
By flipperlord, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

First of all, I'd like to say that I am a huge fan of this game, especially at the competitive level. This is a very skill intensive game, which I am a huge fan of. This post is about a very small complaint I have about the card Calamity. Ironically, I love the card's effect on the game, which is not my complaint about it. I feel that Conquest's 0, 1, and 2 drops are a LITTLE too strong and too often played in comparison to the higher cost cards (notice emphasis on LITTLE. Obviously lower cost cards will see more play than higher cost ones, but this ratio is a LITTLE too favored towards the lower end of the cost curve in Conquest as opposed to other cards games I have played).

Calamity solves this issue by making players play more higher cost cards. I love it. HOWEVER, I feel that this card should have been included in the core set or deluxe expansions (as those never rotate out), because it will rotate out eventually. I personally feel that Calamity is a "staple card" for the game and should always exist, simply because it affects the game at a deck building level. Do you agree/disagree? (Obviously the issue of rotation is a long way off, and FFG certainly has the right to reprint cards)

Edited by flipperlord

Since the rotation established by FFG says that 2 expansions will rotate out when the 8th arrives, it means that, if they can keep a steady pace of 1 card pack each month (2 expansions a year), Calamity will be allowed in Tournaments for 4 years. Then, you won't be able to play it in tournaments, but you will still be able to play it with your friends.

Apart from this, you really think that Calamity is THAT good that no other card released in 4 years will make it expendable?

Some numbers just for show:

- 1 expansion has 360 cards

- Removing the 7 warlords with their 8 signatures leaves you 297 cards

- 3 copies of each card means you get 99 new cards per expansion (assuming 3 copies of each card as in the first one)

- 6 expansions (8 minus the 2 that will rotate out) will mean 594 different cards

You really think Calamity will be the best card (or one so good) amongst 594 to make it "a must"?

Personally, I think the game can change a lot in 4 years to say that any card "should always exist". Don't get me wrong, Board Wipers are always good cards (yesterday I used a Exterminatus to get rid of 6 units for a low cost of 3), and it's really cool that you have a Neutral Board Wiper, but with so many years and cards.... who can say?

So, basically, I disagree with the fact that Calamity should always exist, although I think it's a really good card.

Btw, after re-reading my post I think that maybe my post sounds a bit harsh or too preposterous, which is totally away from my intention. I just wanted to state that with such a long term rotation (thank you FFG for this) is hard to say that any card is "a must".

Since the rotation established by FFG says that 2 expansions will rotate out when the 8th arrives, it means that, if they can keep a steady pace of 1 card pack each month (2 expansions a year), Calamity will be allowed in Tournaments for 4 years. Then, you won't be able to play it in tournaments, but you will still be able to play it with your friends.

There will probably be delays, too. Netrunner is 2 years old, and we're still wrapping up the third cycle of expansions.

That having been said, I think Calamity isn't going to force the meta to be much more expensive. But it'll be a nice benefit for factions with cheap units that have 'enters play' or 'leaves play' abilities. (Right now that's AM and DE.)

Cardgamedb has a long going discussion about Calamity, if it's one of those cards you can build your deck around. I still think that, apart from the actual Eldar card that allows you to cancel an event, there will be other cards with similar effects that will render Calamity less important.

Edited by Khayloth

Also note that rotation will include the most recent version of the core set (so it is possible that there may be core 2.0 when rotation actually hits that puts any cards deemed staples that would otherwise go away back into the meta).

Alternatively they might just find their way into a deluxe or an in rotation expansion such that a Calamity-esque card will always be available (perhaps in multiples).

It will be interesting to see how the meta is handled, but that is part of the fun!!

Since the rotation established by FFG says that 2 expansions will rotate out when the 8th arrives, it means that, if they can keep a steady pace of 1 card pack each month (2 expansions a year), Calamity will be allowed in Tournaments for 4 years. Then, you won't be able to play it in tournaments, but you will still be able to play it with your friends.

There will probably be delays, too. Netrunner is 2 years old, and we're still wrapping up the third cycle of expansions.

That having been said, I think Calamity isn't going to force the meta to be much more expensive. But it'll be a nice benefit for factions with cheap units that have 'enters play' or 'leaves play' abilities. (Right now that's AM and DE.)

Agree with this, and its going to be even more the case once the current cycle completes, with that half-blood kabalite drawing cards and various tricks coming out of the new AM cards.

