Shock Mauls and First Aid.

By RowRow, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

I've ran a couple of sessions of the new edition already and I must say I'm rather enjoying it. I'd just like to query two rules to make sure I haven't missed anything.

1. Its seems to me from reading the First Aid rules that there is no difference on the damage recovered in regards to whether you are lightly,heavily or critically wounded. Just want to checked I haven't missed anything there, and that I'm right to be saying that your level of damage only effects your healing over time.

2. Shock Mauls now do 1D10+3 Damage in addition to the user's strength. It seems weird to me that ignoring pen and tearing, a Shock Maul is doing more damage than a chainsword. I'm sure it balances out ok, just worried in cause there's something I've missed.

As I said before, any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance :)

1. Yep, wound state just seems to dictate how quickly the wounded character heals passively and how difficult the Medicae Test is for characters performing First Aid.

2. Consider that the Chainsword has 2 Pen (effectively making the weapon 1d10+2+2+SB R against even slightly armoured targets), has the Tearing quality (which increases average Damage and Righteous Fury chance a little), and deals Rending damage instead of Impact (Rending Critical Effects are generally more lethal earlier on the table) when compared to the Shock Maul that is "just" 1d10+3+SB I flat with the Shocking quality. Arguably, Chain weapons also have more Weapon Modification and Talent support than Shock weapons do. In practice, I believe chainswords are numerically superior (damage-wise) to shock mauls, though the ability to Stun enemies is deadly in its own right.

Edited by Asymptomatic
(which increases average Damage and Righteous Fury chance a little)

Doubling the chance for Rightheous Fury is by no means little. Also, 2d10 pick higher averages out to 7.15, which is a nice boost from 5.5.

It seems weird to me that ignoring pen and tearing

That's why you shouldn't ignore those abilities because they add almost +4 to damage.

Edited by Obihobit