Pass and Play / Online a must

By navajas-rjs, in BattleLore: Command

The game runs well and is fun for our BattleLore noob family. (EDIT: After further use, I realize that this opening statement is a marked error. This game has chronic stability issues and should not have been released in its current state). Our wishes:

1) Pass and Play. I mean, seriously. What the hell? Is this ommission meant to encourage me to buy the board game? If so, I garauntee it won't work. On the other hand, if the game DID have pass and play, I'd be about 500% more likely to buy each and every one of the eventual expansions.

2) Die rolls. I dig the cool icons and all, but I'd really rather see the faces of the dice.

3) Don't dumb down card rules. The text says things like, "you are twice as likely to get hits", instead of all (sword icon) faces count as (archer target) faces. I'd very much prefer to understand what the mechanic really was than nebulous laymen's desriptions like, "you are half as likely to suffer a hit".

Edited by navajas

To be honest, I agree completely. I don't feel this game quite justified the price.

My biggest gripe is they tried to make it feel more immersive with the scenery, but now I find it much harder to see the sections (unit invisible in buildings and round maps???) and the amount of rotations kills me.

Edited by s1n

It is a poor product and compared to the quality level with which they are competing, vastly overpriced. My opinion of it has only diminshed, and that, quickly. The LAN vs. crashes so often a game is all but impossible. There is little to no content. No online play, no pass and play, etc... It is just a terrible release, quite unworthy of the FFG brand.

I will be purchasing nothing else for this game unless substantial FREE improvements and upgrades are forthcoming. I would recommend the App to no one.

These improvements are really necessary to make the app viable, but I think its important to support games like this if we want to see more and better app games in the future. I'm perfectly happy for FF to practice and work out the problems of an app port on BattleLore if it means we get better app versions of games like Twilight Imperium or Imperial Assault later down the road.

I agree completely too. Pass and play is a must have in this game... please Add this mode.

Jep, I agree 100% ! This game is so boring... What a F... FF! Look at Whitcher adventure game! That how You make boardgame to the apps!

Well, hopefully the announced fixes will bring this game up to FFG standards and industry par.

Still wish the cards and dice were not dumbed down though. Future option?