What do you look forward to in Set 13?

By MarcoPulleaux, in UFS General Discussion

Pretty simple.

-Decent symbol distribution, obviously geared more towards the lesser-powered symbols
-More interesting theme support (kicks have always been made, but in my opinion, there has been no true kick support that has mattered)
-6 Handers, from this point on, being viable, if not THE most viable option.
-More Combos, in particular, ones that do more than just damage boost.

That's about it for me.

I believe we need better attacks, not necessarily more damage per say, just with more enhances. Because right now, most founations are too good in comparison to foundations.

Shadow Banishment
Widow Maker
scourge of zeus
jade crusher

A new form of Yoga Jab would be really nice aswell.
As you can see, I would prefer aggresive cards that have strong effects with good amount of damage (not upwards of 20+). I also believe more throws at a 3 check level would be nice aswell.

Stronger damage pump.

More variety in characters that have rotated, or haven't seen play outside of promos.

Less...gimmicky support in general and more of a broad support for a symbol; often times void lately has been getting gimmick support, for example; Basara, Algol, etc. (obviously algol has some good support, but most of it is a gimmick around draw and discard and in conjunction with the character.)

I don't mind gimmicks if they actually work =/

But yeah, they're going to have to pretty much do what Set 12...sorta kinda did, which is to release fun themes, but at the same time, latch-on some universally-handy utility abilities.

More arguments on the forums.

I'm hoping for a *slight* improvement in foundation blocks, like some more regular +2s on decidedly non-control or pathetically weak ones, and maybe a nudge from 33% having blocks to 40-50% or so overall.

Other than that, I wants a new-outfit Xianghua.

I'm calling Kilik, Maxi, Voldo, and Xianghua for SC.

Also, yes to blocks on foundations.

MarcoPulleaux said:

I'm calling Kilik, Maxi, Voldo, and Xianghua for SC.

Also, yes to blocks on foundations.

that would make me very happy

Life to have a board answer to olcadan's mentoring.

Im calling a new Seong Mi-na...

New Sophitia...

New Talim...

Darth Vader!!! T_T I wish

I want:

  • More support for pokes.
  • Something awesome out of Tekken
  • Good symbol distribution
  • No attack to ever roll a 2 ever again, no card should chek a 2. EVER.

My 0.02



How about some split attacks that have high checks :D

or slightly more impressive attacks. or maybe just when i compare attacks to DS02 i just say eh.

Bloodrunstrue said:

  • No attack to ever roll a 2 ever again, no card should chek a 2. EVER.

I disagree.

I think this game still needs its 1s and 2s, but only if they look similar to Shadow Blade, Messatsu-Gorasen, Go Shoryuken, or Spiral Dominance.

I don't mind low checks, but the amount of support they've gotten has been minimal, and quite frankly, has been limited to Evil (and to a lesser extent, Chaos).

Cervantes attempted to revive some of BPAkuma's support, but when everybody else's support has nothing but 3-checks, you can't help but pretty much ignore it.

I'm looking forward to support that, whenever you check a 2 or whatever, you blow up your opponent's cards. You know? Incentives for running 2s and 1s, beyond the fact that they ought to have amazing abilities anyways.

Protoaddict said:

More arguments on the forums.

Cards that I can shoop.

EDIT: Also, I guess interesting card mechanics, symbols that didn't get much love in Set 12 to get some here (except Order.)

More support for Life!!!

I think we should have better overall cards... not specific to just one attribute like just being damage pump, or just R. negation.

But cards such as Friends and Rivals, Ninjitsu and Stand Off that can be used offensively, defensively and or in a multitude of ways.

Im tired of E. this attack gets +3 damage.

Like some of you already said, attacks just need to be better and have better effects. I would totally rock a "weak: attack if it had some awesome effect (Like Pommel Smash). I think FFG got a lil too conscered with damage to difficulty ratios (especially with throws) and neglected effects. I think alot more can be done with the combo keywords.

Last I checked, there's a card in Set 12 that has a control-oriented Combo.

And nobody's using it.

Homme Chapeau said:

EDIT: Also, I guess interesting card mechanics, symbols that didn't get much love in Set 12 to get some here (except Order.)

I don't mind if Order gets more support, but only if it's new stuff like Astrid's, or like Haohmaru's or Rock Howard's. Order doing new tricks is fine. Order being this tap-out lock-down symbol? >_>...

Also, Nintendo Man you're about right on the money.

A lot of attacks that grant damage bonuses (Tyr's Warding Smash, Dio Cega, Hiogi, pretty much any combo) are ultimately designed to work in conjunction with multiple copies, or to create finishers, but sadly, they don't ever live up to that, as the first 3 cards I mentioned are all low in speed, and Combos have a hard time fulfilling their requirements and/or getting past Bitter Rivals.

