is there any automatic character sheets for dark eldar. i know how to roll one it just takes so long that i cba. if anyone knows of a good one then please share it
Automatically filled Dark eldar character sheet
Here's a super fast solution... don't make a Dark Eldar PC. They are bad.
Glad I could help.
Edited by Traejuni am assuming you are a power gamer or just want the strongest person you can get. but alot of it is about roleplay value not just strength.
its like my deathwatch techmarine is just getting servo arms whenever he can cus why not be a robot spider
Edited by FiriasNo, I'm quite the opposite of a power gamer. I want my characters to start with as little as possible, while remaining realistic to their role. When I GM, which is far more than I play, I impose those same things on my players. They've come to really enjoy the ground-up feel of my campaigns, which is why they keep coming back.
Dark Eldar are bad because they don't fit with the fluff/universe. They literally need to inflict pain and suffering on sentient beings on a regular basis in order to stave off "she who thirsts." They are also sadistic narcissists that have a difficult time getting along with their own kind, much less a bunch of human. Further, any human that even remotely knows what a Dark Eldar is will probably be more apt to shoot them on sight than work with them. Crewmen would constantly leave at port after a voyage hearing the screams of the Dark Eldar's victim.
It simply doesn't work.
And before you even suggest it... the torturing thing is not optional. It's what they are and what they must do. And, no, making the Mother Teresa of Dark Eldar is not really an option unless you pretty much want to ignore the fluff. At which point... go right ahead... my little pony is space is something I've always wanted to try.
i wasnt going to suggest it was optional. i am aware of the actions of the dark eldar. hence why i want to make a Dark Eldar PC because i feel i can relate to the antisocial, drug abusing, sadomasochists that are Dark Eldar XD
I enjoy reading about their lore as my first table top army was dark eldar...(my parents didn't realize it was a bad idea to give a 12 year old an army of rapists and slavers) and in the 6 years since i have decided to move onto roleplay
Edited by Firiasi wasnt going to suggest it was optional. i am aware of the actions of the dark eldar. hence why i want to make a Dark Eldar PC because i feel i can relate to the antisocial, drug abusing, sadomasochists that are Dark Eldar XD
I enjoy reading about their lore as my first table top army was dark eldar...(my parents didn't realize it was a bad idea to give a 12 year old an army of rapists and slavers) and in the 6 years since i have decided to move onto roleplay
Hey... don't get me wrong, Dark Eldar are my favorite xenos race. Really, by a good margin above anything else.
That said, I'd never allow one in one of my RT campaigns... for the reasons above. Too disruptive.
Ok I understand what you mean. I have found a GM who already has 1 Dark eldar wych so im gonna make a kabalite warrior to probably end up killing her
Ok I understand what you mean. I have found a GM who already has 1 Dark eldar wych so im gonna make a kabalite warrior to probably end up killing her
Now ^^^that^^^ is some Dark Eldar thinking right there.
Since it's a niche race if you want a full character creator like the one here I doubt that anyone's bothered to create one. Xenos races are quite niche and as you've noticed are built differently from the more mainstream characters, so it'd be a tricky proposition.
Dark Eldar fits into the right group without too many issues. If the RT enjoys solving problwms with violence and/or is a pirate/slaver a DE will fit right in.
Edit: Thus is a lengthier take on the issue in case the OP or anyone else is interested
Edited by LordBlades[...] Dark Eldar are bad because they don't fit with the fluff/universe. [...]
Personally I find them more fitting than a race like the Tau. That's my opinion.
Whether DE are playable as a PC in a roleplaying game, that's another discussion. I'd say yes, but caution is advised since things can get really awkward fast and only if everybody plays a DE unless you have a really really good plot reason.
Edited by Gridash
[...] Dark Eldar are bad because they don't fit with the fluff/universe. [...]
Personally I find them more fitting than a race like the Tau. That's my opinion.
Whether DE are playable as a PC in a roleplaying game, that's another discussion. I'd say yes, but caution is advised since things can get really awkward fast and only if everybody plays a DE unless you have a really really good plot reason.
Tau... almost as terrible an idea for an RT crew. Only "almost" because Tau are not inherently sadistic and don't have to constantly torture **** to survive. Also, once a regular old Tau is away from the Sept/Ethereals for a long enough period of time, they can actually start to see the load of bull that the "Greater Good" actually is.
That said... still bad.
[...] Dark Eldar are bad because they don't fit with the fluff/universe. [...]
Personally I find them more fitting than a race like the Tau. That's my opinion.
Whether DE are playable as a PC in a roleplaying game, that's another discussion. I'd say yes, but caution is advised since things can get really awkward fast and only if everybody plays a DE unless you have a really really good plot reason.
