Matrix Analyzer WTF moment.

By Kahadras, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

Just a query in regards to the Matrix Analyzer ICE from NBN. In my opponants turn he had played down a card into his remote server and advanced it twice. I then ran the server in my turn and my opponant rezzed Matrix Analyzer. He then used the encouter ability on the ICE to place a third advancement token on his agenda and score it before I accessed the server.

Can the corperation do this?

It really didn't sound right to me.

The corporation can only score agendas during their turn, either at the beginning or after each action. Check out the timing structure for the exact windows. Using Matrix Analyzer to put an advancement counter on an Aagenda is fine, though.

Yeah I though it was really suspect. I pointed out to him that it makes it stupidly easy for the corp to score Agenda left right and center but he insisted that as he was taking 'an action' by using the Matrix Analyzers ability then he could score it as part of 'the action'.

There's a list of all actions in the manual. Generally speaking you're only performing an action if it's during your action phase and you're spending a click to do it, I recommend you check out the list, though.

Also, you're not scoring Agendas "as part of an action", you get a scoring window after each corp action. I'm not sure that makes a difference, but who knows if knowing that becomes relevant at some point.

Edited by AmtsboteHannes

I used to think you could do this too. I realised my mistake after re-checking the rulebook, because simply put it make Analyzer the most broken card in the game. IAA an Astro behind one and laugh at the Runner.

As AmtsboteHannes points out (and the rulebook is VERY clear on this) the Corp may ONLY score Agendas on their own turn.

Yeah I was sure that wasn't the way it worked (especialy for 1 credit!!!!). Especialy when you concider that you can have more than one protecting a server! Oh well I'll be sure to mention it when I next play. It's a bit annoying as it seems more like 'how I want the card to work' rather than looking at the rez cost and thinking 'would FFG put out a card that allowed you to do that for 1 CREDIT!'

Wasn't me thinking 'how I want the card to work', it was a case of not having the rule book to check the timing structure, which if was available would have shown that I was wrong. Also it wouldn't be one Credit, it'd be two, as you still need to use a credit to advance a card.

Either way I was sat on a massive pile of credits, with Project Beale, Psychographics, and Midseason Replacements safely in hand, while having 3 scored agenda points.

The only way to do this legally is through some other card effect such as Plan B (an advanceablable asset which when accessed allows an agenda to be scored during a run).

Otherwise, as others have said, there are no scoring Windows during the runners turn for the Corp to use with matrix analyser. In this regard I find the timing diagrams at the end of the FAQ a clear (and still often checked) reference as to what can happen when.

Also it wouldn't be one Credit, it'd be two, as you still need to use a credit to advance a card.

Just as an aside, note that this is only the case because MA says to pay $1. There are other cards which "place an advancement counter" which do not consume credits from your pool.

Wasn't me thinking 'how I want the card to work', it was a case of not having the rule book to check the timing structure, which if was available would have shown that I was wrong. Also it wouldn't be one Credit, it'd be two, as you still need to use a credit to advance a card.

Well you seemed **** sure that was the way it was supposed to work duing the game even when I pointed out it was a 1 credit piece of ICE that pretty much has 'auto score any 3 cost agenda' printed on it. I've made the same mistake in the past were I've wanted a card to work in a certain way and it hasn't.