On the Virtues of the Lathe Cruiser: or why not just get a Dauntless?

By The_Shaman, in Rogue Trader

I know the following aren't in:

Vengeance Grand Cruiser
Jovian Battle Cruiser
Dominion Battle Cruiser
Mercury Battle Cruiser
Endurance Light Cruiser
Siluria Light Cruiser
Havoc Frigate
Also the Dominator and Gothic cruisers aren't in, though I think BFK says those are basically Lunar Hulls with specific components.
Chaos Hulls are in the game, but completely unstatted. I know my rough attempt to approximate Space/Power for one of the Chaos hulls resulted in some power/space requirements that were radically different (usually much less) than Imperial vessels, so I gave up because if I actually stated those my players would go nuts when they found out a Chaos lance has more range and half the power.

Cardinal is also missing, also the IA:X hulls that were non-SM specific like the Charybdis class grand cruiser.

We also have the hulls that are named but not statted from the HH books.

Edited by BaronIveagh

Most new ships are probably pre-orders, but most of them would go to the merchant navies, as they constitute 90% of the operating ships and probably somewhat less of the overall losses.