Is Doom like the videogame?

By Elric4, in Doom

Hello, I love the videogame, and I have been reading the information of this board game. I want to know if a player of the board game can say me if they are similar or no and the atmosphere is really well-founded.

Excuse my english because I am learning it and I can commit many errors typing.

Thank you. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Ask here: gui%C3%B1o.gif

Kinda depends on which of the videogames you mean. If you mean Doom 3, then no, because unless you play the boardgame in a pitch-black room with the lights turned off, you can actually see what your doing lengua.gif .

It guess it depends what you got out of the computer game.

The board-game takes the game in more of a survival horror direction, like the third installment. For the Marine player(s), resources are highly valued - ammo and health are always low, monsters and traps are high. The combat system is certainly fast, with to-hit rolls, damage and ammo checks all being handled by one roll of the dice. It's fast, it's tense, and there is a genuine feeling of struggling for survival.

I have played this game with several people who were massive fans of the game (ie. geeks with access to a PC in the mid-nineties), and none have ever expressed a lack of satisfaction.

I say yes to it being simaler. I love the fact that monsters come out at every corner, the shock i get when i realize i ran out of ammo (yeah, theirs ammo in this game, a really cool feature) and that "oh ****!" feeling i get whenever i see that hell knight or cyberdemon(!!!!). the monsters are simaler to, imps are weak but range, hell knights are tanks, and trites are annoying. they also have the beloved weapons, like shotguns, sub machine guns, and the almighty BFG! So, yeah i think you'll love this game.

I would agree with previous posters that it is similar in scope and feel. I think the one thing I really like a bit more over the video game is the actual tactile approach to the game. I think there is more of a connection to the game as opposed to the video game where sometimes you would just shut the brain off and coast. The boardgame makes you think more it has more strategy but still holds what has made the DOOM franchise so enchanting and horrific at the same time. If you loved the videogame and are a fan of boardgaming then the DOOM board game is the way to go for sure.

There's a very similar atmosphere indeed, the dark horror and the fast-paced frenzy of battles and the "monsters are everywhere and I'm all out of ammo" feeling. The main difference is that while the videogame emphasizes twitch reflexes and scares you regularly with unexpected events (so much that eventually you become entirely paranoid and expect unexpected stuff everywhere, and still it surprises you), the board game has more of a focus on small-team tactics; the marines really have to work together in order to survive.

My experience with the board game is everything but huge, I just got it a mere 2 days ago, but I already love it :)

Dam said:

Kinda depends on which of the videogames you mean. If you mean Doom 3, then no, because unless you play the boardgame in a pitch-black room with the lights turned off, you can actually see what your doing lengua.gif .

that made me lol. I used to play Doom with my father when I was little before he turned ill. I may have to get him this so he has something to do at the hosptial.

Junito said:

What is the objective of DOOM?...

Kill the demons, survive, don't linger, play together as a team, and find the exit.

It depends on the scenario really though, since every scenario has a different goal. By and large however, it's "find the red door, have a key, and kill the big monster in front of it", but the scenarios include secret vaults, surprising monsters and layouts, teleports to and fro, surviving scientists that help you (or not), and an Evil Overlord player (invader player) that gets to screw the poor marines with all his might.

I was thinking about how similar or not the Doom Boardgame is to the Doom 3 Videogame (and actually started to play the video game again now, after finding back to my old love like that), and I think that the fact that it's advertised to be a translation of the video game to board gaming might actually have hurt sales. As what the video game is about is really better done in video game form - shoot the monsters, don't let them get too close, and experience a living nightmare. The nightmare thing was very well translated to the board game, but a new component is what really makes it shine: Coop play. In ways that a video game can barely capture - Left 4 Dead does a good job at it, but it's really different from the strategic and short-term tactical choices the board game forces.

I didn't buy the board game at first, because I wasn't convinced the video game would work in board game form, and only bought it later after stumbling over some really good reviews. I didn't regret it, but the thought remains: What if the Doom board game would have had a different advertisement focus, away from "experience the video game on the table", to "coop play against evil demons"? Admittedly less cool at first glance, but with more substance...

People posting the same basic question in each and every game forum for points aplauso.gif (sarcasm implied).

Dam said:

People posting the same basic question in each and every game forum for points aplauso.gif (sarcasm implied).

You should have seen one of the older incarnations of the FFG forums, where the more you posted, you could ascend in status and eventually reach godhood. There you would see lots of post padding, though usually in good fun.

Adding to your previous post by making an additional comment like this would be a good example!

To the OP: yes, the format of the boardgame is similar to the videogames (Never played Doom3). The objectives of the game are basically the same, you're still trying to stay alive against a bunch of nasties by killing them and running like mad to get out. I now like the boardgame better because I'm getting too old to handle all the button mashing required for these new gen video games.

And get off my grass, you young whippersnappers!

It plays very close to how the game is. You might want to mod some of the invaders to be more like they are in the game. Hell Knight can't throw green balls of jello? Not in my house!

King of Terror said:

It plays very close to how the game is. You might want to mod some of the invaders to be more like they are in the game. Hell Knight can't throw green balls of jello? Not in my house!

He can in the expansion, with an invader card :)