YBtC Hall of Fame

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Welcome, all, to the Hall of Fame for the very unofficial competition series, You Build the Character (FFG Star Wars Edition) . Enshrined here are the builds that you, the fans of this amazing game, have deemed worthy of eternal glory.*

You may walk these hallowed halls for a sure sense of amazement, for inspiration on character builds of you own, or for the sheer geekery of it all. Whatever instigated your journey, we are glad you're here.

Please do not touch, or lick, the exhibits.

*Or, at the very least, you just "kinda liked them a lot."

Edited by awayputurwpn

YBtC November 2014, The Mighty Chewbacca


Winner: DanteRotterdam

Chewbacca as seen in A New Hope

Chewbacca in my build is a mechanic, who also went into the enforcer tree in order to add to his street smarts as well as the menacing qualities he brings to the table.
Talk the Talk as well as Loom seem to be natural choices for him.
The character here is based upon a mechanic that has been around the block a few times already (as Chewie seems to be when we first meet him) but is not an expert in any way, shape or form. He is well versed in what happens in the Outer Rim as well as the underworld.

While making this character I thought of some iconic Chewbaca moments from the movies but also wanted to incorporate some of the stuff we could easily forget:

  • It is Chewie that is Obi-Wan’s contact in Mos Eisly
  • Chewie has been used as a threatening presence in negotiations
  • Chewie is a mechanic but he is not a prodigy. He fails to repair the Falcon on two occasions without outside help
Br 3 • Agi 3 • Int 2 • Cun 2 • Wil 2 • Pre 2
Soak Value 3 • Wound Threshold 17 • Strain Threshold 9 • Defense 0

Obligation: Life debt to Han Solo
Skills: Brawl 2, Astrogation, Mechanics 2, Knowledge Outer Rim, Coordination, Piloting Space, Athletics, Ranged Light 2

Solid repairs 2, Gearhead, Toughened 2, Enduring, Grit, Street smarts, Talk the Talk, Loom

Abilities: Wookie Rage

Equipment: Bowcaster, Bandolier, Toolkit

Edited by awayputurwpn

YBtC December 2014, Luke Skywalker

Winner: DanteRotterdam

25388_3.jpg \

Luke Skywalker (Just after walking away from his training on Dagobah)

Luke thus far is an inexperienced force user on his way to becoming a Jedi who decided to drop out of his training to help his friends eventhough his mentor strongely objects to him doing so. As Luke started off as a somewhat experienced pilot (he started off ready and rearing to go to the academy) with an aptitude for bullseying womb-rats in his T-16, I started him off in the Ace Pilot specialization with a larger focus on Gunnery than on actual piloting, from the Age of Rebellion CRB with a cross Spec into Force Sensitive Emergent.
During his big moment in the fight against the Death Star he showed himself a more experienced fighter then ever and I decided that at this time in the movies he would have anywhere upward of 200exp gained (on top of his starting xp at chargen) ever since getting on board the Falcon with Han, Obiwan, Chewie and the droids.
I made him a strong character that is not particularly bright nor has an abundance of restrain but gets by because of his great skill. He doesn't have a particularly great presence either and is mostly a whiney farmboy that doesn't like the spotlight.
For his bonus skills as a human I gave him lightsaber (I know this might be cheating but it is the only way to build Luke properly) and Knowledge Education to account for him being raised out of adolescence in a loving family that definitely would have invested in his education.

Duty: Combat Victory

Motivation: Overthrow the Empire

Species - Human

Br 3 • Agi 4 • Int 2 • Cun 2 • Wil 2 • Pre 2

Soak : 3 • Defenses : None.

Wound Threshold : 15 • Strain Threshold : 12

Skills : Astrogation 1, Discipline 2, Mehanics 1, Perception 1, Piloting (Planetary) 1, Piloting (Space) 2, Gunnery 3,Lightsaber 2, Melee 1, Ranged Light 1

Talents: Full Throttle, Skilled Jockey 2, Dead to rights, Let's ride, Insight, Uncanny Senses, Toughened, Uncanny Reactions, Sense Danger

Abilities: Foresee basic power, Move basic power (Upgrades: Magnitude 2, Strength 1)

Equipment : Xwing, Flight Suit, Back Pack, Blaster Pistol, Light Saber

Editor's note: selected a different URL for a nearly identical image, since the one posted was hotlink protected.

Edited by awayputurwpn

YBtC #3, January 2014: Wedge Antilles


Winner: OggDude

Here's my entry .

This is young 21-year-old Wedge, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. He's a low-to-moderately experienced (255 XP total) Ace Pilot who hasn't bought into any other specializations, and isn't even on the bottom row of Pilot. I made him complete with motivations, obligations, and duty, as well as a short story about his past, all culled from various internet sources. I also included his X-wing for good measure. I figure he's had about 8 or 9 sessions of play, and could fit easily into any campaign without throwing off the balance.

