Can a leader be triggered several times in one turn?

By Jorges, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (1st Edition)

I know this might be covered somewhere, but I was unable to find it. The basic question is:

Can a leader be triggered several times over one turn by constantly moving into areas with his kind of triggering order?

I am aware that one order can only trigger one leader, but the rules seem unclear about "serial" triggering, since the first paragraph on "Triggering a Leader" in the rules (p.7) seem to imply some special relationship between the order placed in an area and the leader starting the phase there, but it would be difficult to keep track of which leaders started in what area, especially since the time between a the first Raid and the last Consolidate Power seems to be roughly 20mins with my regular group and there are a bunch of ways a leader could be moved around the board (one could even imagine a scenario where a leader gets placed during another player's Consolidate Power-order through negotiations, and getting placed in an area wher he could be trigger (Eddard Stark released through Lannister's order into Winterfell with an unresolved Consolidate Power token in it)).

Again, I'm sorry if this is covered elsewhere and/or common knowledge.

Yes, a leader may be triggered multiple times.

Chain-marching nine times is now a possibility gran_risa.gif .

After a leader is activated an has executed his march, he flips back to his 'untriggered' side and is once more ready for triggering.

Has this been confirmed by FFG? (at cons or tournaments)

The problem is more a probem of "rules as they are printed", in that there's no FAQ or errata addressing this, and the rules are unclear. How serial triggering should work is understandable, but it seems that leaves Stark with the short end of the stick, since they don't have a leader capable of generating vast sums of power at the start of the game.

I don't know about any official clarifications, but as it's specifically stated that leaders flip back again, and you can chain-march normal armies, I assume leaders can be triggered multiple times. Otherwise FFG would not have added the 'leader flips back at end of march' line, me thinks. Most accepted ASOS strategy is centered around chain-marching leaders (and indeed, gaining power that way), so I'd assume FFG would have sent up a flag by now if it wasn't possible.

It's true that Stark cannot gain power easily like Greyjoy and Baratheon. But, on the other hand, they can theoretically gain access to 7 mustering points on the first turn and have the potential of three leaders if they can strike a deal with Lannister (who's also strapped for power). So while they lack a bit in one department, they are compensated in others IMHO.

I thought that they remained fliiped for the durration of the turn seeing as crown leaders can only be flipped once.

Check the rulebook page 8 column 1. It says leader are to be flipped back immediately following the end of the march (including any resulting battle). So even crown leaders can be marched multiple times.