Are we really worrying what will happen 4.5 years down the road from now? That's an eon in the LCG universe. Let's see how this game develops first! For now just treat this card as a staple and come back to this thread in 4.5 years when cyborgs rule the planet and we've cured cancer.. ^_^

Are we really worrying what will happen 4.5 years down the road from now? That's an eon in the LCG universe. Let's see how this game develops first! For now just treat this card as a staple and come back to this thread in 4.5 years when cyborgs rule the planet and we've cured cancer.. ^_^


I, for the moment, I'm worrying to get all my friends to play the game =P

Btw, I thought that we were aready ruled by cyborgs... =S

Btw, I thought that we were aready ruled by cyborgs... =S

That's what the Netrunners would have you believe... But they're delusional.. We're actually ruled by idiots called politicians.

I personally believe Calamity is not mandatory for the Core set, altough if it was in there it wouldn't have been a gigantic problem.

Personally I think this card is also not included in the Core set as it will undoubtly expand the time needed to play a beginners game, which can currently clock at 45 minutes but tends to thake much longer once people get the hang of the game and understand its much more a command & combat game as it is important to get the first planet every time.

Apart from that Calamity also is much more usefull for certain factions as others. Space Marines for example are well equiped for the Core set, adding Calamity to that deck would imho feel like boosting their initial core set deck much more. Same goes for Chaos and Eldar if you'd ask me.

In a constructed setting however, this "balance" card adds up for a better/more tactical game allround. Which is why I really like it as an extention to the game but not something that is included for players who just like to play the game with core sets with no real interest in the constructed format the game also offers.

Are we really worrying what will happen 4.5 years down the road from now? That's an eon in the LCG universe. Let's see how this game develops first! For now just treat this card as a staple and come back to this thread in 4.5 years when cyborgs rule the planet and we've cured cancer.. ^_^

You're right, though the reason for speculating about the future for me is that this card isn't a staple yet. Its not even halfway competitive.

By the time this cycle completes it'll be a viable card for decks that build around it. It's some way off being a universal must-include, however, and I'd suspect we'll see it in less than ten percent of tourney standard decks.

Edited by Prepare for War

I think that's very correct, the use of the card and quantity of option to use per deck are to low to allready say it's a meta curving card. Nontheless it can, as mentioned, be included in decks who can gain profit from it in different ways, one of those decks could be Eldar and Dark Eldar or Chaos. Mainly because these factions can really benifit from re-deploying or removing early drops to kill in the lategame.

However before we can remotely speculate I think it's important to note that currently we are unable to make single faction decks really competative, which sometimes leads to opinions being based on assumptions and less facts.

Does Calamity remove tokens? I am guessing yes but I would like someone else to confirm it.

No. There are 3 kinds of units - warlords, army, token. Calamity only refers to "army units".

Yep unfortunatly it doesn't, I feel we need a token sweeper FFG! Altough I know it would further power SM and Tau so probably won't happen any time soon.

AoE is the token sweeper.

TBH I became less enthused about this card when I realised it wouldn't effect tokens. I know AoE is the token sweeper, but not everyone has access to AoE, and especially not the AoE (2) which can take on all tokens without worrying about it.

I personally don't think making calamity work against tokens would have unbalanced the game too much at this stage... but then what do I know. I'm a nub :D .

Might chuck it in to replace some of the other neutrals I don't use much, as at the very least it can be a shield.

Calamity is sort of a sh*tty card in the current card pool. If your opponent is doing so much better than you that paying 4 to reset his tiny guys is worth it, he's not going to have any problem replaying the tiny guys while you've basically just forfeited your next turn.

Calamity is sort of a sh*tty card in the current card pool. If your opponent is doing so much better than you that paying 4 to reset his tiny guys is worth it, he's not going to have any problem replaying the tiny guys while you've basically just forfeited your next turn.

Well I can't fully agree with that because there can be quite some situations where a deck plays sufficient 3 drops where draining your opponents RSC pool for him to replay his 1-2 drops while you can continue to dominate the board works in the advantage of the player who played Calamity. Currently havn't tested it as much as Id like to because I cannot find the right deck for it yet... But my assumption is this will eventually change.

AoE is the token sweeper.

"Dakka Dakka Dakka!" is the even sweepier card. 1 damage to each unit is a nice big effect for the Deploy Phase. 2R + Exhaust is a big cost, but 2 shields means the card will never be wholly redundant, and it can be circumstantially useful enough to swing a game.

"So thats six Khymera, an Incubus Warrior and 2 void pirates killed on yourside... and I'll add a damage to my Bad Doks here..."

For sure Dakka Dakka Dakka! will play a big role in making the Orks more competative, Ive said it once and continue to say it again, it's the card Orks probably had the biggest wish for as it makes the Bad Dok a whole lot better to play with.

On the other hand Dakka Dakka Dakka! has 2 shield cards aswell making it usefull for the early and lategame. Which is just what any faction wants for it's key Event cards.