YBtC #4, February 2015: R2-D2

Winner: DanteRotterdam


R2D2 mechanic/slicer extraordinaire

R2 is a mechanic (AoR) that has gone over into the field of slicing during his career.
He is a cunning little guy that seems to be the real hero behind many scenes and is a very personable droid while we are at it.

Some of the scenes I thought about when building him:

  • Artoo is brave. He holds his position while under fire, he keeps slicing into computer panels in the middle of fights and is able to hold of bigger enemies then himself. This is why I gave him a high Willpower.
  • He is cunning. What he lacks in strength he more than makes up for in Cunning. He pushes people of skiffs, he uses built-in jets to light his own oil to take out large enemies, he hides messages and light sabres. This is why I gave him a high Cunning and the Skullduggery skill.
  • He has a lip. He ticks off overseers, Jawas, etc. He has a larger presence than a droid of his stature and make should have (but still not more than 2.)
  • He is a good mechanic and has built-in tools to do a lot of repairs.
  • He is able to hack into most of the computers he tries to.
  • He tries hiding from larger droids (only to be given away by Obi-Wan on the comlink, hence the 1 stealth)
  • R2 is responsible for one of the coolest talents in the game; Bad Motivator
BR 1
AG 1
PR 2

Astrogation (3)
Computers (3)
Discipline (2)
Mechanics (2)
Pilot (Planet)
Pilot (Space) (2)

Fine Tuning (2)
Bad Motivator
Dedication (INT)

Defensive Slicer (2)
Natural Programmer
Improved Defensive Slicer
Skilled Slicer
Master Slicer

Tool kit (built-in), Slicing gear (built-in), Jet-pack (built-in), holoprojector (built-in)

Duty: Assistance (everything Artoo does in the movies is in service of his fellow rebels)

YBtC #5, March 2015: Scum & Villainy

Winner: DanteRotterdam

Ponda Baba & Dr. Evazan


Ponda Baba – Player character

Aqualish Quara

Hired Gun - Enforcer


Ponda Babba is a stereotypical Aqualish thug. He gets his way through intimidation tactics. He coerces, robs and steals and is a wanted ‘man’ due to his activities as a pirate (amongst others) in quite a few systems. He is dimwitted and quick to anger and finds enjoyment in drinking and fighting.

Real scum.

When it comes to talking however, Ponda takes a back seat to his companion Dr. Evazan who is (a bit) more outspoken than he is. However Ponda’s always right behind Evazan looming over his shoulders.

Brawn 4

Agility 3

Intellect 1

Cunning 2

Willpower 2

Presence 2

Soak 4

Wound Threshold 17

Strain Threshold 10

Can breath underwater



Brawl 2

Coercion 2

Knowledge Underworld

Ranged Light 2




Intimidating 2


Natular Enforcer

Street Smarts

Talk The Talk


Equipment: Blaster Pistol

Dr. Evazan – NPC (Rival)

Human – Mad Scientist Outlaw


Cornelius Evazan, alias Roofo, Doctor Death and The Doctor has the death sentence in 12 systems and likes to brag about it. Whether or not he has a medical degree is highly questionable but at one time he was considered a most promising surgeon and had it not been for his madness he might have made it far.

Now, as it stands, many of his maimed victims and relatives of those who even died on his operating table have put a price on his head. A run-in with bountyhunter Jodo Kast left Evazan horribly disfigured.

Ever since then he has formed a doomed partnership with Aqualish thug Ponda Baba.

Brawn 2

Agility 2

Intellect 4

Cunning 3

Willpower 2

Presence 1

Soak 2

Wound Threshold 12




Medicine 2

Knowledge Core Worlds

Knowledge Education


Rival (upgrade all checks made against Dr. Evazan once)

