We played this adventure and it took about 5 hours.
Jawa outlaw tech/computers
Wookie gadgeteer/bowcaster
Jedi Padawan/former good-hearted con man (real scoundrel, you'd like him)
Trandoshan melee beast
Mando hunter (first half of adventure)
All the party members are in the 350+ XP range and very competent. They are built from all published FFG books (EotE, AoR, F&D beta, and the sourcebooks). It's not uncommon for them to roll 4-5 proficiency dice in their areas of expertise which from various characters include computers, mechanics, medicine, piloting, social skills, melee, and ranged. Very good equipment.
They are a Rebel team based out of the Shadow Raptor. Jedi Olee Starstone is on the Shadow Raptor and has been training the Padawan and has a history with the wookiee. Though they are a rebel team they had some R&R so Olee suggested the Padawan look into mysterious Jedi lore on Athiss as a test of his training. She asked the wookiee and the rest to go and keep an eye on the Padawan as he's sort of green and brash and irreverent.
I told them transport was restricted and they had to take a shuttle to the hunting lodge and told them they should be prepared with equipment so that was important to note what they brought.
The first part was fun. This part actually requires the most prep, I think. I recommend having a few NPCs in mind like fellow hunters and staff. I made a sniveling majordomo who was always in their business by pretending to be "helpful." The group played off of him and had to shake him/distract him a few times to get some maps and info. I wish the adventure had a few more names and stats for the people they encounter at the lodge. The party asked about the most prized trophy and I made up a creature called the Korith beast.
We had a one-time player (the Mando) hook up with them to take them to the site once they found it. The party is actually weak on survival so that was a hardship the Mando helped with. I absolutely love how they had recommendations on how to spend results on the survival check. Threat was spent on the poisonous bite.
I did not like the hunting party encounter. I saw them either winning them over (most likely) and it being a pain figuring out what to do with them or they would have to fight them, which is not really the tone of our game.
So what I did was have a single deranged hunting guide snipe them from extreme range in a "most dangerous game" scenario. They had to locate him and take him out (unbelievable shot from the Mando). The Padawan discerned he had become corrupt by the dark side, which was the beginning of them realizing this was no Jedi location.
I skipped the deranged hermit. As they searched the ruins they came across a Korith beast tainted by the dark side. It attacked. I used the Acklay stats. It was a moderate fight for them and it reduced them for the final confrontation.
They found the Dark Side spirit and actually made some good lore and other rolls to get the pool to the light side in a few rounds, the twisted Beast Alphas a nuisance the whole time. I had fun playing the spirit and drew inspiration from the gleeful Palpatine in the senate chamber fight. Having fun with these playthings to corrupt. Fun was the Jedi dropping his training saber 3 times. That's going to be an ongoing joke.
I actually wish I'd made the final confrontation a bit harder. If your party is experienced I recommend letting the spirit go twice in a round. Also I should have bumped up the fear check difficulty. It's too low for an experienced party and from encountering a Dark Side spirit.
It says if the spirit wins, everyone gets 10 conflict, which I like for the Morality PC, but since I knew most of the party use Duty or Obligation I just said non-Force users would get a crit +10 if the spirit prevailed in some cackling Force energy implosion. But it didn't so no big deal.
The Jedi found the crystals and made the Lore roll so now he has his own real saber.
They made it back to the lodge, wrapped up with some comic relief getting over on the sniveling, dandy majordomo and made it back to the Shadow Raptor. The Jedi did not get much conflict and Olee was pleased with his first test.
Back to our regularly scheduled Rebel missions now...
(edited my sloppy writing and added "spoiler")
Edited by usgrandprix