Campaign gold and encounter leader

By DaveHorn, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Are encounter leaders 100 gold period. Or 100 per hero?

Same with chests, we've been assuming they are 100g/hero like in vanilla, but wanted to make sure. Thank all.

100 total. Same for chests.

hi just a quick one

i belive encounter leaders you use the loot table on page 15 of the RtL,so it could be between 100-150 gold

and chests you use the loot table on page 17 of the RtL book.


wblackthorn said:

hi just a quick one

i belive encounter leaders you use the loot table on page 15 of the RtL,so it could be between 100-150 gold

and chests you use the loot table on page 17 of the RtL book.


Incorrect. Encounter leaders are 100 gold(total) and 2 conquest. The loot table is used if you win the encounter, which still involves killing the rest of the monsters after you kill the leader. Killing the leader only means no more reinforcing.

As a general rule in RtL, gold piles are 400, and no gold values are multiplied.

Badend said:

Incorrect. Encounter leaders are 100 gold(total) and 2 conquest. The loot table is used if you win the encounter, which still involves killing the rest of the monsters after you kill the leader. Killing the leader only means no more reinforcing.

As a general rule in RtL, gold piles are 400, and no gold values are multiplied.

Thank you that is exactly how we've been playing, but wanted to double check. Thanks all.