The Tempest - Homebrew Advanced Classes for Stormtroopers, Commissars and Psykers

By SgtLazarus, in Only War House Rules

So as a slight foreword, these classes are intended as a stopgap measure until we get something better from FFG.

Following the general model of each support specialism receiving ~3 Advanced specialisms, I and my group have tried to continue this trend.

So without further ado, let's get to work;

Psykers returning to the Sanctioned Psyker specialism does not re-acquire the free Psychic Powers experience that they gained at Character Creation.

Proposed Commissar Specialisms;

Tempestus Commissar - Spec Ops

Lord Commissar - Command

Exemplar - Combat

Proposed Sanctioned Psyker Specialisms;

Primaris Psyker - Psychic Offence

Battlemind - Melee

Sage - Lore, Psychic Defence

Proposed Stormtrooper Specialisms;

Tempestor - Command

Saboteur - Skills

Assault - CQB

Edited by SgtLazarus

Tempestus Commissar

Prerequisite - Commissar

New Aptitudes - Fellowship, Leadership, Agility, Finesse, Fieldcraft, Weapon Skill, Perception, Knowledge

New Talents - Quickdraw & Takedown OR Rapid Reaction

Specialist Equipment - Best Craftmanship Warknife OR Good Craftmanship Chainsword OR Common Craftmanship Power Weapon, Good Craftsmanship Hotshot Laspistol OR Good Craftmanship Emperor's Will Laspistol OR Common Craftmanship Bolt Pistol OR Common Craftmanship Plasma Pistol, Ryze Pattern Stormtrooper Carapace Armour, Hat of Office, Coat of Office.

Advances - Dirty Fighter, Tactician

Double Time (300xp), Sweeping Order - The Tempestus Commissar drives his charges on toward the objective. For one round, or five minutes of narrative time, the squad gains Unnatural Agility (3). This effort tires the soldiers however, imposing a -10 penalty to tests for the turn after, or a level of fatigue if used to hustle during narrative time.

Tactician (300xp) - Prior to initiating a surprise round in Combat, the Commissar may make a Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) test, and add the degrees of success as a bonus to damage for all allies for the duration of the Surprise Round.

Edited by SgtLazarus

Lord Commissar

Prerequisite - Commissar

New Aptitudes - Fellowship, Leadership, Social, Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Fieldcraft

New Talents - Heroic Inspiration & Radiant Presence OR Munitorum Influence

Specialist Equipment - Hat of Office, Coat of Office, Best Craftsmanship Carapace Breastplate, Best Craftsmanship Chain Weapon OR Common Craftmanship Power Weapon, Common craftsmanship Bolt Pistol or Common Craftsmanship Plasma Pistol OR Good quality Hotshot Laspistol

Advances - Aura of Discipline, Inspire Terror

Aura of Discipline (500xp), Passive - Allies within 30m may use the Lord Commissar's Fellowship score for the purpose of fear and pinning tests, if it is better than their Willpower.

Inspire Terror (400xp), Passive - The Lord Commissar acquires Fear (1) for both allies and enemies. If the Lord Commissar already possesses galvanizing presence, he counts as Fear (1) to enemies and fear (3) for allies.

Edited by SgtLazarus


Prerequisite - Commissar

New Aptitudes - Weapon Skill, Toughness, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Fellowship, Offence, Defence

New Talents - Sure Strike & Deadeye Shot OR Combat Master

Specialist Equipment - Best Craftmanship Light Carapace Armour, Good Craftmanship Power Weapon OR Best Craftmanship Chain Weapon, Good Craftmanship Bolt Pistol OR Good craftsmanship Plasma Pistol OR Best Craftmanship Hotshot Laspistol, Hat of Office, Coat of Office

Advances - Dread, Challenge

Dread (500xp), Reaction - Any enemies within 10m of the Exemplar find his presence highly intimidating and it distracts them from their target. Should the Exemplar successfully perform an Intimidate test, they suffer a -10 penalty to weapon skill tests unless directly engaging the Exemplar. This is a fear-based effect, and can be negated by a successful Terrify test. Dread is automatically triggered on the Exemplar's first turn during a given combat.

