Do FFG have any Plans for Expansion Packs for Content included in the Core Set

By starman, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Storm troopers etc. for use with the Skirmish game

Nothing that we know of yet.

I don't know if they will or not. Descent (which is IA's father) never had anything like that; it only had the boxed expansions and the Lieutenant Packs. However, Descent never had a skirmish game mode.

Yeah, I desperately want many more Stormtroopers! Where are my "Endless Ranks" of white armor?

The base game already comes with 3 squads of Stormtroopers, 3 probe droids, and at leat 2 Officers and EWeb. I know 7 is the most you can use of any one figure set, but I think practically large swarms like that won't be quite as useful. That and point limitations. 4x Storm troopers and 2x Elite Stormtroopers is already 40 points.

If we compare what a pack of Stormtroopers would cost (Probably the same as RebelTroopers) and add in a second set of dice. You're looking at a comparison of $57 ($38 online) versus $99 ($69) to buy the core set just to max out one type of figures. Of course the only down side is if they do release packs then they'll probably have unique cards. But on the positive side both XWing and Armada had that scenario and the individual packs were announced before the base game was released.

I just don't think you can apply the X-wing and Armada models to this game. So far, the have stayed similar to Descent, in terms of releases. The main question that is going to be is whether or not they will release character packs that don't have a corresponding appearance in a campaign/smaller box expansion. I don't think that is going to happen.

From the building I have done x3 of any group is about what you need for play. For the skirmish you need balance and for the campaign you can just buy swm troopers etc on eBay.

Campaign rules state that you are limited to what's in the box or one copy of a Alay/villian pack.

Campaign rules state that you are limited to what's in the box or one copy of a Alay/villian pack.

Really your playing with friends.......ok rule guy

Campaign rules state that you are limited to what's in the box or one copy of a Alay/villian pack.

Really your playing with friends.......ok rule guy

Envision a world where that rule might exist for a reason. While I agree that this isn't a tournament kind of game and we're all going to be playing with pals, that rule might have been written for a good reason. I'll admit that I haven't read the book very closely, but typically those things aren't written without some kind of logic behind it.

Typically, the logic is simply that the company wants to make more sales. They're in this to make a profit, after all.

I think FFG is well aware that the WotC minis are easily and inexpensively available, and they know that if they allow proxies (even proxies that are to scale and that work perfectly on the game's 1-inch-grid), they'll lose sales. And so they require that you--at least for tournaments or official events--need to use actual FFG pieces.

And as it comes to the campaign, maybe it has something to do with the fact that FFG only playtested with quantities that came in the box, and not with squads of 6 Nexus or 14 Trandoshan Hunters. So it's possible that's part of the logic behind the rule for the campaign mode.

Very well could be, and if your local playgroup decides that deployment rules are for chumps, let them. I don't want to tell people how to spend their free time.

I'm sure FFG is well aware someone can just nab some WotC minis and do as they please. However, outside of any official events (and I'm not sure about how many of those they could have, except for special campaigns, like what they do with Descent,) they really can't control what their players do with these games. It's just like how some folks make homebrew ships for Xwing, print them out on Shapeways or whatever, and play with them.

I don't know. We'll all figure this out in the coming months! :)