I know I was making a joke.
I still say the twist catcher is the best ship role for dark elder though, the rest of the crew probably don't give a crap about what they do to the mutants.
I know I was making a joke.
I still say the twist catcher is the best ship role for dark elder though, the rest of the crew probably don't give a crap about what they do to the mutants.
Okay, for those not really familiar with the Dark Eldar fluff...
The Thirst isn't so bad when they're young (which a starting PC is going to be), and the need to inflict pain isn't as necessary as it is for older members of the race. Thus a young Dark Eldar can get by with, say, one victim a month. Of course, they PREFER more than that...
Dark Eldar will work with other races, when it suits them. A PC probably got booted from his or her Kabal in some internecine strife, and is looking for allies. Easily justified to becoming a PC and working with the others.
As for the screams of victims disturbing crew... I rather imagine that there are areas of the ship that a Dark Eldar can take his or her playthings where no-one knows what happened. In fact, that's even a suitable punishment for mutineers, any rapists picked up on a penal world who try it on other crew, and so on. So no, really if the PCs and GMs are all intelligent, the crew won't be leaving in droves... in fact, it MIGHT even boost morale a little, the same way as the Brig does... or the Arena upgrade. I bet I just put some ideas in creative players' and GMs' heads with that...