Watchful Eyes and "combat phase"

By urloony, in Rules questions & answers

When Revealed: The first player attaches Watchful Eyes to one of his heroes. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Limit 1 per hero. Forced: If attached hero is exhausted at the end of the combat phase, reveal 1 card from the encounter deck and add it to the staging area.")

1. If this is placed on a hero that is exhausted from committing to a quest and there are no enemies that engaged the heroes this round and no enemies in the staging area, is there still a "combat phase"?

2. Does every round have a combat phase regardless of whether there are enemies or not?
Edited by urloony

1: Yes

2: Yes

You always run through every phase [unless a quest card says to skip it], even if there is nothing to do. For example, even if there is no location in play, you still have a travel phase. T