Descent Editor?

By Lasse4, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all! happy.gif

I have been playing Descent for a year now, and I especially enjoy making my own scenarios with the Descent Editor. Unfortunatly the Descent Editor only includes Descent (core) + Well of Darkness tiles and monsters, and it looks like theres no plans on updating the editor with new expansions.

Does anyone know if FFG is ever going to upgrade the editor with their new expansions?

Does anyone use alternative scenario editors?

Currently I use the Descent Editor and then (very manualle) add stuff from the new expansions with "Paint". sad.gif

Cheers! gran_risa.gif


The best option is TileSystem.

Here's a thread with links to TileSystem and the tiles used with it that go up through AoD. To my knowledge it's never been updated for Tomb of Ice.

Here's a thread with a link to scans of all terrain pieces including RtL and ToI.

Seems like the monsters, props, and treasures would tend to be at least as important as the floor tiles...

Runes, monsters, doors, etc... are all in there.

I just wish there was a highres tileset available somewhere.

72 dpi seems pretty low.

CRasterImage said:

Runes, monsters, doors, etc... are all in there.

Not in the RtL/ToI set, unless it's changed since I downloaded it.

CRasterImage said:

I just wish there was a highres tileset available somewhere.

72 dpi seems pretty low.

I think FFG has rules about the maximum resolution assets that people are allowed to distribute.

Oh, you meant game bits for the expansions. I thought you meant game bits in general.

The 72 dpi limit thing makes sense. I guess.

A pity though. Some tiles and game bits look like vague smudges at just 72 dpi.

Thanks!!! I´ll give it a try :)

Antistone said:

I think FFG has rules about the maximum resolution assets that people are allowed to distribute.

It's too bad they don't eliminate the need, and put out an editor that is full featured and works. They could at least officially say they aren't going to do it.