Hi all I was wondering if anyone knows when the tome of blood reprint is due if ever, I have searched and searched and I still cant find any info on it and any news would be greatly appreciated.
Edited by moredakkadakkaTome of blood reprint?
You can always buy the pdf version.
It has some pretty nasty, facepalmworthy errors in it and beyond legacy weapons, there's not much in there to write home about (and even those suffer from dud trait lines, due to how the combat system works). WHFRP2's Tome of Corruption is a decidedly better Khorne book.
Thanks for answering I was planning on getting for a gift or I would just buy a pdf. The only reason I would really care to have it is for the mass combat rules,legacy weapons, and the arch types. The player that I was planning to get it for is a HUGE fan of Khorne and my black crusade group literally has every single supplemant and adventure execpt tome of blood and it would be nice to have the complete set. I also have one more question, when fantasy flight reprints a book do they fix any of the face palmy errors or do they just reprint it the errors.
well i guess ill just have to get the pdf then