fighter. (the TIE Phantom is a modified version of the V38) and curious about what the other TIE models will be. I'm crossing my fingers for the Oppressor.) I just hope that there are other Alliance used fighters besides then the H-Wing and V-Wing.

I like that ship. It's very Star Wars-y.

And nice one, Agatheron. I have a player who has set aside XP for the Beast Rider spec.

I'm sitting on almost 150 XP waiting for this book and hoping that the Rigger tree (and potentially HotShot as well) doesn't let me down. I refused to spend anything for the last month and a half until the Ace book comes out. Is it bad that this is the main thing I want for Christmas?

Carriers sound awesome. The Landspeeder is a welcome addition, the Rebels need ground assets that aren't just upgunned civilian vehicles that are only in Edge. The TIE Phantom should be great for a few encounters, though if I remember my lore correctly almost of all them along with their production line was destroyed.

H-Wing doesn't do much for me and I'm pretty meh about the V-Wing as well, they seem redunant in the face of the Y-Wing/B-Wing.

...and yet, I still think it's neat.

It is! No amount of multi-tasking can deal with the B-wings guns, shields, power etc... having 1-2 people or even a droid along for the ride will make this bird a real monster in the right hands.

Carriers sound awesome. The Landspeeder is a welcome addition, the Rebels need ground assets that aren't just upgunned civilian vehicles that are only in Edge. The TIE Phantom should be great for a few encounters, though if I remember my lore correctly almost of all them along with their production line was destroyed.

H-Wing doesn't do much for me and I'm pretty meh about the V-Wing as well, they seem redunant in the face of the Y-Wing/B-Wing.

I don't see how the Y-Wing and B-Wing would make the V-Wing redundant given that V-Wing is closer to a TIE fighter in role then it is anything in the -Wing series IMO.

Whoops, mixed that up with something else. Shows how enthusiastic I am for the Republic era craft. The designs just don't do much for me.

I can't help but feel that they're giving us the wrong V-Wing .

Or rather, I'd prefer the other one . Given the time period that the RPGs are set in, though, I suppose I understand.

If they decide to include the V-Wing Airspeeder at some point it wouldn't be the first time they have adjusted the date that a ship or vehicle model is introduced to allow it in the system.

So four new Ties, two of which are the Hunter and Phantom. I'm betting the third is the Scout. I really want the forth to be the Avenger! Come on FFG show that EU veteran some love. It deserves it.

Probably going to be the Aggressor or Droid. :'(

Is the TIE Hunter confirmed? Because it just appeared in the first AOR adventure and I would be surprised if it popped up again so soon.

H-Wing doesn't do much for me and I'm pretty meh about the V-Wing as well, they seem redunant in the face of the Y-Wing/B-Wing.

Just some random thoughts.

So four new Ties, two of which are the Hunter and Phantom. I'm betting the third is the Scout. I really want the forth to be the Avenger! Come on FFG show that EU veteran some love. It deserves it.

Probably going to be the Aggressor or Droid. :'(

I would have said that it will be the Defender to marry up with X-Wing minis

It won't be the Defender since that's in the core rulebook, but maybe we'll see the corrected stats for the Sentinel...

Huh, wonder what those carriers are going to be...

Well, given the artwork and the curious incident of the dog during the… no, wait … and the surprising inclusion of the V-wing, I hope that we will see some Clone Wars era ships. Both sides relied heavily on fighters, after all.

And, talking (writing) about V-wing:

I can't help but feel that they're giving us the wrong V-Wing .

Or rather, I'd prefer the other one . Given the time period that the RPGs are set in, though, I suppose I understand.

Nope, they got the right one! ;)

Now they only have to actually let us to by the bloody book!

It won't be the Defender since that's in the core rulebook, but maybe we'll see the corrected stats for the Sentinel...

We'll most likely see the corrected stats in the second printing of the core rulebook, and in a PDF errata sheet for the rest of us.

[...] Or rather, I'd prefer the other one . Given the time period that the RPGs are set in, though, I suppose I understand.

Gimme them cluster seeker missiles.

Top Gear

A Rebel strike force is often in need of a good getaway vehicle, something capable of outrunning any Imperial pursuit. The sleek, precision-built AV21 landspeeder can carry two Rebels away from the scene of the crime faster than almost anything else on land. A favorite of racing aficionados and the wealthy elite, an AV21 would delight any speed-addicted Driver or Hotshot who could get his hands on one of these rare, expensive hot rods.

Now is it just me or did anyone else read that with Jeremy Clarkson's voice in their head?

It won't be the Defender since that's in the core rulebook, but maybe we'll see the corrected stats for the Sentinel...

We'll most likely see the corrected stats in the second printing of the core rulebook, and in a PDF errata sheet for the rest of us.

This is far more likely. I don't have the final list of ships that Jason worked on, but the timing of when we wrote the book was well before the release of the core Rulebook. I wouldn't expect corrections of existing ships in Stay on Target.