First of all, I'd like to say that I am a huge fan of this game, especially at the competitive level. This is a very skill intensive game, which I am a huge fan of. This post is about a very small complaint I have about the card Calamity. Ironically, I love the card's effect on the game, which is not my complaint about it. I feel that Conquest's 0, 1, and 2 drops are a LITTLE too strong and too often played in comparison to the higher cost cards (notice emphasis on LITTLE. Obviously lower cost cards will see more play than higher cost ones, but this ratio is a LITTLE too favored towards the lower end of the cost curve in Conquest as opposed to other cards games I have played).
Calamity solves this issue by making players play more higher cost cards. I love it. HOWEVER, I feel that this card should have been included in the core set or deluxe expansions (as those never rotate out), because it will rotate out eventually. I personally feel that Calamity is a "staple card" for the game and should always exist, simply because it affects the game at a deck building level. Do you agree/disagree? (Obviously the issue of rotation is a long way off, and FFG certainly has the right to reprint cards)
Edited by flipperlord