Tau... almost as terrible an idea for an RT crew. Only "almost" because Tau are not inherently sadistic and don't have to constantly torture **** to survive. Also, once a regular old Tau is away from the Sept/Ethereals for a long enough period of time, they can actually start to see the load of bull that the "Greater Good" actually is.
That said... still bad.
Or not if said Tau spends his time in the Imperium.
There might be a lot of holes in the Greater Good, but compared to pretty much every other society (save maybe for Eldar) I'd say Greater Good comes ahead by a pretty large margin.
What can a Tau see in the Imperium: people (and most likely himself) persecuted just from being different, blatant ignorance (I'd suspect the average Tau would be quite shocked to see humans 'appeasing the Machine Spirits' of various day-to-day tools), no respect for human life whatsoever (starting from the RTs own ship, where dozens of people dying daily in easily to prevent accidents, like getting crushed by a macrocannon shell because loading is still mainly manual, and the deeper you delve into the workings of the Imperium, the more mass murder you find). I wouldn't be surprised if a Tau who spent time in the Imperium came home thinking the Greater Good is 'the bestest thing evah'.
Also, just curious, why do you consider the Tau such a terrible idea for a RT crew?
[...] Dark Eldar are bad because they don't fit with the fluff/universe. [...]
Personally I find them more fitting than a race like the Tau. That's my opinion.
Whether DE are playable as a PC in a roleplaying game, that's another discussion. I'd say yes, but caution is advised since things can get really awkward fast and only if everybody plays a DE unless you have a really really good plot reason.
Tau... almost as terrible an idea for an RT crew. Only "almost" because Tau are not inherently sadistic and don't have to constantly torture **** to survive. Also, once a regular old Tau is away from the Sept/Ethereals for a long enough period of time, they can actually start to see the load of bull that the "Greater Good" actually is.
That said... still bad.
Or not if said Tau spends his time in the Imperium.
There might be a lot of holes in the Greater Good, but compared to pretty much every other society (save maybe for Eldar) I'd say Greater Good comes ahead by a pretty large margin.
What can a Tau see in the Imperium: people (and most likely himself) persecuted just from being different, blatant ignorance (I'd suspect the average Tau would be quite shocked to see humans 'appeasing the Machine Spirits' of various day-to-day tools), no respect for human life whatsoever (starting from the RTs own ship, where dozens of people dying daily in easily to prevent accidents, like getting crushed by a macrocannon shell because loading is still mainly manual, and the deeper you delve into the workings of the Imperium, the more mass murder you find). I wouldn't be surprised if a Tau who spent time in the Imperium came home thinking the Greater Good is 'the bestest thing evah'.
Also, just curious, why do you consider the Tau such a terrible idea for a RT crew?
Taking the last question, the Tau are terrible idea simply by virtue of being xenos. They are a bad idea and attract the wrong kind of attention. It's one thing to use a bunch of kroot mercs to handle some business for you on some world where nobody sees what you're up to, its an altogether different thing to have one tooling around with the senior staff at Port Wander. Applying a tiny iota of realism, the bad idea-ness of that should be obvious.
As for the greater good being way better... that's debatable. While really nothing more than a theory, many believe that the Ethereals exert a form of pheromone-based mind control over other castes - so much for the greater good. And don't even get me started on how the Tau chemically neuter humans that join the Empire. There's quite a bit of bad underneath all that greater "good."
[...] Dark Eldar are bad because they don't fit with the fluff/universe. [...]
Personally I find them more fitting than a race like the Tau. That's my opinion.
Whether DE are playable as a PC in a roleplaying game, that's another discussion. I'd say yes, but caution is advised since things can get really awkward fast and only if everybody plays a DE unless you have a really really good plot reason.
Tau... almost as terrible an idea for an RT crew. Only "almost" because Tau are not inherently sadistic and don't have to constantly torture **** to survive. Also, once a regular old Tau is away from the Sept/Ethereals for a long enough period of time, they can actually start to see the load of bull that the "Greater Good" actually is.
That said... still bad.
Or not if said Tau spends his time in the Imperium.
There might be a lot of holes in the Greater Good, but compared to pretty much every other society (save maybe for Eldar) I'd say Greater Good comes ahead by a pretty large margin.
What can a Tau see in the Imperium: people (and most likely himself) persecuted just from being different, blatant ignorance (I'd suspect the average Tau would be quite shocked to see humans 'appeasing the Machine Spirits' of various day-to-day tools), no respect for human life whatsoever (starting from the RTs own ship, where dozens of people dying daily in easily to prevent accidents, like getting crushed by a macrocannon shell because loading is still mainly manual, and the deeper you delve into the workings of the Imperium, the more mass murder you find). I wouldn't be surprised if a Tau who spent time in the Imperium came home thinking the Greater Good is 'the bestest thing evah'.
Also, just curious, why do you consider the Tau such a terrible idea for a RT crew?
