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By Jonnyb815, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

The purpose of Pounce is to let a Nexu basically move 9 squares and attack or just not use a move action and still get to move 3 squares and attack. You also don't have to pay extra movement points for things like moving through characters when using Pounce. It just gives them more flexibility in maneuvering.

Also the Nexus can Pounce to a target, and then run away to get out of range. (perhaps hide behind difficult terrain in some cases?)

I do not know if this counts as your one attack action or if you can attack and then pounce to attack again.

"Unlike heroes, a figure that has a Deployment card can use

only one of its actions to attack per activation. This includes
using special actions that involve performing one or more
attacks ( such as the Nexu’s “Pounce” or Darth Vader’s
“Brutality”)." (Page.6)
Just for clarification purposes though, I'm pretty sure that an elite Imp Officer can use executive order to give a stromtrooper that already attacked a second attack (or a stomtrooper that hasn't been activated a shot before it is activated) because it's not during the stromtrooper's activation.
Although feel free to correct me.
EDIT: Ya, you can, I just had to read the next paragraph lol:
"If an ability allows a figure to perform an attack outside of
its activation, this attack does not count toward the limit of
one attack per activation."

Thanks for clarifying that, I completely missed that in the Reference Guide >.> I hadn't tried what I thought it was (reading it as a Special Action and an Attack not being the same).

I'm reading IG-88's story from Tales of the Bounty Hunters again and I'm thoroughly enjoying how wonderfully thematic they've made IG-88. Not just his characters, but also the spoiled cards that come in his pack. They really got the feel of IG-88, I think.