Surgeon 2

(Improved & Supreme) Stim Application


Medical Kit

YBtC #6, June 2015: Lando Calrissian

Winner: kaosoe

Lando Calrissian (By the end of Episode VI, as seen in the films and Star Wars Rebels)
Species : Human
Career : Smuggler
Specializations : Gambler, Charmer, Pilot
Total XP : 715
Brawn : 2 Agility : 3 Intellect : 3 Cunning : 3 Willpower : 2 Presence : 4
Wound Threshold : 12 Strain Threshold : 14 Soak 4 M/R Defense : 0/0
Trained Skills : Charm (Pr) 3, Cool (Pr) 3, Deception (Cun) 2, Leadership (Pr) 2, Negotiation (Pr) 2, Piloting - Space (Ag) 2, Skulduggery (Cun) 1, Knowledge (Core Worlds) (Int) 1, Knowledge (Outer Rim) (Int) 1, Knowledge (Underwold) (Int) 1, Knowledge (Warfare) (Int) 1
Duty : Personnel 10
Congenial (1 Rank) - May suffer a number of strain to downgrade difficulty of Charm or Negotiation checks or upgrade difficulty when targeted by Charm or Negotiation checks by an equal number. Strain suffered this way cannot exceed ranks in Congenial.
Convincing Demeanor (1 Rank) - Remove [sETBACK] per rank of Convincing Demeanor from deception/skulduggery checks per rank.
Dedication (Intellect and Presence)
Disarming Smile (2 Ranks) – Take the Disarming Smile action; succeed at an opposed Charm check to lower all defenses of a target by rank in Disarming Smile until the end of the encounter.
Double or Nothing – Suffer 2 strain to perform the Double or Nothing incidental to increase difficulty of next check by one. Then, after canceling opposed symbols, double the amount of remaining [ADVANTAGE].
Double or Nothing (Improved) – When performing the Double or Nothing incidental, after canceling opposed symbols, also double the amount of remaining [sUCCESS].
Double or Nothing (Supreme) – When performing the double or nothing incidental, also double the number of [TRIUMPH] and [DESPAIR].
Full Throttle - The character may push a ship or vehicle past its limits of speed. He may perform the Full Throttle action, attempting a Hard ([DIFFICULTY][DIFFICULTY][DIFFICULTY]) Piloting check. With success, the ship's top speed increases by one for a number of rounds equal to Cunning. The ship still cannot perform actions or maneuvers it could not perform normally.
Galaxy Mapper (2 Ranks) - Remove [sETBACK] per rank of Galaxy mapper from all Astrogation checks. In addition, Astrogation checks take 50% less time, non-stacking.
Grit (2 Ranks) - +1 Strain Threshold
Intense Presence - The character may spend one Destiny Point to recover strain equal to his Presence rating.
Just Kidding – Once per round as an incidental, spend 1 Destiny Point to ignore 1 [Despair] generated on a social check by the character or any ally within short range.
Kill With Kindness (1 Rank) - Remove [sETBACK] per rank of Kill with Kindness from all Charm and Leadership checks the character attempts.
Natural Charmer - Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Charm or Deception check.
Natural Negotiator - Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Cool or Negotiation check.
Natural Pilot - Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Piloting(Space) or Gunnery check.
Natural Rogue - Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Skullduggery or Stealth check.
Second Chances (2 Ranks) – Once per encounter, choose a number of positive dice equal to rank in Second chances and reroll them.
Skilled Jockey (2 Ranks) - The character removes [sETBACK] per rank of Skilled Jockey from all Piloting (Planetary and Space) checks the character attempts.
Smooth Talker (3 Ranks) [Charm] - When a character acquires this talent, he chooses one skill: Charm, Coercion, Negotiation, or Deception. When making checks with that skill, he may spend [TRIUMPH] to gain additional [sUCCESS] equal to his ranks in Smooth Talker.
Up the Ante (2 Ranks) – When gambling, win 10% more credits per rank of Up the Ante.
Equipment : Hold-out Blaster, Tailored Armored Jacket, Comlink, Marked Sabacc Deck, Bitchin’ Cape.

Designer Notes : Though I didn't base my Lando on non-canon sources, I drew from the novels in order to get inside Lando's head. In the novels, they always talk of him thinking like a gambler in every situation. Each challenge is a new hand of cards for him, and he must play them exactly right. Sometimes he has to go all in in order to overcome the obstacle, but that's what I like about Lando.

So I started with the gambler tree first. I didn't want to buy so much into the gambler tree since it is a very winding tree, but I really wanted to nab a few ranks of Smooth Talker and Double or Nothing (Supreme). Also, PC Lando was missing a frew bumps in certain characteristics that I felt he needed. So dedication wasn't a bad idea while I was in there.

The Charmer specialization is where he lives through Rebels and Episode V. He's throwing around his Disarming Smile at Leia and using Smooth Talker to leverage his 3 proficiency dice.

Finally, there was the pilot specialization. I didn't want to give him this spec at first, thinking that a good skill in Piloting (Space) would be enough to get him through the Battle of Endor, but the more I thought about it, the more I was sure that flying through the tunnels of the Death Star 2 would land him several setback dice (more likely treated as stellar phenomena, but setback dice are easier to manage). So he had to have been a Skilled Jockey in order to navigate the compact path to reach the core.

I really wanted to give him the Entrepreneur specialization. Lando is a lot of thing, he's a pilot, a leader, a gambler, and charmer, but he's also a business man. He owned and managed a pretty impressive gas mining colony. But, after reviewing the tree, there was nothing there that screamed Lando. So I decided to treat Cloud City as the plot hook and save him the XP.

