European Open - Paris, France - 17th January 2015

By Dadajef, in CoC Organized Play

Hi cultists,
The next European Championship will be an European Open in Paris organized by Le Cenacle Chthonien (the COC’s french community) and supported by FFG, EDGE and the French Museum of the Playing Card. You are all welcome :) !
When ?
Saturday 17th January 2015
10.00 am – 18.00 pm
Admission from 9.00 am to 10.00 am
Where ?
Musée Français de la Carte à Jouer / French Museum of the Playing Card
16 rue Auguste Gervais
92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux
Subway - ligne 12, stop Mairie d’Issy.
Exclusive trophy and playmates from FFG. Acrylic tokens, wooden domain, alternate art cards, playmates, etc from previous kits. Games boxes, goodies, etc.
- Swiss pairing (4 or 5 rounds), 50 minutes, 1 game per round. Then top 8 or top 4.
- All cards published in LCG format are tournament legal, provided they are not banned (according to the last faq, v3.4), up to and including the latest Deluxe Expansion, The Sleeper Below.
- All cards published in non-English language are tournament legal.
- Decks must contain a minimum of 50 cards. Additionally, no more than 3 copies of any card, by title, and no more than 1 card from the restricted list (see faq 3.4) can be included in a player’s deck. All decks must consist of LCG legal cards.
- Legal Story Deck is found in CT47 The Shifting Sands, F1-12.
- Players are required to use art or opaque sleeves for their decks.
- Players are required to submit a deck list
Please to contact me by MP, mail (dosexplora [at] or on this forum or Le cenacle Chthonien: for your registration or questions.
Jean-François (akka Dadajef)

PS : the same week-end, there are other LCG and x-wing tournaments in the Museum, probably store championship (Saturday: netrunner, x-wing ; Sunday: Starwars, warhammer conquest)

Edited by Dadajef