Planning to buy

By Giulio, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault


I started to play X-wing at the end of the past summer and now I'm planning to buy Imperial assault also, at first I was disappointed that miniatures were not painted and I really don't understand why they released unpainted miniatures.

however my questions are:

- is it for casual gamers too? I mean do you think it is easy playable from friends that will come my house during christmas or need a long preparation?

- is there a list of the miniatures included in the core set? I have read they are 34 but I have found the images only of a few.

thank you in advance


For the most part, I think the game will be casual friendly, at least as much so as X-wing if not easier. There are two gamemodes also. The campaign and the skirmish.

The most difficult thing to convey will likely be the LOS rules.

Minis in the core (from memory, so may not be 100% accurate)


6 heros



3 probe droid

2 nexu

2 e-web gunners

4 trandoshans

4 imperial guard

9 stormtroopers

3 officers

The 34 is everything but luke and vader, so it's really 36.

You actually get the tokens for all of the expansion units also. I'm not sure if you get skirmish cards for them, but you could certainly find skirmish cards for them online and use printed versions.

These include:



General Weiss (AT-ST)


3 rebel troops

2 rebel saboteurs

Royal Guard champion

It looks to me like it's something that you could run a mission or two of campaign mode for casual gamers, but I don't think the skirmish mode would work as well for people unfamiliar with it. The Imperial player can kind of teach as the game goes on in campaign.

As far as miniatures in the core game, you get the six heroes (Wookie, Jedi, Soldier, Commander, Smuggler, and Sniper), Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, one AT-ST, and (I believe) nine Stormtroopers, four each of Royal Guards and Trandoshan Hunters, and two each of Imperial Officers, Probe Droids, E-Web Engineers, and Nexus. That even comes out to 34, which, you're right, is the number they say comes in the core set. But I don't know if Luke and Vader are counted in that 34, so I might be off by two.

Edit: Ninja'ed by kmanweiss! And it looks like I was off by a Probe Droid and Imperial Officer, if he's right.

Edited by Leveton

thank you both, I didn't know there were doubles. I'll get it and try.

I mean do you think it is easy playable from friends that will come my house during christmas or need a long preparation?

Depends on what you're mainly interested in: campaign or skirmish.

It's best to read up on these two types of game modes in the rules and read articles posted on the main page.

Just keep in mind that a regular gaming group is ideal for the campaign because there are currently no "pickup" scenarios using the Rebel Heroes/Imperial Overlord type of gameplay. Story missions depend on player upgrades from perviously played missions for balance and narrative flow. Preparation will obviously take a little longer.

Of course the skirmish mode is there to leave out all of the intricacies that are involved in the campaign mode.

However, similar to X-wing, it may be best to prepare a few skirmish armies beforehand so newbies don't get overwhelmed with all the command cards, which can make the preparation process a nightmare!

Edited by Armandhammer

I have finished to read rules, my impressions are that in this game in campaign mode imperials are a sort of sparring partner and will never defeat rebel heroes. they have so many hit points that really doubt imperial player can win a match and then with new abilities and equipments to unlock they become more powerful.

About casual gamers from what I read probably will be more fun a skirmish mode, but I don't know.

I have finished to read rules, my impressions are that in this game in campaign mode imperials are a sort of sparring partner and will never defeat rebel heroes. they have so many hit points that really doubt imperial player can win a match and then with new abilities and equipments to unlock they become more powerful.

About casual gamers from what I read probably will be more fun a skirmish mode, but I don't know.

In the campaign missions, the Imperials do not have to completely destroy all the Rebels to win the match. They can just wound each one, and/or there are other objectives for the Imperials. If you look around for battle reports from those who already have the game, it sounds like the Imperials have no problem winning half the games in the Campaign.

Edited by felkor

I have finished to read rules, my impressions are that in this game in campaign mode imperials are a sort of sparring partner and will never defeat rebel heroes. they have so many hit points that really doubt imperial player can win a match and then with new abilities and equipments to unlock they become more powerful.

About casual gamers from what I read probably will be more fun a skirmish mode, but I don't know.

