Skirmish Mode Question

By flipperlord, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

So here is a passage from the Skirmish rule book:

Name Restriction:

Each army is limited to a number of

Deployment cards with the same name as follows:

-Maximum of 1 of each unique Deployment card.

These cards are identified by a bullet before the name

(for example,“•Darth Vader”).

-Maximum of 2 of each elite (red) Deployment card.

-Maximum of 4 of each regular (gray) Deployment card.

So here is my question. Say I have 4 regular dudes (let's say Stormtroopers) in my squad. Can I also have 2 elite Stormtroopers in that squad (assuming their combined cost comes under 40)? So can I felt a squad of 4 grey Stormtroopers and 2 red stormtroopers?

4 x 6 = 24 points for the four squads of Stormtroopers

2 x 9 = 18 points for the two squads of Elite Stormtroopers

24 + 18 = 42 points is 2 points over limit

Other than that, I do want more Stormtroopers. I want my "Endless Ranks" of white armor.

That is not an answer to my question. I am ignoring the cost. I want to know how many of a unit (let us say it costs one) I can run. Can I run 4x of a gray unit and 2x red of that same unit?

Edited by flipperlord

yes But because of costs it will be 42 which is not legal.

The best you can do is

x3 Stormtrooper(9)

x2 Elite stormtroopers(6)

x1 2 cost stormtrooper single

x1 officer

But for balance reasons your going to want to add in a beat and some officers.

You cant buy just 1 trooper for skirmish

You cant buy just 1 trooper for skirmish

where does it say that? all I see are the costs

Edit nevermind I see its rein for imps for the campaign but whats the point of Rebels having that?

This just means Probes and Officers are stronger than I thought because of cost.

Edited by Jonnyb815

You cant buy just 1 trooper for skirmish

where does it say that? all I see are the costs

"The total Deployment cost of his cards must be 40 or fewer deployment points (shown on the upperleft
corner of the card)." (Page 6, Skirmish Guide)
"The reinforcement cost of a figure is listed on its Deployment card directly to the right of its deployment cost. " (Page 22, Rules Guide)
So the skirmish guide made it clear to use deployment points.
And the Rules Guide just clarifies that reinforcement points are separate from deployment points.
Edited by Armandhammer

You cant buy just 1 trooper for skirmish

...but whats the point of Rebels having that?

Hmm. That's a good question. One can clearly see a reinforcement cost on the Rebel troopers card.

I mean, it specifically mentions that: "During the Status Phase of a campaign, the Imperial player is able

to place figures that were previously defeated back on the map" which means that reinforcement is a campaign + Imperial thing.
And nothing under the Allies section mentions reinforcement (I mean, how could you, you need to spend threat to reinforce groups).
My two best guesses:
1) Maybe there is a command card we haven't see yet that will incorporate the reinforcement cost somehow
2) FFG is clearly hinting that there will be an expansion where the roles are reversed: Imperial heroes taking on the Rebel Overlord.
Edited by Armandhammer

Or they are just keep there oprions open.

Maybe bounty hunters vs a rebel overlord. Or some rebels rebelling against the rebellion. :)

A campaign mode with the Rebel player as the overlord just doesn't make much sense to me. But a few standalone missions where the Rebels can bring in reinforcements could be cool.

So here is my question. Say I have 4 regular dudes (let's say Stormtroopers) in my squad. Can I also have 2 elite Stormtroopers in that squad (assuming their combined cost comes under 40)? So can I felt a squad of 4 grey Stormtroopers and 2 red stormtroopers?

I would say yes, you can field 2 elite (Red Cards) and 4 regular (Grey Cards) of Deployment Cards. In my mind the Elites are a different character/group all together from the regular troops. If you had two Core sets you'd be able to field 6 Probe Droids. Granted the Elites aren't more than 14 points a piece.

So here is my question. Say I have 4 regular dudes (let's say Stormtroopers) in my squad. Can I also have 2 elite Stormtroopers in that squad (assuming their combined cost comes under 40)? So can I felt a squad of 4 grey Stormtroopers and 2 red stormtroopers?

I would say yes, you can field 2 elite (Red Cards) and 4 regular (Grey Cards) of Deployment Cards. In my mind the Elites are a different character/group all together from the regular troops. If you had two Core sets you'd be able to field 6 Probe Droids. Granted the Elites aren't more than 14 points a piece.

Finally, a complete answer to my actual question. Thank you! :)

You're welcome. Before I purchased 2 core sets I scoured the rule book for Army Building rules because I like having lots of only one troop type. PLUS my wife only plays X-Wing if she can be the Empire (Which I don't exactly have enough ships for us to both be the Empire), we equally want to play the Empire in this game so two core sets solves that problem. I hope my army of Probe Droids can beat her army or Royal Guards.