1. There are two spaces in the outer region that you role a 1d6 with different outcomes. Dont have the board in from of me but it something like 1 - fight monster, 2-3 get lost loose turn, 4-5 safe 6 get escorted out, gain a Craft/Strength. If there is a card on this space (Object) to pick up, must I encounter the space 1st, ie role. The way I played this is that I must encounter the space 1st (need to role), and I could only pick up the card if I won in the battle or was safe or escorted out. If I lost a turn, could pick up the object.
2. On the last space of the dungeon, when you beat the dark lord, since he's > 7 strength, do you gain a strength or craft? I didn't take it because he's not a card.