Taking the last question, the Tau are terrible idea simply by virtue of being xenos. They are a bad idea and attract the wrong kind of attention. It's one thing to use a bunch of kroot mercs to handle some business for you on some world where nobody sees what you're up to, its an altogether different thing to have one tooling around with the senior staff at Port Wander. Applying a tiny iota of realism, the bad idea-ness of that should be obvious.
As for the greater good being way better... that's debatable. While really nothing more than a theory, many believe that the Ethereals exert a form of pheromone-based mind control over other castes - so much for the greater good. And don't even get me started on how the Tau chemically neuter humans that join the Empire. There's quite a bit of bad underneath all that greater "good."
Also, while the Greater Good has it's bad parts (which is fitting for 40k) I fail to see hiw anything the Tau have ever done even begins to compare with what the Imperium does on a day-to-day basis.
Edited by LordBlades
About the Xeno part, it depends what kind of image the Rogue Trader is going for. Remember they have the same level of authority as an Inquisitor or Space Marine Chapter Master outsude Imperial Borders, so carrying the Xeno around might even be part of the image they want to project ('I am better than you and your puny laws don't apply to me' or thereabouts).
[...] Dark Eldar are bad because they don't fit with the fluff/universe. [...]
Personally I find them more fitting than a race like the Tau. That's my opinion.
Whether DE are playable as a PC in a roleplaying game, that's another discussion. I'd say yes, but caution is advised since things can get really awkward fast and only if everybody plays a DE unless you have a really really good plot reason.
Tau... almost as terrible an idea for an RT crew. Only "almost" because Tau are not inherently sadistic and don't have to constantly torture **** to survive. Also, once a regular old Tau is away from the Sept/Ethereals for a long enough period of time, they can actually start to see the load of bull that the "Greater Good" actually is.
That said... still bad.
Or not if said Tau spends his time in the Imperium.
There might be a lot of holes in the Greater Good, but compared to pretty much every other society (save maybe for Eldar) I'd say Greater Good comes ahead by a pretty large margin.
What can a Tau see in the Imperium: people (and most likely himself) persecuted just from being different, blatant ignorance (I'd suspect the average Tau would be quite shocked to see humans 'appeasing the Machine Spirits' of various day-to-day tools), no respect for human life whatsoever (starting from the RTs own ship, where dozens of people dying daily in easily to prevent accidents, like getting crushed by a macrocannon shell because loading is still mainly manual, and the deeper you delve into the workings of the Imperium, the more mass murder you find). I wouldn't be surprised if a Tau who spent time in the Imperium came home thinking the Greater Good is 'the bestest thing evah'.
Also, just curious, why do you consider the Tau such a terrible idea for a RT crew?
Taking the last question, the Tau are terrible idea simply by virtue of being xenos. They are a bad idea and attract the wrong kind of attention. It's one thing to use a bunch of kroot mercs to handle some business for you on some world where nobody sees what you're up to, its an altogether different thing to have one tooling around with the senior staff at Port Wander. Applying a tiny iota of realism, the bad idea-ness of that should be obvious.
As for the greater good being way better... that's debatable. While really nothing more than a theory, many believe that the Ethereals exert a form of pheromone-based mind control over other castes - so much for the greater good. And don't even get me started on how the Tau chemically neuter humans that join the Empire. There's quite a bit of bad underneath all that greater "good."
Also, while the Greater Good has it's bad parts (which is fitting for 40k) I fail to see hiw anything the Tau have ever done even begins to compare with what the Imperium does on a day-to-day basis.
Turning up your nose at authority and purposely projecting an "I'm above the law" type mentality does more to hurt you than harm you. Rogue Traders are meant to look like they've been there before without needing to overly do anything. Super rich/powerful in combination with looking the part is enough. Flaunting things like your xeno senior officer only hurts you, it doesn't get you anything you didn't already have.
Like I always say to my RT players...
No doors are closed to you, other than the ones you close yourselves.
And before you even suggest it... the torturing thing is not optional.
It is if you read the rules, or the fluff for Dark Eldar, and have a copy of Hostile Acquisitions.
See, you just have to get one pain token per session, and it can be from anyone experiencing extreme pain within a distance equal to your perception bonus in meters. If your ship has the resolution arena upgrade, you just need front row seats. With Sadistic joy, you can even get two, depending on if the GM considers the ships crew 'allies'.
Since in fluff, Joe Dark Eldar on the Street gets most of his pain from Arenas and others doing the actual slaughtering.
BTW: No, a Rogue Trader can in fact be accompanied by Xenos as long as the xeno in question picks up the Sanctioned Xeno advance. Which, as explained in the rule text, makes it legal for them to do just that.
