I have a question that I was hoping to get some opinions on. I'm planning on having my players go up against a conjoined twin psyker. My plan is that there is one body (obviously), that moves on one initiative, but that each twin gets a full action to attack, use a power or take any other actions on separate initiatives. So one or the other could move the pair of them on his initiative, but not both, where both could use a weapon, device or psychic power. What problems does anyone see with that? Any suggestions or ideas are appreciated.
"Twin" Psykers
You could make one of them the controller of the pair's legs, resolving it basically as a two separate people where one is carried by the other. That would remove some bookkeeping at the cost of flexibility.
Also, I love the idea of a conjoined twin psyker - it is extremely memorable, intreresting and fitting to the setting.
I don't foresee any problems really, a cojoined twin seems less dangerous than two seperate psykers.
But what happens when one twin gets killed? Do they both die? Does one carry on enraged by the loss of "other half"?
I would give both twins different psychic disciplines. One has telekineses and the other pirokenesis, for example.
I am not sure if I get what you are up to in regard to the Initiative. Is the rule you are aiming for basically allowing one "body" to act twice in one combat round? Once under the controle of twin one, then under the control of twin two?
If that is the case, I would say "don´t do that". Having a shared mind might boost initiative, but acting "twice in the time somebody acts once" (a combat round) is a question of how quick you do things, and that is not really altred by a shared mind
per se
Each 'head' would get a full action, each would act on different initiative scores. The 'legs' would only be able to move once, on either 'head's' initiative; and would count against that 'head's' total action for that round. Each 'arm' would be controlled by one 'head', and could fire a weapon or use a device, as part of the action of the 'head' that controls it. No one or nothing would be acting twice in a round, if one decides to use a psychic power that requires a full round action, then the arm that head 'controls' would forfeit any actions, but could react normally. I would say that each head would have it's own reaction, but would only be able to dodge once overall.
It makes sense in my head, but I'm not sure I'm explaining it adequately.
As far as when one dies, yes. Both will die of course, but yeah they would die separately and when one dies, it would cause all kinds of penalties to the remaining twin. I'm not sure exactly what I want it to do in terms of powers, I haven't given it any thought other than I wonder how it would work mechanically. I'm definitely open to suggestions as to what kind of strategies might work best.
Edited by LionusMakes sense to me and sounds cool. Go for it.
Something you could do is also increase the chance of Psychic Phenomena and when it happens, up it. That's two psykers in very close proximity to eachother doing god-knows-what to the warp stability.
Edited by FgdsfgMakes sense to me and sounds cool. Go for it.
Something you could do is also increase the chance of Psychic Phenomena and when it happens, up it. That's two psykers in very close proximity to eachother doing god-knows-what to the warp stability.
Having one get possessed by a daemon!
Bonus points if it is a Khornate daemon, now sharing bodies with a psyker! Fun times!
Edited by Robin GravesThey are Ordo Malleus, daemonology is a theme in the campaign. I have established at least one of their antagonists is aligned with Khorne. That would definitely be an interesting 'what if' scenario!
So, basically, it is about "having the possibility off acting at two different initiative scores", right? If I am mistaken, simply list the additional things this "set up" makes possible which would normally not be possible
So far, I see no problems.
No, it's not about initiative at all, really. That's actually a really small piece; and I was pretty sure I was clear earlier that each would have it's own initiative score to go on, not that they would share or trade them, or move up and down the order as they choose. They will both have two half actions, or a full round action plus a reaction. One will go on one initiative, the other will go on a separate initiative. The only rub is, that as if they were both on a vehicle, one would have to spend part of their action controlling the movement of both, as if one was 'driving' the other. I'm not really sure what else would be possible that would not normally be possible due to this "set up". Maybe you have a few ideas you could share?
As was said before, I do see this as being a much weaker opponent than having two separate psykers, since they will have to share some wounds. Each head and arm will have some that correspond to one or the other, but the legs and torso will be as normal, and there would probably be less wounds than two separate enemies would. The total toughness would be cut in half, since each time they take a hit, the toughness would only count once, as opposed to having to overcome toughness on two separate characters, if that wording made sense. Also, there is two fewer arms and legs to move, take damage, or use items or weapons. There is only one reaction for both characters.