Challenge (400xp) - During a combat, the Exemplar may issue a challenge to an individual enemy, who must be of Elite or Master level. If he makes a successful Command test - opposed by the enemy's Willpower - the enemy is forced to engage him in a duel. The enemy may only target the Exemplar and so long as the duel continues, all allies who are aware of the spectacle gain a +10 bonus to all combat-related tests. Interfering with this duel immediately cancels the effects of Challenge.

Some enemies may not accept a challenge, such as a Tau Shas'o, or a Tyranid. In such cases, discretion ultimately rests with the GM.

Edited by SgtLazarus

Primaris Psyker

Prerequisite - Psyker Trait

New Aptitudes - Willpower, Psyker, Offence, Intelligence, Ballistic Skill, Finesse, Perception

New Talents - Favoured By The Warp OR Jaded & Resistance (Fear)

Specialist Equipment - Psychic Hood, Focus Staff

Advances - Improve Psy Rating (As Sanctioned Psyker), Magnitude

Magnitude (500xp) - The Primaris Psyker gains the ability to push above and beyond his limitations, though with this come increased risks. He may now push as far as 5 instead of 3. When pushing his Psy Rating by 4 or more, the Primaris Psyker doubles the amount added to his phenomena rolls.

Talented Manifested (500xp), Passive - The Primaris Psyker can more reliably manifest, reducing the chance of autofailure of a manifestation from 90+ to 96+.

Edited by SgtLazarus


Prerequisite - Psyker Trait

New Aptitudes - Willpower, Psyker, Weapon Skill, Strength, Offence, Toughness, Defence

New Talents - Combat Sense & Meditation OR Strong-Minded

Specialist Equipment - Force Weapon

Advances - Improve Psy Rating (As Sanctioned Psyker), Combat Seer

Combat Seer - May use Willpower as the test characteristic for the purpose of Dodge or Parry tests. (250XP)

Psywave (400xp) Full action - Such is the anger and hatred built up in the Battlemind that he has learned to charge this into a psychic shockwave. All characters - PC or NPC - within metres equal to the Battlemind's Psy Rating are blasted away, and suffer 1d10 + Psy rating impact damage, ignoring armour. This ability can be influenced by fettering or pushing like a normal Psychic Power, and requires a psychic focus test.

Edited by SgtLazarus


Prerequisite - Psyker Trait

New Aptitudes - Willpower, Psyker, Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Fellowship, Social

New Talents - Warp Sense & Foresight OR Infused Knowledge

Specialist Equipment - Psychic Hood, Focus Staff

Advances - Improve Psy Rating (As Sanctioned Psyker), Psyshield

Psyshield (400xp) - On the battlefield, a Psyker is protected by his peers from physical hazards, and in kind returns the favour againast Psychic Hazards. As a reaction, the Psyker can intercept a psychic power intended for one of his allies, making the appropriate checks to resist it, and being affected as though he was the initial target.

Absolute Focus (500xp), Passive - The Sage may sustain multiple powers without suffering a reduction of his Psy Rating due to his mastery of concentration.

Edited by SgtLazarus


Prerequisite - Stormtrooper

New Aptitudes - Fellowship, Leadership, Agility, Weapon Skill, Finesse, Fieldcraft, Toughness

New Talents - Combat Formation & Resistance (Fear) OR Unshakeable Faith

Specialist Equipment - Ryze Pattern Stormtrooper Carapace Armour, Good craftsmanship Chain Weapon OR Common Craftmanship Power Weapon, Good Quality Hotshot Laspistol OR Common Quality Bolt Pistol OR Common Quality Plasma Pistol

Advances - Directed Firestorm, Precision Doctrine, Rookie

Directed Firestorm (400xp), Sweeping Order - The Tempestor passes on his Stormtrooper training to less experienced squadmates, leading them to unleash a barrage of fire on the designated targets. Any player character whom has their comrade in cohesion when this order is issued may choose to attack twice in a single turn, in lieu of taking any other actions. This Order may only be issued once per combat encounter.

Precision Doctrine (500xp), Sweeping Order - The Tempestor instructs his charges to pick their targets, aiming for vital areas and scaring the opposition into cover. When issuing this order, players with comrades in cohesion gain the Accurate quality on weapons fired in Single Shot mode, and targeted enemies must make a -20 Pinning test. Such is the concentration required in this order that the Tempestor may not take any other actions during the turn he issues it, as his focus is on directing the men.