Turning up your nose at authority and purposely projecting an "I'm above the law" type mentality does more to hurt you than harm you. Rogue Traders are meant to look like they've been there before without needing to overly do anything. Super rich/powerful in combination with looking the part is enough. Flaunting things like your xeno senior officer only hurts you, it doesn't get you anything you didn't already have.
Like I always say to my RT players...
No doors are closed to you, other than the ones you close yourselves.
The fact that maybe it's not the best idea doesn't mean some players won't want to RP a Rogue Trader that behaves exactly like that.
and keeping a xeno around is likely to get you stuff you wouldn't have otherwise:
A DE can give you access to the Webway.
An Ork makes an epic boarding party commander and general intimidating muscle on board (it's also unlikely to be swayed by most incentives once you've gained his trust).
A Tau can give you easier access to Tau technology, resources and trading opportunities.
Not entirely sure what a Kroot can get you though...
Edited by LordBlades
And before you even suggest it... the torturing thing is not optional.
It is if you read the rules, or the fluff for Dark Eldar, and have a copy of Hostile Acquisitions.
See, you just have to get one pain token per session, and it can be from anyone experiencing extreme pain within a distance equal to your perception bonus in meters. If your ship has the resolution arena upgrade, you just need front row seats. With Sadistic joy, you can even get two, depending on if the GM considers the ships crew 'allies'.
Since in fluff, Joe Dark Eldar on the Street gets most of his pain from Arenas and others doing the actual slaughtering.
BTW: No, a Rogue Trader can in fact be accompanied by Xenos as long as the xeno in question picks up the Sanctioned Xeno advance. Which, as explained in the rule text, makes it legal for them to do just that.
Wait... you're suggesting that the FFG jury-rigged way of satisfying DE suffering requirements actually brings it in line with the fluff?
Sorry, man... it doesn't. It's just a "solution" offered so that DE PC's can exist. It doesn't make it right... or accurate.
Not entirely sure what a Kroot can get you though...
Easier introduction to the tau and a more stable killing machine than an ork that you can have several of on board with no worries.
Wait... you're suggesting that the FFG jury-rigged way of satisfying DE suffering requirements actually brings it in line with the fluff?
Sorry, man... it doesn't. It's just a "solution" offered so that DE PC's can exist. It doesn't make it right... or accurate.
While I agree that the pain token mechanic is a bit clunky, and does not address the issue of the fact that 'a session' might be someplace between ten minutes and six months in-game time, no, the fact that it does not have to be them, personally administering the pain is absolutely in line with fluff. If you don't believe me, I recommend a book called C odex: Dark Eldar . The entire point of the arenas is to provide pain and suffering for the enjoyment of the masses.
Even better, it's not just in line with fluff, but the fact that a Dark Eldar might loan out minions to a human to advance his goals in order to advance the Dark Eldar's schemes has been around since at least the first Ultramarines novel.
Edited by BaronIveagh
Wait... you're suggesting that the FFG jury-rigged way of satisfying DE suffering requirements actually brings it in line with the fluff?
Sorry, man... it doesn't. It's just a "solution" offered so that DE PC's can exist. It doesn't make it right... or accurate.
Filling the Pain Token per session requirement through the mechanical means at a player's disposal is trivial (Takedown+willing ally or slave/prisoner= infinite Pain Tokens, say hello to 50+ Fate Points a session) and as far as I know the guy who wrote the DE rules said the rules for generating Pain Tokens were intended to only be used in combat.
Filling the Pain Token per session requirement through fluff takes little more effort, but it's doable and 100% in line with DE fluff. Remember, only Kabalites and above get to raid, and that's a minority of the DE population. the rank&file DE in Comorragh have to get their dose of suffering from gladiatorial arenas or similar displays (and ship components that fit the bill existed before DE was published).
I'd let it go with the arena for a pain point as long as its a horrific barrel and you can describe a different nasty fight each session, and it cant be random crewmen duking it out it needs to be more bloody. for example the twist catcher(crew role who brings captured mutants) brings in some and they fight a clawed fiend geneticly altered dogs or some other nasty.
Or better yet you could be the crews twist catcher(ship role) your sole job is to keep the mutant/scavvie population down and draft/enslave them in times of trouble so the crew probably wont care what you do to them.
I'd let it go with the arena for a pain point as long as its a horrific barrel and you can describe a different nasty fight each session, and it cant be random crewmen duking it out it needs to be more bloody.
The problem is that RAW, it doesn't have to be. Any non-fatal crit generates one, as well as being hit while stunned, so you would be talking about a bad bruising or a dislocated shoulder or a good swift kick to the nads just as easily as cutting someone's whole leg off.
then we just have to get him acess to youtube problem solved.
then we just have to get him acess to youtube problem solved.
Has to be present when it happens. Recordings or livecasts are no good. Might be entertaining, but won't supply pain points.