The more I think about it, the worse an option it seems to try this, and the more incentive there is to NOT put an opponent like this in front of my players, who will likely make swiss cheese of them in just a few rounds. I'm still going to do it, though. It's an Ordo Malleus campaign; thematically, it's about betrayal, about poor and rejected people doing whatever they can to survive on the fringes, even if it's taking a helping hand from someone who gives them the heebie jeebies. It's about corruption and mutation and imposing order on chaos trying to impose chaos on order. The unusual, the sick, the perverse, the outcast and downtrodden are unwelcome everywhere except where they can do the most damage. My players can enjoy killing something so far from the holy form of the baseline human, then after picking up the pieces they can wrestle with the quandary of having killed someone with a miserable existence whose only sin was having been born. I have really good players, so that's going to be just as fun.
If this a GM controlled NPC don't bother to much with rules for it. Just throw it at them and describe them in a suitable tragic/horric way.
I'd be inclined to treat it as a single body (they usualy share some of their vital organs) and once it drops below half health one of the "twins" falls unconcious or dies. (If that's to weak, give it a few more wounds, conjoined twin psykers are a horbily mutated mess so theres no reason they can't have a few extra wounds.)
Hi Lionus,
sorry, my bad. For some reason I was thinking that you had brewed up two seperate twins sharing a MIND, not a two-headed Mutant being a psyker. I guess I simply head read the first of your Posts in to much of a rush while having my lunch break.
Anyway, sounds fine so a bit complicated. I would have personally simply ruled that it is one being with an additional full Action for non-movement, non-combat actions, adding a exceptions for psionic powers. The different Initative is not giving you that much of a difference in game but makes you role more dice and Forces you to Keep track about what arm/legs were used already.
Ok, I will take that advice. I do have a tendency to make things more complicated than they need to be. Thanks!
Sorry to get short with you Gregorius. maybe the way I described it wasn't as accurate as I thought. I also specifically shied away from using the word mutant right away, because technically conjoined twins aren't really mutants, but two separate people who's bodies formed together rather than separately. If I understand the genetics of it, which I might not. But for the purposes of the game, yes they have been corrupted body and soul by the effects of Chaos, and are beyond redemption in the eyes of the Inquisition.
My impulse to do them on different initiave scores is to highlight that they are two individuals, but I do concede that it makes them much more difficult to run paperwork wise, and like I said, I do tend to make things too complicated. Especially for just one opponent of one fight.
Coolio! Thanks for the input! I'm still open to suggestions on it; like how this particular enemy might fight, or what combinations of powers might work best in a situation like this, or what powers and tactics might be thematically appropriate for these enemies. I think I have what I need to start putting it together though. Thanks!!
I have a suggestion for a possible psy combo if i may: This is something I used to do in Psi-ops (old ps2 game)
Pyrokinesis + telekinesis: Set one guy on fire and then lift him in the air so everybody can watch him burn and knows whats gonna happen to them. (Yeah sadisitic I know)
@About how the enemy might fight
Depending on how "fused" the two bodies actually are, the twin-Thing might not be that good on Agility based stuff. If it is only "an added head" things might be Close to usual, especially if they are "supernaturally used" to share the Body. Otherwise, the whole movement/coordinationg Thing might be awkward, reflected by a lower Agility and according, a miserable dodge skill.
IF that is the case (it does not have to be! You could rule it just the other way around, see below) you Need something else as "defense". Parry will not do the trick as your characters are likely to have ranged weapons at Hand (at least pistols). If they are devoted to chaos, they might have the equivalent of anti-fate-Points, forcing the characters to re-role successive attacks. But that would be something that demands a Soul pact or something. Otherwise, think about psychic powers that defend or block. I don´t have the book at Hand (lunch break), but wasn´t there some force-Screen like Thing?
If you rule that "they" are Agile, give them very good dodge and/or parry. But only do so if they are just "a guy with two heads".
If I remember "Mental/Psychic Scream" right, it deals Fatigue to everyone else in an area of effect. And since Fatigue gives a Penalty to everything, this is a good idea.
As it is the final fight, you might want to skip through the Psychic Phenomena and CHOOSE which will happen on what use of the power. Your twin-thing can use any help it gets, you can fudge dice roles behind the Screen if you like. This is considered a "mean trick", but to me this is not half as nasty as an anti-climax. "No graviity for a two rounds" gives you your fighters a pose, and the fall is likely to help the twin even as he is falling, too.
