First Custom Hero, First Painted Imperial Troops I Have Seen

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Wow, those paint jobs are superb! It makes me want to give it a know, when I find a way to add an 8th day to my week. ;) But truly, the paint really does help the minis to come alive. Nicely done!

Yeah, a great job there. That pic sold me on painting my Imperial Assault minis.

Wow, these look great. I didn't want to shell out the money to paint, but this has me rethinking. I still wish pre-painted was an option though, I'd even pay a bit more.

"The waiting is the hardest part . . . "

Wow, these look great. I didn't want to shell out the money to paint, but this has me rethinking. I still wish pre-painted was an option though, I'd even pay a bit more.

Reaper has some inexpensive paint, and youtube has some pretty good tutorials.

Some more Star Wars painting inspiration until we get some actual ones from Imperial Assault.

Waiting for our German Brothers in arms to send some paint work after last con at Essen.

Some old school credit where West End credit is due.

Star Wars Artwork that cries out Imperial Assault .

The Rebel Commandos surrounded on all sides making a last stand is very evocative.

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

Are you able to paint right over the minis out of the box or did you prime them 1st?

very nice can't wait to get mine, and get em painted!!!

Are you able to paint right over the minis out of the box or did you prime them 1st?

My painting skills are fall between grade school level and abysmal, but it's normally a good idea to always clean and prime your minis before painting them.

Wow, that army in the OP is jaw-droppingly beautiful. Would be nice if FFG teamed up with Wizkids and offered pre-painted minis to those of us lacking both the time and skill to create such beauty ourselves.

Wow, that army in the OP is jaw-droppingly beautiful. Would be nice if FFG teamed up with Wizkids and offered pre-painted minis to those of us lacking both the time and skill to create such beauty ourselves.

As awesome as that potentially could be, there is the hard issue of The Star Wars License, although WizKids has the rights to other Disney properties.

Wow, that army in the OP is jaw-droppingly beautiful. Would be nice if FFG teamed up with Wizkids and offered pre-painted minis to those of us lacking both the time and skill to create such beauty ourselves.

Why would they team up with wizkids when the x-wing models are so amazingly well painted especially compaired with the wizkid attack wing models.

Not the best video "host" but

****, those are sweet

Here are more Star Wars painted miniatures for inspiration while we endure the Long Wait.

The Empire's Most Wanted traitors.

Tusken Raiders . I have mentioned before that Tatooine would make a great game expansion for Imperial Assault .

The artist custom work for X-Wing are amazing.

A different artist below.

West End Games and other unique sculpts pre Wizards off the Coast .

The Speeder Bikes towards the bottom are incredibly well done, I hope Fantasy Flight has their version.

Are you able to paint right over the minis out of the box or did you prime them 1st?

You would need to prime them for best results.

You would need to prime them for best results.

Isn't it generally advisable to gently wash minis in soapy water before priming them, to get off any residue from chemicals that make it easier to get them out of the molds?