Note: This game is absurdly high-level, with roughly 30,000 XP per character, because we ave been playing it for a very long time.
Say I have a xenophilic Inquisitor with a raging hard-on for xenos technology, and revers-eengineering it to advance the human cause. His logic is that science itself cannot be good or evil, and while xenotech is undeniably a blasphemy against human supremacy, it's not the actual science behind xenotech that makes it evil but rather the fact that xenon built it. So, if humans take the same science and construct it themselves, then it's not heresy...or at least a justifiable radicalism. He operates in incredible secrecy and has an entire ship that has been converted into a laboratory for his own company of maleteks to study and experiment.
Now, say that through guile and wile he has amassed a treasure trove of Necron technology (which didn't phase out because he made a point of leading a charge into a Necron tomb to recover specimens). Now, also say that he, through application of cold logic and also good reasoning, he has managed to strike an alliance with a C'Tan shard - the C'Tan's freedom in return for its knowledge, while the two of them work together to bring order to the galaxy and expunge it of the ruinous powers of Chaos.
Now say he wants to download his consciousness into a Necron Lord.
So my questions are: How should this work? He wants to build a Necrodermis body using human design cues so that it looks Imperial, if advanced. How does biostransference work? What does it look like? What changes should be made to his character? Should I allow this? Is it plausible? Etc.