Road to Legend Rules Questions

By Musha Shukou, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I recently played a great game of Descent on the Road to Legend expansion, but my friends and I ran into a couple questions that we were unable to resolve by consulting the rule books and the FAQ online. I would like to post them here to see if anybody has any insight or definite answers to these questions:

1. If the overlord cycles through his deck twice while the heroes are in a dungeon, causing the heroes to flee, are they barred from entering the same dungeon again? If so, for how long? And if they are able to enter the dungeon again, do they gain a conquest for doing so?

2. Does the overlord gain any conquest for cycling through his deck in Road to Legend, as he does in vanilla Descent?

3. Please clarify how dodge and stealth work when being attacked by a breath/blast attack.

4. If multiple players are affected by a breath/blast attack and one of those players dodges and forces a reroll, does it affect all players initially affected by the breath/blast attack?

5. If a blood ape is moving on ice into a position to do a leap attack and rolls a surge, but is still in a position to do a leap attack and still has movement points to spend, may it still do a leap attack although its initial movement has been stopped by the ice?

6. When affected by frost, do you roll a check for weapon breakage before or after an attack?

7. When affected by frost, does armor break when 5 wounds are rolled on the dice or if it gets through the armor causing the hero to lose 5 wound tokens?

8. How do traps (in general) affect a player with the fly ability? How do pit traps affect a player with the fly ability?

9. Please clarify ice and if it is counted as an obstacle for the overlord playing traps. In the FAQ for tomb of ice it says they do, but it is
not listed in the obstacles that affect traps in the FAQ for road to legend.

Thank you in advance!

Musha Shukou said:

I recently played a great game of Descent on the Road to Legend expansion, but my friends and I ran into a couple questions that we were unable to resolve by consulting the rule books and the FAQ online. I would like to post them here to see if anybody has any insight or definite answers to these questions:

1. If the overlord cycles through his deck twice while the heroes are in a dungeon, causing the heroes to flee, are they barred from entering the same dungeon again? If so, for how long? And if they are able to enter the dungeon again, do they gain a conquest for doing so?

2. Does the overlord gain any conquest for cycling through his deck in Road to Legend, as he does in vanilla Descent?

3. Please clarify how dodge and stealth work when being attacked by a breath/blast attack.

4. If multiple players are affected by a breath/blast attack and one of those players dodges and forces a reroll, does it affect all players initially affected by the breath/blast attack?

5. If a blood ape is moving on ice into a position to do a leap attack and rolls a surge, but is still in a position to do a leap attack and still has movement points to spend, may it still do a leap attack although its initial movement has been stopped by the ice?

6. When affected by frost, do you roll a check for weapon breakage before or after an attack?

7. When affected by frost, does armor break when 5 wounds are rolled on the dice or if it gets through the armor causing the hero to lose 5 wound tokens?

8. How do traps (in general) affect a player with the fly ability? How do pit traps affect a player with the fly ability?

9. Please clarify ice and if it is counted as an obstacle for the overlord playing traps. In the FAQ for tomb of ice it says they do, but it is
not listed in the obstacles that affect traps in the FAQ for road to legend.

Thank you in advance!

1) If the OL cycles through twice on the same level (a single level, not the whole dungeon) they are ejected from the dungeon. They are barred from entering that dungeon for the rest of the game (barring the effect of some plot cards).

2) Yes. Unless its overridden by RtL, the same rules as Descent apply. So the OL gains 3 CT for cycling each time.

3+4) Easier to answer them together. Dodge : If a Hero Dodge's Blast/Breath, then the rerolled result is applied to everyone. So if it misses on the Dodge reroll, it misses everyone. Stealth: Only the figure with Stealth avoids the effect of the Blast/Breath, everyone else is hit.

5) No, because rolling a surge causes the figure's turn to end , not just its movement.

6) You roll after the attack per the rules in Altar of Despair.

7) Its when the armor takes 5 damage . Dice do not roll wounds, they roll damage . Damage is before armor, wounds is after armor. There is actually a confusing typo in the Altar of Despair pdf that says wounds, when it should say damage.

8) Players with Fly are still able to be targetted by any type of trap, including pits.

9) I searched the FAQ for "ice" and "trap" and couldn't find what you are referring to. Yes you can play a trap on a ice square as far as I know. The only mention of ice in the FAQ is for what counts as an obstacle for Acrobat and the like.

Thank you very much, Big Remy! I am very excited that I have answers to these questions!

ice cant be in the Road to Legend Rulebook, because Tomb of Ice came later than RtL :-)

I would not allow a trap to be played on ice. Ice is an obstacle that can also be played as a trap. A space with ice on it would not be an empty space, imo. The only type of obstacle that is also an empty space is corrupted terrain which is specifically allowed per the faq and ceases to be corrupted when that trap is played.

There would also be issues of whether a trap could be played after a roll is made on the ice, allowing OL's to wait until a surge is not rolled before playing their trap. You could def. play a crushing block on an empty space next to ice, though, with a 1/3 chance of ending that players turn (assuming they don't have fly or acrobat).

Feanor said:

I would not allow a trap to be played on ice. Ice is an obstacle that can also be played as a trap. A space with ice on it would not be an empty space, imo. The only type of obstacle that is also an empty space is corrupted terrain which is specifically allowed per the faq and ceases to be corrupted when that trap is played.

There would also be issues of whether a trap could be played after a roll is made on the ice, allowing OL's to wait until a surge is not rolled before playing their trap. You could def. play a crushing block on an empty space next to ice, though, with a 1/3 chance of ending that players turn (assuming they don't have fly or acrobat).

I don't know, I think the corrupted terrain sets a precedence.

Big Remy said:

Feanor said:

I would not allow a trap to be played on ice. Ice is an obstacle that can also be played as a trap. A space with ice on it would not be an empty space, imo. The only type of obstacle that is also an empty space is corrupted terrain which is specifically allowed per the faq and ceases to be corrupted when that trap is played.

There would also be issues of whether a trap could be played after a roll is made on the ice, allowing OL's to wait until a surge is not rolled before playing their trap. You could def. play a crushing block on an empty space next to ice, though, with a 1/3 chance of ending that players turn (assuming they don't have fly or acrobat).

I don't know, I think the corrupted terrain sets a precedence.

Corrupted terrain sets a precedenT of being an exception to the rule. You may consider it an empty space, but then it stops being corrupted. There's nothing to account for any other obstacle being replaced by something else. Basically, my understanding is that corrupted terrain is just that--regular land infested with the dark (over)lord's power and able to feed him (threat) when heroes spill fluids such as sweat (fatigue) or blood (wounds) on the terrain. The overlord may choose to use his power to play a trap on that space, but this interrupts his contact with said terrain to siphon power for his evil plans. Ice is an obstacle, already exists, and the overlord cannot put a block or pit where there is already something blocking the way.

In any case, until the faq says anything other than corrupted terrain counts allows for traps to be played on it, I would not allow it. You start letting this happen, now heroes who take the "safe" path through pits or trees, etc...can just have more traps played on them. Empty space means empty space and ice does not make a space empty--it makes it a 1/3 chance your turn ends.