You should consider to have "minions/mooks" around as well. If the twin-psyker is alone, your Group will dice "them" in no time through sheer superior numbers: any time he does two attacks, they will do four or five and the only need to target ONE enemy, after all. Additional wounds will not delay that much, that even a bunch of them means nothing more then ONE more solid blow form fighter class character.
If one of your twins is a '"beast Speaker" he could summon up some nice vermin to assist them. It does not even need to be overly dangerous. Just having a bunch of frigging DOVES swarming around irritatingly for three rounds means three rounds of hefty Penalty for Shooting. I once used a Daemonhost that use (supernatural) moth that way.
Another mean cultist trick is inscribing oneself with vile runes, throwing away the rag-tunic as the fight begins. Aks for willpower rules whenever somebody is looking at the twin-cultist: Not passing the test means a Point of corruption, passing the test means a number of rounds equal to the DoS where the characters do not need to test again (yes, that means book keeping!). If dealing CP is to much in your books, you can turn that to "stunned".
Consider having the Twin RUNNING AWAY form the characters, one of the heads taking care of the sprint while the other is unleashing powers. In Addition, if the twins are smart, they could have prepared a "retreat route", having some traps places. Will the characters spot traps while they RUN after their Prey, trying to fight and keeping an eye on psychic attacks unleashed against them? Running battles need some "ahead planning", espeically in regard to route and it is hard to Keep up the pace, but if it "runs" it is worth it
I'm a little reluctant to allow characters to be lifted up by telekenisis. The power itself is pretty limited in how much weight can be lifted anyway. 2xPR kg even at PR10 is only 22 pounds. Maybe more like darth vader at cloud city, he could throw stuff at them, causing them to use up their reactions before the other targets them, and their entourage starts shooting There used to be a power; I don't see it right now, but maybe i'm missing it, where the psyker created a storm of debris in an area. That would be a pretty handy thing here, and would also have the same effect as a cloud of insects or birds or whatever to hinder the players.
There is telekine shield and telekine dome that add cover, those will be handy Iron arm will help as well if they end up in melee. I was thinking of objuration mechanicum, to take some of their nicer gear out, maybe some mind control powers to cause them to pause for a round, making them easier targets. Hallucination might be a good distraction, especially if they need to start making a getaway. Of course gate of infinity is the must have getaway power. Using Shape Flesh at a high PR could potentially give him quadraped or flyer or another trait that would help facilitate better mobility. I don't envision him as being particularly hobbled or agile, so I don't think I want to monkey around with agility too much. Prescience could be a good one, a nice buffer for him and his allies, but I agree that part of the fun of it is the direct combat between the players and the mutant. I like the idea of having to take WP tests for corruption or insanity based on this character's weirdness and runic inscriptions. That's already been a part of this investigation, so for sure that will be in! I've never thought of picking out some psychic phenomenon, but that's a pretty good idea, and a great way to showcase the weirdness and danger of a 2 headed chaos sorcerer and to make the combat itself more interesting for my players.
Phew! At least I was helpful in the end. Thanks for bearing with me.
If you don´t find a power for "Generation of the storm of debris"..make it up! He is a Chaos Sorcerer/Teinted Pskyer so there is no reason why he should not have a power or two up his sleeve the (book-wise) characters have never even heared upon.
So, I would -not- have the character make insanity tests just because they watch a "filthy Mutant". Not unless he is a writhing spawn of chaos that everchanging, perverse form is a blight to the Soul. Which he does not Sound like. That is why I used runes for that. In fact, I once had plans for Slaanesh-Cultist with writhing "devil tatooes", but runes should do the trick as well and just fine.
If you go for the phenomena, have something happen every time he uses his powers. And make it WORSE each time. Don´t be afraid to use it as a "deus ex machina" if the dice go against the characters. And ALWAYS make sure that These effect are negative/harmful/unpleasent to the Mutant at least half of the time. Just make sure they are EVEN MORE SO to the Players.
In which Location will the final battle take place? What is there to toy with? Again, I would strongly advise to have some other mooks with your Mutant Sorcerer. Somebody to soak up the first volley of at least some of the Players. If there are no human followers, how about inhuman ones? I make use of trained/loyal dogs once or twice. If the characters don´t shoot THEM first (they never survice the first hit), they will Charge the characters next round and engage them in melee. While their teeth are not really Standing a Chance against modern armour, they will "bind" the character and perhaps tear them to the ground (a medium sized dog jumping somebody is something even a fit & athletic guy isn´t brushing off easily. Strength/Toughness tests could be called for.
You will Need to REALLY think about the Scene/Location and find a way that keeps your character suprising him totally. Otherwise, you Little well planned Encounter might go up in flames as they take him out on the first round of "suprise!"-combat. 4 characters >> one target >> 15 to 20 wounds AFTER Toughness and armour. A Little more with a bid of bad luck.
Again, if you can tell us a Little about where you plan this Scene to be Happening, we might offer Input. On the other Hand, you might want to reckon cunny plans and allow an easy "kill" if the characters Play their Cards right. In that case, the way to the Psyker should be real adventure.
Personally; I would use "unnatural senses", making the Psyker Aware of every intelligent, living being in a wider radius. Not like exactly knowing where they are, just noting that "somebody is there". Perhaps he gains a Penalty for every Person in range, thereby drawing back to solitude?
Talking about armour, light flak coats go a Long way. They are easily "explainable" as "army Surplus" or what not that is handed down by used goods Dealers. Wearing the tanned (and rune-enscribed) hides of human sacrifices could add up.
By the by: which is the context of your current game? What is the Location/world like? Underhive? Swamp? Volcanic Caves? Space Hulk?
I think there was a power in ascension that could create litterstorms, so I might be able to look back at that. Yeah, the characters are fairly advanced, and one now has adamantium faith (as of today), so normal fear won't even really be much of a thing against them. I mean that there will be chaos sigils on their clothing and skin. I might not even call for tests against that, its not like that new hat to them anymore. On psychic phenomenon, I learned from an experience this last weekend, that when daemons and sorcerers push every round, it's not even them that's scary, it's all the randomness that happens around them. That scared my players even more than the entity they were fighting.
Location will be in a buried Xeno excavation site. Maybe inside a xeno ship buried in the ground, or in a city inside a mountain a la Moria or buried, but it will be in a xeno environment, it will be buried and it will be wide open in some places, but confined in others. Tons and tons of cover, buildings, vehicles and other set pieces (suggestions please!!) I'm envisioning a major old west style shootout.
Context is the players will be crashing a meetup between a some very high end operatives representing extremely prominent business interests across the subsector (for this I'm using the Balphomael cult from Disciples of the Dark Gods), and a group of mutant workers that were subcontracted by someone on the cult's periphery to dig up certain artifacts as part of a related business venture to advance the ambitions of certain cult members. There will be mutants (some big and small and all kinds of weird), but there will also be some major league heavies with serious firepower. The best that money can buy across the planet. It's definitely gona be a tough fight, but the characters are relatively powerful (12,000ish xp). They will have to overcome both opponents, who will gang up on the PC's
I thought one of the 'brother's' (or sister, I'm not absolutely certain they will be males, in fact a set of conjoined twin psykers with a baby that has no obvious deformities, but significant psychic potential could be a fantastic moral dilemma). Anyway, I thought one of the twins could be handling negotiations, while the other could be doing a divination to know there will be enemies around, but no more details. There will be both mutant patrols and patrols of heavies (they're allies, but don't like each other). The players can get in however they want, the obvious path being trying to take out the patrols and sentries on the QT and get the drop on the main meeting. The reason to make it really open, at least at the opening spot is to prevent the players from trying to snipe anyone, and make part of it a 'marine charge' from cover to cover to get in range.
We use a 'look out, sir!' rule, where mook bodyguards can make an awareness test to take a hit for their master. Not just any mook, but specific ones. Players can benefit from it as well. That does help a little, when it works it can buy a round or two breathing room. So sniping and one shot's aren't the end of the world, but it requires a little to make that work out. I like the dogs idea, and I think I will use that, plus I imagine mutants living underground probably want a little love too, and nobody loves a mutant except their mother and a really ugly dog.
The hired heavies will likely respond aggressively, counter attacking the acolytes, while the mutants will want to wait until the warband comes to them and then attempting to swarm them in a pre-designated killbox. The heavies will use paramilitary tactics and expencive communications to help coordinate their movements. The mutants will have low quality weapons and gear(and will probably use the one shot mook rules, except for a couple notables). but have a heavy weight of numbers. The leader of the heavies will have a vehicle with some serious armor and heavy weapons, and I haven't decided when he's gona cut and run. The mutant will definitely cut and run early, using his bodyguards and an entourage of devotees to shield and protect him, and the twisting terrain of the xeno ruins to try to disappear back to his bolt hole. He/she is not a fighter, and will only fight if necessary but will have serious potential to cause some randomness and damage.
It made me laugh that a character almost exactly like I envisioned is skewered on the middle picture of the article on the upcoming hereticus supplement. It's probably not too different from how this guy is gona end up.
[suggestions on the environment/set pieces]
Location: buried Xeno excavation site.
I would advise not to use a "buried ship" unless you really have to. Once inside, there is not much to "dig out"
unless the whole upper section is broken so that lots and lots of sand, dirt and debris was able to get in. How
about the classic excavation site, the likes which were featured in "Mummy"-Horror Movies and some other Adventure
movies since more then 50 years? Complete with tons of sand/ash/glas dust that covered the site to begin with? It gives you
- a surounding landscape
- a "camp site" on the surface/around the entrace
- one or more uncovered "entry points" to what lies below
- Optional: a number of ruins of other structeres (stand alone set pieces)
- an underground complex
That arrangement alone will give you about three scenes for the characters to move through (approachinig the camp side through the surrounding landscape, the sneaking or fighting their way past said camp to reach the entry point which is an obvious "hot spot" in the camp, proceeding into the underground complex), each allowing for a scenic description to draw the players into the setting, giving them the feeling to "approach something" through this step-by-obvious-step approach
Set pieces: surrounding landscape
Without even knowing that the "nature" of the place is like, the site should be in some kind of "natural valley".
- a deeper spot between dunes of sand/ash/small rubble /glas dust
- a real valley, flanked by steep hills with sparse vegetation
- a kind of chasm , containg the side at the bottom.
Whatever the surrounding, the cover there should be sparse, perhaps encouraging the characters to wait for the night
to sneak in. It is unlikely that there will be to much native wild life there (enmassed human activity tends to scare away
most native wildlife, especially if heavy exacavation gear is involved. Creatures of all kind tend to reacted alarmed on heavy vibrations).
You can have some sparse patrols there. If you want to play it rough on the characters, have one OBVIOUS path of approach with lots of beneficial cover. That will be the one place where the "Elite Ops" decided to implent electronic observation devices. Perhaps these are "warding poles" incorporating motion detectors, perhaps some (heretek) servitor contstrutcs sneak around or there is simply a trio of Servo Skull patrolling this small area in search for introders larger then a dog.
Set pieces: the camp site
First, have some heavy-duty-landers on the side (I advise two at the last) as well as at least one guncutter. The camp
side was erected somehow, personal and equpiment was moved there AND you have one serious ops team on site.
Depending on the environment, you will either have a lot of tents or pressurized tents (for personal/workers) and a small number of larger container units (for equpiment that needs to be locked and/or sheltered. This will be storage "rooms" for tools/explosives(?), control rooms containing sensitive electronic equipment and workshops/recharge stations for any servitors/servo skulls operating on site.
Things like a cantina, a first aid-station, a comm relay station and such can be placed in the tents. There might be large tents erected upon excavation sites that are actually worked (to prevent hinderance by outer influences like rain, dust storms or such). You could have "loader sentinels" on site, there will be small "cargo buggies" to move stuff around and for sure there will be a large generator of sorts. Communications can either be handled with the comm systems of the heavy-duty-landers or there could be large Comm"Dish" somewhere. Make sure to have a large "lamp posts" at roughly the centre of the camp. This one provides light for the night..and is something the characters might want to sneak into for some confusion by "turning the lights out". Perhaps there is one or two jeeps on site, perhaps a skimmer instead. A small excavator/digger is a must.
More to come....
Set Piece: Entry Point
First and formost, any entry Point should be in an "excavation ditch" or something similiar that indicates that one had to literally unearth it. That it was hidden and secret. Besides the logic behind it ("if it was in plain sight, why did nobody bothered with it before) it give the characters some "natural cover" from detection since they are basically out of the line of sight of everyone not Standing right at the Corner of said ditch. If the ditch is deep enough, that is
There will always be some Tools around and about. Even if all workers are very orderly, it simply does not make sense to Transfer heavier gear/Tools away from the side if they aren´t needed anywhere else. So, one could simply put them into backs, coffers or wrap them up in plastek Sheets or something. There will be some lighting there as well, as the entry Point will be a centre of acitivty, so place a "lamp post" there and add some heavy cables leading to the next generator who might be next to the ditch. If said generator is a noisy one, the characters do not only have visual cover but a sound-based "smoke Screen" as well. Some gear and Equipment will be stored next to the entry. Lamps and some recharge, Station for them, for example. If the area "below" is hazardos, matching hazard gear will be present as well. This will both give the characters a clue about what they are to expect AND makes sure they have the right gear available. So, some of the stuff might (or WILL) be inferior to any gear the characters own.