YBtC #7, July 2015: The Inquisitor

Winner: kaosoe

The Inquisitor
Player : Jason Isaacs
Species : Pau’an
Career : Seeker
Specialization(s) : Ataru Striker
Obligation : Dutybound - 20 [used 10 extra to gain +10XP)

Brawn : 1
Agility : 3
Intellect : 2
Cunning : 3
Willpower : 3
Presence : 2

Wound Threshold : 11 Strain Threshold : 13 M/R Defense : 0/0
Soak : 3
Force Rating : 1

Trained Skills : Coercion (Will) 1, Cool (Pr) 1, Lightsaber (Ag) 2, Perception (Cun) 1, Piloting (Space) (Ag) 1, Stealth (Ag) 1, Vigilance (Will) 2

Ataru Technique - When making a check using the Lightsaber skill, the character may use Agility instead of Brawn.
Jump Up - Once per round on the cahracter's turn the character may stand up from prone or a seated position as an Incidental.
Parry x2 - When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry.
Quick Draw - Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accessible item as an incidental.
Reflect x2 - When hit by a ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in reflect.
Saber Swarm - Perform the Saber Swarm maneuver; suffer 1 strain and next Lightsaber (Agility) combat check this turn gains Linked quality equal to Force rating during check.
Saber Throw - Perform Saber Throw action; make Lightsaber combat check as ranged attack at target within medium range , adding [FORCE] no greater than Force Rating. Must spend [FP] and succeed to hit target; Spend [FP][FP] to have weapon return to hand

Force Powers
Move (Basic)
Enhance (Basic), Control : Coordination, Control: Piloting-Planetary, Control: Piloting Space, Control - Agility
Sense (Basic), Control: Upgrade Difficulty

Padded Armor (+2 soak)
Inquisitor’s Lightsaber – Inquisitor Lightsaber hilt (see below)
Inquisitor Lightsaber hilt: 3 Hardpoints, As a maneuver, the wielder may switch to 1 of 3 modes.

  • Mode 1 - single lightsaber: Lightsaber (Agility); Damage: 6, Crit 2; Breach 1, Sunder
  • Mode 2 - Double-bladed Lightsaber: Lightsaber (Agility); Damage: 6, Crit 2; Breach 1, Linked 1, Sunder, Unwieldy 3
  • Mode 3 - Double-bladed Rotation : Lightsaber (Agility); Damage: 6, Crit 2; Breach 1, Linked 2, Sunder, Unwieldy 4, Boost die to coercion when used scare or intimidate a foe.
Designer Notes
Since DanteRotterdam made an excellent version of the Inquisitor, I instead focused on a character a PC could play right away using Knight level play rules (He might have done the same, I didn't calculate his XP spent. If he did, he did an excellent job). He’s pretty light on skills and could use a few more ranks in coercion and Knowledge (Lore), but he does have everything he needs to be a fearsome adversary for any unwitting NPC Jedi he’s hunting down.

Depending on the foe he is facing in combat, he has one of 2 strategies. If facing a master Jedi, he commits his single Force Die to the defensive upgrade of Sense power to compensate for his poor soak and lack of defensive armor. If facing a padawan or youngling, he’ll overwhelm them by committing his Force die to the Agility upgrade of Enhance, and switch his lightsaber to rotation mode to dispense with them quickly. The double bladed mode will help him when he's low on strain and thus cannot utilize Saber Swarm.

For his force powers, he clearly has a master, so I gave him the 5xp discount to the base powers in order to squeeze as much into this build as I could.

Beyond Ataru, the inquisitor clearly needs to improve in the force. As it stands, he has 2 modes, full offensive (using the boost in agility to compensate for the unwieldiness of the rotating saber), or complete defensive. With another Force Rating, he could become far more lethal buy committing to both Sense and Enhance.

His next step would be to pick up the aggressor specialization. When facing Jedi of varying levels of skill, putting them off balance right away by using terrify and other fear-related talents will give him the upper hand. From that tree he could pick up his second Force Rating and really become a force to reckon with.

For Force powers, he’ll likely pick up the remaining left half of the Sense tree, and begin to pick up the more offensive parts of the Move tree. He’ll likely stop there, any more power in the Force and he’ll overstep his bounds and Vader will dispense with him.

For skills, another rank in Lightsaber, Cool, and Coercion wouldn’t hurt. As well as a few ranks in Knowledge (Lore) to help him better prepare himself when he finally faces his prey.

*Licks everyone... including Ponda and Dr. Evazan*

*Licks everyone... including Ponda and Dr. Evazan*


*Licks everyone... including Ponda and Dr. Evazan*


Don't you mean noooooooooooooooo.com ?

Don't you mean noooooooooooooooo.com ?

It just didn't feel like a "No Button" moment... <_<

Don't you mean noooooooooooooooo.com ?

It just didn't feel like a "No Button" moment... <_<

Every moment is a "No! Button" moment :D

Don't you mean noooooooooooooooo.com ?

It just didn't feel like a "No Button" moment... <_<

Every moment is a "No! Button" moment :D