That's funny because Team Covenant got an advance copy and the Imperial player won the first two missions. The Imperial player gets a lot of upgrades/more threat (his resource) as the campaign progresses as well. I imagine this will not be as one-sided as you think.

I have finished to read rules, my impressions are that in this game in campaign mode imperials are a sort of sparring partner and will never defeat rebel heroes. they have so many hit points that really doubt imperial player can win a match and then with new abilities and equipments to unlock they become more powerful.

About casual gamers from what I read probably will be more fun a skirmish mode, but I don't know.

That's funny because Team Covenant got an advance copy and the Imperial player won the first two missions. The Imperial player gets a lot of upgrades/more threat (his resource) as the campaign progresses as well. I imagine this will not be as one-sided as you think.

Very True.

Let's not forget that the campaign is all about the final mission. Both Rebels and Imperials still gain rewards at the end of each mission. It's just that winning them gives you a little extra. Technically , there's no real winner or loser until the final mission.

The missions leading up to the finale are there for two purposes: 1) story 2) to gain upgrades/items to bring to that final mission.

I suggested a dedicated gaming group because swapping players in and out of the campaign missions will make for a less than satisfactory experience: new players who join late will miss out on the story leading up to that point and starting off with advanced upgrades/abilities won't be as fun as earning them for yourself.

That's why I wanted a clarification on "casually gaming over the Christmas break."

If we're talking about friends and/or relatives who will only be around for a night or two for Christmas festivities, than ya, Skirmish all the way.

But go for the campaign if you've got a solid week with the same bunch of guys (or girls?) :)

Edited by Armandhammer

Now is all more clear, I thought that missions were a sort of "last man stand". I bought it on ebay, hoe will arrive before christmas (from US to europe) but sincerely I doubt. For me is hard to understand how is possible that FFG don't think to the great Christmas sale for this product. None know when will be in the stores. Bad plan from them.

Now is all more clear, I thought that missions were a sort of "last man stand". I bought it on ebay, hoe will arrive before christmas (from US to europe) but sincerely I doubt. For me is hard to understand how is possible that FFG don't think to the great Christmas sale for this product. None know when will be in the stores. Bad plan from them.

It wasn't their plan. They wanted it in stores by Xmas which is why it moved from Q1 2015 to Q4 2914. However, the massive delays at the US west coast ports of all kinds of products right now is screwing everyone FFG included. It's really sh*tty that the unions pulled this now with the labour slow downs at this time of year.

Seems like a well timed rebellious strike on the unions part.

thanks for this image, very helpful to me. Is there any image of the complete content of the box?

Now is all more clear, I thought that missions were a sort of "last man stand". I bought it on ebay, hoe will arrive before christmas (from US to europe) but sincerely I doubt. For me is hard to understand how is possible that FFG don't think to the great Christmas sale for this product. None know when will be in the stores. Bad plan from them.

It wasn't their plan. They wanted it in stores by Xmas which is why it moved from Q1 2015 to Q4 2914. However, the massive delays at the US west coast ports of all kinds of products right now is screwing everyone FFG included. It's really sh*tty that the unions pulled this now with the labour slow downs at this time of year.

That's the whole point. It's logical for a trucker to value his own livelihood. Of course he doesn't think of gamers getting their toys for the holidays first. Management has a real reason to listen to labor around the holidays so that's when they take action.

Now is all more clear, I thought that missions were a sort of "last man stand". I bought it on ebay, hoe will arrive before christmas (from US to europe) but sincerely I doubt. For me is hard to understand how is possible that FFG don't think to the great Christmas sale for this product. None know when will be in the stores. Bad plan from them.

It wasn't their plan. They wanted it in stores by Xmas which is why it moved from Q1 2015 to Q4 2914. However, the massive delays at the US west coast ports of all kinds of products right now is screwing everyone FFG included. It's really sh*tty that the unions pulled this now with the labour slow downs at this time of year.

That's the whole point. It's logical for a trucker to value his own livelihood. Of course he doesn't think of gamers getting their toys for the holidays first. Management has a real reason to listen to labor around the holidays so that's when they take action.

I understand the logic. It makes complete sense from their perspective. Still sh*tty timing.

Trade Negotiations

Wasn't this the overreaching plot of Episode I ?

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun