Hello everyone ! So here's the deal: I've come up with an idea of how to introduce my (regular) players into the fantastic setting of WH40k and the different RPGs from FFG. I want to run a series of (four) "one-shot" adventures for my players, each using a respective RPG (DH, RT, DW, and BC (don't own OW yet)). The idea being that perhaps my players will fall for one of the systems and want to continue playing it (basically evolving into a campaign).
Now, I thought it would be kind of a cool idea to connect the different adventures into each other somehow. I'm planning on running DH first, RT second, DW third, and BC last.
So perhaps it turns out in the RT game that the characters of the preceeding DH game were actually the mysterious acolytes that the RT crew dropped of on some planet (or something along those lines). So bascially the adventures may take place at the same time or perhaps as a continuation of the story by other means. They do not necessarily have to be DIRECTLY connected, i.e. the DW adventure may not have anything to do with what the RT adventure was about, but perhaps the Kill Team have to clean up some mess the RT crew created/discovered, etc.
So I would really like some suggestions on how to pull this off. Specifically ideas on how to tie the adventures together. Fire away !
(Also, I wrote this in a hurry so .. yeah).