Rookie (400xp) - The Tempestor gains a Rookie Stormtrooper to mentor. The Rookie functions as a normal comrade for all intents and purposes. This advance may only be taken once.

Edited by SgtLazarus


Prerequisite - Stormtrooper

New Aptitudes - Agility, Finesse, Fieldcraft, Intelligence, Tech, Ballistic Skill, Toughness

New Talents - Technical Knock & Modify Payload OR Stealth Sniper

Specialist Equipment - Ryze Pattern Stormtrooper Carapace Armour, Good Craftsmanship Hotshot Lasgun OR Hephaestus-Pattern Stalker Bolter OR Longlas, 2 Melta Bombs, 5kg Demolition Charges

Advances - Elimination Protocol, Destructive Expertise

Elimination Protocol (500xp) - A Saboteur may, when attacking an unaware target, choose to apply the Elimination Protocol. On a successful hit, the Saboteur rolls an additional Weapon or Ballistic Skill test as appropriate, and applies Concussive (X-1) to their attack, where X is the Degrees of Success, to a minimum of 1. This ability does not function if the second test fails.

Destructive Expertise (400xp) - The Saboteur increases their penetration when using explosives planted using the Demolitions special use of the Tech-Use skill by a value of double their intelligence bonus. I.e. A Saboteur with 43 Intelligence increases their penetration with such explosives by 8.

Edited by SgtLazarus


Prerequisite - Stormtrooper

New Aptitudes - Toughness, Defence, Agility, Finesse, Offence, Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill

New Talents - Weapon Training (Any One) & Nerves of Steel OR True Grit

Specialist Equipment - Ryze Pattern Stormtrooper Carapace Armour, Good Quality Suppression Shield, Power Maul, Best Craftmanship Combat Shotgun OR Common Craftsmanship Boltgun OR Common Craftmanship Meltagun OR Good Craftmanship Hotshot Lasgun

Advances - Executioner, CQB Specialist

Executioner (500xp) - After performing a successful Takedown, the Assault may perform a free point-blank shot or melee attack with any one weapon with which they may be equipped. This ability cannot be used in cohesion with Swift Attack, Lightning Attack, Called Shot or two weapon fighting.

CQB Specialist (500xp) - When an enemy closes to point-blank range with the Assault trooper, the Assault may make a free reaction attack - bypassing the normal rule concerning multiple attacks per round - with any one firearm which he has in hand at the time.

Edited by SgtLazarus

Ryza Pattern Stormtrooper Carapace Armour is the armour worn by the Tempestus Scions, more commonly known as "Stormtroopers", as standard.

The armour retains the 6 ALL armour rating of regular Stormtrooper armour as detailed within the official Only War Core Rulebook.

The armour contains a number of features, as listed in Codex Militarum Tempestus.

Mounted on the left wrist is a Dextera Configuration Slate Monitron, a device which allows a Scion to monitor his lifesigns, or those of his subordinates in the case of a Tempestor.

The Omnishield Helm features an integrated Respmask Array and Occulum. When sealed and actively engaged, the Respmask allows the Stormtrooper to operate in airless environments for a limited time, whilst the Occulum compensates for low-lighting and occluded conditions.

The Monoscope doubles as both a focused light beam and Vid Relay, used to feedback visual information to the Stormtrooper's superiors. It is common practice for a Stormtrooper who obscures the view of his monoscope deliberately to be subjected to intensive electro whipping.

Hephaestus-Pattern Stalker Bolter

Class; Basic. Range; 200m. RoF; S/-/-. Damage; 1d10 + 6. Pen 5. Clip 18. Reload; Full. Tearing, Accurate. 10kg. Extremely Rare.

This is pretty cool. I will probably be using this in my game. Have you thought of any stats for the hot-shot volley gun?

The honest answer is no, but you are in quite good luck my good man.

Hotshot Volleygun; Class; Basic, Range; 90m. RoF; S/3/6, Damage; 1d10 + 5; Pen 7; Clip 60; Reload 2 Full; 15kg; Very Rare.

Based on the statblock in Codex Militarum Tempestus.

Great work! Will most likely start using this as well! :)

I really like that thread Necro. It is good work though.