[Paintjob] Flying under new colours

By Snotcatcher, in X-Wing

Diving into the game but I must admit I wasn't a fan of the pre-paints (not that they're at all shabby!) so I gave these a bit of a sprucing up. Mainly focussed on the Rebels for now but some more TIE's are next on the desk.

First up; X-Wing and E-Wing.



The first A-Wing, I love this model so there will likely be a red one at some point.



A B-Wing with the common cockpit and flight stand mod.



And finally for the Rebels, a HWK-290. I'm still not completely set on this. It might get another colour on some of the panels later on. Right now it looks very "grimy industrial" rather that military.



The full Rebel fleet so far, eagerly avaiting the new Y-Wing and Z-95 box set later in the year!


It's not just a one sided battle though, Imperial TIEs! Red canopies... because bad guys. :P


Thanks for checking them out, all C+C greatly appreciated!



They look amazing! the cockpit work is brilliant

Some really nice work here, I'm considering doing red cockpits for all my TIEs as they are red lit on the interior, probably for vision issues for the pilots.

Thanks for sharing with us.

Awesome work fella. For me, these are up there with some of the best re-paints on this here forum.... and the web-o-sphere... :)

Lots of excellent paint techniques on display and those blue canopies... fresh!


Very good! Those blue canopies pop out nicely. The 'industrial' look on the HWK suits it well.

Now then let's give you some honest critique as well. It seems that you have done sponge chipping on some of the models. While this is a great way of adding nice little chips and scratches, in this case they might be a bit too small as I almost have to strain myself to see them.

Secondly I see several small rust streaks that runs along the length of the ships. They are well executed but they would look better if they run down, towards any potential gravity source. Rust doesn't accumulate and spread in that manner, it is such a slow process that it just doesn't happen due to the airflow over the fighter. Dirt and grime streaks are fine but not rust.

Now don't take this the wrong way, the models are very well painted, I just want to help you improve your techniques.

Edited by MacrossVF1

Don't touch that HWK! It looks gorgeous. The Rebels aren't a traditional military anyway; they're a bunch of rag-tag pilots using whatever ships they have available. The industrial look suits the HWK perfectly

...but Imperials are the good guys. :)

We ain't supporting human flesh eating Ewoks. :D

Ok. Now I've spotted the cheeky little Ace (or Queen?) of Club's playing card on the A-Wing and a repeat of the Club symbol on the B-Wing...

Nice ;)

Additionally, there appears to be a very small circle symbol on the nose of the A-Wing and the right flank (under the cockpit) of the HWK - What's this bud?

Ps. considering the scale, that's a cool looking R2D2.

Edited by TUZ

Nice jeweling on the cockpits.

Astounding work, such an inspiration! And yes, the jeweling on the canopies is terrific.

...but Imperials are the good guys. :)

We ain't supporting human flesh eating Ewoks. :D

Oh, come on. We eat calamari. Let them eat what they want, just don't go if they ask to have you for dinner.

Very nice. Especially good work on the windows.

...but Imperials are the good guys. :)

We ain't supporting human flesh eating Ewoks. :D

Oh, come on. We eat calamari. Let them eat what they want, just don't go if they ask to have you for dinner.

Remember, fish are friends, not food.

I love the job, but I really love the paint in the HWK-290, it's awesome, thanks to share with us, greettings.

nice work sir

Everything here is amazing, but none more amazing than those cockpits! just... Wow!

Beautiful work.

Great window/ cockpit glass detail!!!! SUPER job. best i have seen on here to date!!!

Thanks for all the kind replies everyone, didn't expect that good a reaction! :P

I have a couple more ships finished, a bit of reinforcement for the Imperials in the form of the Aces. Again, slightly altered colouration but I like to add my own touch to the models.




I've finished all the ships I currently have at the moment so I'm not sure what to do next, I was thinking maybe a Z95 since I can't find a Falcon! Any thoughts on what I should go for?



Nice looking squints! It's hard to make imperial ships interesting as they are usually so damned uniform.

If you're looking to do more repaints.. I have a half dozen squints and TIEs I could use painted similarly.. lol.. great work on these... I really like what you did with the Royal Guard, and the subtle detailing on the 181st is really nice.

I just painted a Phantom in red and am trying to decide the highlights and detailing I want to try on it...

Something a little different this time, I picked up a Z-95 a few days ago but I couldn't decide on a paint scheme. I also wanted to have some nice terrain, possibly a space station so I came up with these!

A selection of salvaged Z's being repaired for use by the scum and villainy of the universe.




I'm also planning on putting together a small space station using the landing pads and some other random stuff, here's a closer look at them.


And a better look at the damaged Z's, some in better shape than others!


As always C+C greatly appreciated.



Now those are friggin' awesome! I've used wires before so I know how damned fiddly and hard to work with they can be. At this size, the work you've done becomes even more impressive! Everyone here should bow their head and worship your indescribable painting skills! :)

Are these recasts of the ship or have you chopped up some models straight from the box?

Awesome repaints!

How did you achieve the effect on the cockpits? Teach me oh Yoda of repaints :)