The Xiphos: Fully lit and painted VT-49 Decimator

By TonyRockyHorror, in X-Wing

You did a fantastic job with everything here. I love the paintjob, that is ESPECIALLY gorgeous.

However I do wish to say this. I honestly think a deep blue would have been even more flattering.

Yeah that nice ass Imperial Slat-blue (Deep-gray) would be cool too.


The first thing I thought of was a bad boy Sith ship when I saw this.


If I was the designer of the model I'd offer money to take it off your hands and proudly display it.

What if you put an orange light at the bottom windows? Would be a little less Rudolphy?

get one of these on ebay...i bet you could sell one for @ 150.00

Very nice! I'm always impressed with people that light up their models like this. I have the knowledge, tools and experience to do it myself but I never do so. I can spend weeks scratchbuilding and painting models but I never go for this kind of work. What's wrong with me? :)

While I believe that the paintjob is perhaps not technically the most impressive (needs some highlighting), its aesthetically pleasing and very fitting! The black/dark grey together with the gold makes the ship look menacing, and that's before you turn on the lights. With the red it turns from menacing to downright evil! Thumbs up mate! :D

Because we have OCD... a little bit at least. I do not want a few of my large and/or huge ships lit up, while all of the rest of the fleet are not lit up.


That thing is, well, it should come with this EPT for free:


You did a fantastic job with everything here. I love the paintjob, that is ESPECIALLY gorgeous.

However I do wish to say this. I honestly think a deep blue would have been even more flattering.

Yeah that nice ass Imperial Slat-blue (Deep-gray) would be cool too.


The first thing I thought of was a bad boy Sith ship when I saw this.


Vallejo Blue Grey is perfect for that shade of "Interceptor" blue.. I did an Advanced in it and it looks awesome.

Also, to take away that 'Rudolf' look maybe a darker filter on the 'glass' to bring it down.

I must say I'm impressed you cut all those parts out to do this. It's an ambitious modification that paid off in spades.

You did a fantastic job with everything here. I love the paintjob, that is ESPECIALLY gorgeous.

However I do wish to say this. I honestly think a deep blue would have been even more flattering.

Yeah that nice ass Imperial Slat-blue (Deep-gray) would be cool too.


The first thing I thought of was a bad boy Sith ship when I saw this.


Vallejo Blue Grey is perfect for that shade of "Interceptor" blue.. I did an Advanced in it and it looks awesome.

Also, to take away that 'Rudolf' look maybe a darker filter on the 'glass' to bring it down.

I must say I'm impressed you cut all those parts out to do this. It's an ambitious modification that paid off in spades.

Zat it?


das it Joe..

das it Joe..

In MM cart now... get paid in tree daze!!!


That is incredible.

Repaints I can do, wiring is wizardry beyond my ken.

Well done sir!

Excellent job, I really love the led detail in the cockpit, good idea and better executing, and thanks for the pictures, greettings.

It looks evil.

Scared now.

cool now you just need progressive LEDs in the cockpit to make the lights move back an forth like a Cylon!!! oh wait wrong movie... SERIOUSLY that is one cool looking ship... I also think one done in all black for that sith ship look would be really cool as well.. also just wondering the cockpit is normally just painted plastic? so you had to cut each individual section out?? WOW

Edited by Swedge

Step one: Buy a Decimator
Step two: crack open
Step three: buy a new Decimator because I got in a hurry and now have 3D debris for X-Wing

Step four: commission someone with steadier hands than mine to light my ships


Just Kidding, nice work here, this would be something I would keep in my display case.

Very awesome

Kinda looks like a Cylon Heavy raider

That looks awesome!

Would love a video how to guide for the lights, I want to try this but scared lol

Very cool.

Would you mind explaining how you took your Deci apart without damaging it? I don't want to ruin my model, but I also need to light mine. :D

Nice work on that VT-49! I echo the other poster about the front window, but I admire all the work the OP did on the dome.

PoweredPlay just had a Kickstarter for small light board+lights thare are supposed to fit under a GW-standard 40mm base. I'm anxious to try them in the Outrider and Decimater, and maybe a Firespray if they'll fit. I still haven't found a tea light switch to jam in there with the coin cell holder and other gubbins.

Seriously badass.

I mean like Samuel Jackson kind of badass.

samuel jackson hates cops.....he is not badass...

samuel jackson hates cops.....he is not badass...

Uh.... okay?

samuel jackson hates cops.....he is not badass...

Uh.... okay?

It's true, he should've kicked Palpatine's ass, but instead he just got his hand cut off, and then tossed out the window like a *****.

Now Grand Moff Tarkin, HE'S a badass. Did you see that latest Rebels ep? Also, Peter Cushing was a gamer, so he's got mad gamer cred.