Force Assault with Draw Closer ? seems a little useless :(

By JP_JP, in Game Mechanics

Title says it all...

Draw Closer : Perform Draw Closer action; make a Lightsaber(Willpower) combat check against one silhouette 1 target within medium range, adding WHITE no greater than Force Rating to check. Spend FORCE PIP to move target one range band closer, or to add SUCCES to check.

Force Assault : Spend TRIUMPH or 3x ADVANTAGE on a missed Lightsaber(Willpower) combat check to immediately perform Move Force power action as maneuver.

Both powers come from the Niman Disciple tree.

I feel that Force Assault becomes quite useless with a high Force Rating since with Draw Closer, you won't miss often. Having 3-4 ranks in Force Rating means you add 3-4 WHITE to your LS combat check, generating around 2-3 success more. I believe you won't miss often when doing DRAW CLOSER.

Maybe change Force Assault to trigger on a successful or missed LS check, but to spend 2 strain to perform Move Force power action as maneuver. That way it will be more useful. Maybe add a Destiny Point flip to use it.

Anyway.... I feel that those 2 powers don't fit together... they seem more like opposites. One add successes while the other needs a miss and many advantages...

Well, no not really. The Force assault is still really good because it allows you to make a Move Power check, not specifically moving the intended target. For example, you miss the target with three advantages, you then use a maneuver to use move power to throw a few speeder bikes at the target or you could move the target away really really far away if you got the range upgrades, or something else completely.

So in where Draw closer is a offensive power only, that also only works on a combat target Force Assault is a lot more versatile in it's use and allows the full power of the move three coming down as a maneuver.

Edited by Poseur

I think he means that as you grow in Force Rating you will miss less and less because of Draw Closer, so have less and less chance to use Force Assault. I do agree with JP, but not sure what to do about it.

It seems that where FFG is concerned, PCs having Force Ratings above a 3, particularly for those focused on being experts with a lightsaber, isn't the norm.

There may also be instances where Draw Closer wouldn't necessarily be used when making a Lightsaber attack. Or it could be the PC figures they don't need the extra successes, and that it'd be more productive to get that use of Move (particularly if they've bought a bunch of upgrades) to either hurl the target into something (like the ceiling or a wall) or even to pluck their weapon away.

Nonesense. Just perform draw closer from Medium range; spend no more than 1 FP and it isn't possible to hit. However, you do pull them to short range and, if skilled enough, have plenty of advantage to trigger Move on that target. This would come in handy if the target has a high Parry for instance where a lightsaber strike isn't going to do a lot of good....even discipline vs discipline the Counselor should easily be able to fling the target around like a rag doll for minimum 10dmg plus successes and negating any defensive ability save soak. Works great for certain force sensitive enemies.

I would have assumed one pulls an enemy into engaged and the other flings one out of engaged range. Maybe I read it thinking about the Consular in SWTOR in which the maneuver makes perfect sense.