If FFG is going to continue printing these cute "your next attack gets +X", either they must have a secondary effect, over-the-top stats, or give the next attack a huge damage boost (the only one that works IMO is Kim's Heavenly Phoenix didgeridoo).

another thing they should take a look into doing again is giving set cards different symbols than their characters in the set. In the past each character had 2 specific symbols that were on all of their character version and all of there support would have those two symbols plus a "wildcard" symbol.

This was done very often before Extreme Rivals with great success as it gave symbols unique options that it didnt usually have access to. This however has to be done carefully as having the ALL symbol on Bird of Prey when their is no Yun Seong with ALL is discouraging.

I think that this would give more variety to the game and give support to more symbols even if it wasnt inteded

Hi guys. Coming back to the game a year's absence. I'm really thrilled with how Set 12 was designed, in a fashion much closer to the original set than the following ones, but also with more attacks that are worth using rather than 80% of the set being unuseable What I'm looking for in Set 13 is more of the same:

- BALANCED CARDS AND ABILITIES (+10 dmg for discarding 1 momentum, 1 card-combos, 1-card total-lockdowns, attacks that deal 24dmg (hint!)...these are all big no-noes!)
- very few blocks on foundations, just like Set 12. It adds strategy to the game for it to be this way: "Should I attack or wait one more turn and keep attacks in hand so I can block?"
- weak multiple attacks; Menuett Dance is already close to being too overpowered.
- no cards that-everyone-must-play: Knight Breaker is already too good a value for 1 single card.
- the Tekken set not being overpowered: since Tekken is less known and recognized, it would be a bad idea to make it a better set just to boost sales. Make it a good one, but not overpowered.
- Good foundations with high diff, low control. Bad foundations with awesome stats. It keeps a good balance in the game. When an awesome foundations gets to be 1/6 with a +1M block, it necessarily *is* an overpowered card.
- abilities of lesser quality on characters with 7-8 Handsize. If they have 7HS or 8HS, they have the advantage of having more options in hand to deal with whatever the opponent's throwing at them: therefore they already have more abilities than chars with 6HS or less. Of course, we don't want another Hugo3, so let's not get too generous with abilities for low HS characters either.

I might be forgetting something, but you guys get the idea, I hope. I'm coming back to this game because the crazyness of 2007/2008 seems to be disappearing, at least judging from Set 12. I do seriously hope the next few sets don't suffer from power creep, overpowered design, insufficient playtesting or sloppy wording. James Hata did a great job with this last set, I'm willing to give UFS a second chance.

See you on the forums, guys! ;)

Support for symbols that aren't Scales or Big Pitchforks. And like, GOOD support. Remember in the good ol' days when after Cutting Edge Evil got zip for support? Can we do that for the next three sets?



Kazuya is in the next set.

Do you SERIOUSLY think he's gonna get out without the Evil symbol?

That's like expecting Nina to not have Death.

MegaGeese said:



Kazuya is in the next set.

Do you SERIOUSLY think he's gonna get out without the Evil symbol?

That's like expecting Nina to not have Death.

If this was the Dave Freeman days, I'd say yes.

Evil is nowhere close to what it used to be, get rid of BRT and BR and its very fragile. Anyways evil never got a ton of support, but it got a handful of **** good cards after cutting edge in the last block. DS02 had float a brick, set10 gave it ways of punishment and glare, set11 had the Bison stuff which is decent at the very least. We can probably expect the same trend. Set12 gave evil back it's attack base with a vegance, with 1 evil char per set(just a guess) there will probably be a card or two here and there for evil decks to throw in.

So, what am I looking forward to? I want to see combo do all sorts of crazy stuff. I want to see balanced cards that dont need to be as powerful as last block but still not be useless, for instance a favorite of mine, Ka technique. I'd like to see life and water get some teeth. I loved set12, so really 13 has alot to live up to.

MegaGeese said:

Do you SERIOUSLY think he's gonna get out without the Evil symbol?

That's like expecting Nina to not have Death.

Agreed on both. Even my fan-created Kazuya has Evil and Nina Death.

But they might just show some symbol bias like they did in SNK Set 1?

Again, I don't mind the Scales or Trident getting support, but when you compare Dragon's Flame to Knight Breaker, it looks like they purposefully made Knight Breaker that much more playable.

MegaGeese said:



Kazuya is in the next set.

Do you SERIOUSLY think he's gonna get out without the Evil symbol?

That's like expecting Nina to not have Death.

Heh sorry Geese I think Tekken is a TERRIBLE game and as such, didn't actually play it at all.