Do we have a facility for such a thing? If not, do we want to start one?
Play-by-post games
We tried it awhile back, and the GM vanished which rather killed the campaign. I'm not entirely opposed to it, especially as I have a moderate disdain for DH2, (like some elements of it, don't like most of it). If you're thinking of GMing a DH1 campaign on a play-by-post basis I'd be interested.
I'm actually looking for something to play in, as I cam currently GMing Rogue Trader, Dark Heresy, and Black Crusade.
I'm currently GMing Dark Heresy and we will be running Da Orkz Stole Krismas!!! the end of December. I too would like to play in PbP Dark Heresy game.
I'd gladly run one, though I don't yet have a campaign written so I'd need a little time to get the plot set up, though I don't know *where* we would play. Ideally it would be on a forum, (One similar to this,) so if anyone knows of one that'd be great if you're interested.
My current pbp-game takes place on a forum created by the GM at I'm not sure how you can set one up, but it might be worthwhile to check it out.