pack limit in rtl

By Bravo McWilley, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


I know the equip limits are:

2 hands, 1 armor, 3 potions, 2 other

Extra items go into your pack and in Base the rules state this includes potions. I had thought there was another rule for rtl where potions unequiped had a separate limit than items in your pack. Is this not the case? 3 items unequipped total including potions?

Bravo McWilley said:


I know the equip limits are:

2 hands, 1 armor, 3 potions, 2 other

Extra items go into your pack and in Base the rules state this includes potions. I had thought there was another rule for rtl where potions unequiped had a separate limit than items in your pack. Is this not the case? 3 items unequipped total including potions?

Best of my knowledge its 3 items, including potions, in the pack. There's a Bag of Holding (I think that's the name) which gets around this but other than that I don't of any such rule.

Bravo McWilley said:


I know the equip limits are:

2 hands, 1 armor, 3 potions, 2 other

Extra items go into your pack and in Base the rules state this includes potions. I had thought there was another rule for rtl where potions unequiped had a separate limit than items in your pack. Is this not the case? 3 items unequipped total including potions?

You seem to be confusing two separate rules.

There are three potion 'slots' on each heroes' 'belt' - these potions are 'equipped'. These are only fillable by potions and are not part of the backpack allowance. You have even written that above - 2 hands, 1 armour, 3 potions , 2 other.

In addition, you may also put potions in the backpack (which makes them unequipped, so you must re-equip before you can drink them), but they take up a full slot (one of three slots). There is no option for unequipped items of any type except the backpack (3 slots only).

See Step 2: Equip Items on page 8 (or pg 13)
Heroes may have the following items equipped at one time:
• Items whose total number of “hand” icons equal two or less
• 1 armor
• 3 potions
• 2 other
Any items in excess of these limits must either be placed in the hero’s pack or dropped. A hero can place up to three items in his pack