Sexy Rexy and Tie Fighters hit the simulators with Carnor Jax, Turr Phennir and Captain Kagi
Rexler Brath (FFG Tie Defender)
- Heavy Laser Cannon (HLC)
- Shield Upgrade
- Lone Wolf
Obsidian Squadron Tie Fighter
Obsidian Squadron Tie Fighter
Academy Tie Fighter
Academy Tie Fighter
Turr Phennir
- Royal Guard Title
- Veteran Instincts
- Hull Upgrade
- Shield Upgrade
Carnor Jax
- Royal Guard Title
- Veteran Instincts
- Hull Upgrade
- Shield Upgrade
Captain Kagi
- Sensor Jammer
- Intelligence Agent
Note: this list is brutal against rebels. Some rebel ships have only Focus and Target Lock on their action bars. Captain Kagi makes it that you have to always target him if possible and Jax can completely invalidate a ship's focus. Against imperial ships though this list is not that powerful.
Deployment: Jax is the red interceptor.
Turn 1:
Sexy Rexy moves away from the action as he doesn't want to fight the entire opponent team all by himself using a 1 bank left and a backwards barrel roll. Kagi, Turr and Jax, at lvl 8, 9 and 10 move confidently forward.
Turn 2 Movement:
The Tie Fighters turn into the fight. Rexler makes a hard 3 turn (the only white one, oh FFG Tie Defender, why no agility) and at the last second performs a backwards barrel roll realizing that otherwise he would most likely be at the focus point of all 3 opponent ships. The barrel roll takes Rexy just a hair outside of Captain Kagi's firing range. Ooooh! I dodged 3 attack dies there!
Turn 2, Shooting:
Jax misses the Tie Defender at Range 3, but Turr Phennir manages to take 1 shield off, R3 and asteroid and lone wolf and all! In return, however, Rexy tears apart Jax, removing his one shield and scoring a double damage critical hit (the re-roll of a heavy laser cannon stays as is. All criticals are modified immediately after the first die roll but not in subsequent re-rolls such as Target Lock, Lone Wolf, Predator...)
Turn 3, Movement:
The mini Tie Swarm moves a leisurely 2 forward and focuses. Sexy Rexy likes to have all of the attention on him, but not this much. I want to force the interceptors to go play with the Tie Fighters for a while so Rexy does a bank 3 and a barrel roll in a position where it would be very hard for both interceptors to engage him at once. The shuttle unfortunately bumps Jax, otherwise it would have moved quite a bit away from the Tie Defender.
Turn 3, Shooting:
Rexy fires point blank at the shuttle, but without a focus token the sensor jammer eats one of the hits away and Kagi evades the other. In return the big white strips one more shield off of Rexy. On the other front, the Tie Fighters demolish Jax!!! O.O
Turn 4:
The rather satisfied with themselves Tie Fighters move forward 2 again. Rexy just doesn't have enough space to execute a K-Turn behind the shuttle so instead does a hard 3 left and barrel rolls away from the action. The shuttle turns into the Tie Swarm and Turr K-Turns behind the T/F group. Between sensor jammer and stressed ships neither side does any significant damage.
continued below...