It is up to you if there are guards or not. Guards either indicate that not everyone in the camp is trusted (otherwise the only guards would be those defending/watching the Perimeters of the camp) or that there is something down below which is EXTREMELY dangerous/valuable. To the Point that nobody wants to take any chances. ANY chances, mind you.
Instead of guards, you could place some servitore drones shuffling about, doing one thing or another. Not the armed models but the mundane mono-Task things. Those will only be a distraction unless somebody gets in the way (ask for Agility tests if you like, but make them ordinary to easy. It should not be hard to avoid a servitor drone). If somebody gets in the way, the drones might Signal an alert as they are interrupted. This will not lead to a full alert but leads to a technomant (or similiar Person) checking what this interruption of the work process is all about. The Person will take aboout 5 minutes to Show up, so.
Location: the Underground complex
Some generic "Underground/buried-by-time" complexe types are
- Elaborate graves sites & tombs like the Pyramids or the catacombs of Paris
- religious/cult sites that have been placed there for esoteric reasons
- shelters of some sort meant to store, hide or safeguard something
- facilities meant to exploit/to benefit from natural resources (like thermal bathes or old fashioned mines)
- entire cities of a Population that found itself unfit i regard to exposure to the Surface of the world
Shelters tend to be rather small, cities are kinda large [imagine me crossing them from the list]
subterran facilites could be a poor choice if you want the site to be rich in Alien artefacts [criss/cross]
That leaves us with "religious site" and "graves".
Even a small "necropolis" could be a considered a !JACKPOT! for somebody hunting for xenos artifacts. Imagine some Long gone race that had a Kind of social caste System that could lead to different burial methods and thereby different rooms and zones, inter-connected by tunnels and ritual shrines that allowed for giving more and more dead into a chamber or cave till it was considered "full" and thereby sealed.
- large caverns with with lots of strange, needle like "pillars" that look like molten amber. All of those pillars (and we are talking DOZENS of them in each cavern) visibly contain the skeleton of xenos. Some of them have already been destroyed (living only rubble and splinters on the ground) by the excavators...which had lead to a cave in at one Point. Later the, the excavators only "unearthed" every fifth corpse form the column.
There be no or meager excavattor activity in such a cave. When one Comes to think of it, there might be so many Alien bones to be had that the supply exceeds the current demand of what forms the "reachable market" and the work stopped to make sure one is not ruining the rarirty of the goods.
- sheer tunnels that only connect the the different rooms and Caves....but with the jaws of some other, GIGANT xenos creatures being places as "door Frame" into those ends leading into a chamber where the dead are kept
- large, almost circular rooms that were made, each with a large, deep pit in the middle of it. The pit and the rooms has the biting reek of some chemical residue (These were pools were some organic substance was used to "eat" the flesh from the bones before the burial)
- smaller rooms containing not more then one xenos skelelton in the amber-like rock substance... formed like a large demisphere, with the equivalent of steps leading up to the top where there is a mold resembling a humanoid form like those of the Skeletons indicate...with the dead "encased" directly beneath that "mold" [it was part of the culture of that xenos to meditate with the dead by laying atop of them...face to face...]
- larger rooms with an amber-stuff formed into something that reminds of altars. The rooms where used for ceremonial gatherings were the dead (the whole Body, before any procedure) was bemorned in wailing noises. The whole room has somehow gained a matching psychic signature: everbody with the Psyniscience skill will feel somethinig. If the skill is actually USED in such a room, the wailing noise is "heared" by the Psyker (ask for a Fear test; the negative Penalty lasts as Long as the character is in the Underground complex)
- you could have ALL the wall being made of that rock-like amber substance..and have it glowing softly as soon as it is touched by light, doing so for about half the amount of time it was touched by the light. Besides being eerie, it means that one could note which rooms/passages were recently used
Oh! And don´t Forget to bury the xenos with xenos items! One item for those in the "mass cavern graves" and up to two dozens in the case of the mentioned "single graves"