We're playing Black Crusade and one of the PC's has gotten Fear 4 (from Pseudo Daemonhood Gift). A recent encounter using the Fear trait resulted in a Horde(50), Tank and Jet being destroyed all without barely a shot being fired due to the effects of fear on the NPC's. It looks to me to be creating a huge imbalance. And I fear the game will degenerate into the Fear Table RPG, as every encounter will now be governed by Fear's effects.
Beyond combat, how are you handling interactions with fellow PC's as they should be rolling fear as well. According to the rules, characters should be rolling fear every round!?
Social encounters now seem kind of ruined as well if this means that every time the Fear causing PC walks into a situation that mass hysteria ensues. Again, continuously rolling on fear table as suggested does not seem to lend itself to any possibility for social interactions with friend or foe.
I'd like to know how you guys are handling this in your campaigns.