Shedding the Flesh

By filliman, in Rogue Trader

So one of my friends at my RT game, he's an explorator. He's totally into stripping off as much meat as possible. He noticed that there is a Machine trait. So, becuase he insists most forums are about as mature as 4chan, I will ask for him (because I am also curious):

How high on the Machine trait do you have to go before you're basically just a brain and spinal cord linked to a mechanical construct?

Also how would you acquire the Machine trait? Just spend a week under the care of the tech-priests, as it were?

How high on the Machine trait do you have to go before you're basically just a brain and spinal cord linked to a mechanical construct?

Also how would you acquire the Machine trait? Just spend a week under the care of the tech-priests, as it were?

Even with Machine 5, you're still pretty biological. Note that servitors have around Machine 5-6, and they are still rather fleshy.

What you want is either the cybernetic resurrection from Dark Heresy as much augmentics you can cram into him. That means full cybernetic arms, legs, bionic heart and lungs, gastral implants, Blackbone bracing, Autosanguine and so on.

Yeah, you'd do it with a combination of Flesh Is Weak talents, bought with XP, and cybernetic upgrades bought with Acquisition. It's not something that will happen overnight - it's a process he could (and should) be working towards continuously during the game.

Well, judging by the existing profiles and advances, the typical maximum Machine Trait the humans can have is somewhere around 6-7. By that time they are already almost fully machine.

In BC, the maximum Machine Trait is virtually non-existent and you can even simply acquisition it just like any other thing. Which also brings complications. So are you probably not interested with it.

In RT, you have The Flesh Is Weak talents. They provide around 4 Machine Trait, which is standart for most Tech-Priests.

Since there are no more advances like in ascention, this probably should come as an Elite advance. And representing either a extended meetings with the fellow Mechanicus, upgrading oneself with their help, or simply the time the character has spend upgrading himself in not necessarily similar manner. The cybernetic upgrades are not required, but they will certainly be both quite useful and thematic.

Per Ascension ... I believe the Machine Apotheosis Paragon talent (or whatever it is called - the one that subsumes all the Mechanicus Implant talents) is Machine 8, effectively.

There's actually a whole bunch of Mechanicus Paragon talents, replacing different aspects of their implants and upgrades.

The one you refer to is called Exemplar of Metal and it grants Machine (7). Apart from other things and allowing further fortifying with Armour Plating and Unnatural Strength and Toughness.