Will of the west Event + Tactics Boromir Hero.

By Lowke, in Rules questions & answers

After i have used tactics Boromir's second action ability (to discard him in return for 2 damage to every enemy engaged with a player) Can i then use Will of the west event to shuffle him back into my deck.

If i can, then would i be able to draw him and put him into play? (whenever he appears in the draw obviously)

Edited by Lowke

Would say yes but not 100% sure. There is the trechary Lost and Alone where you had to shuffle a hero into your deck and where allowed to put him back into play when you draw him again so thats why I would say yes...

You can't. When you play a card that moves cards from your discard pile, you ignore heroes (unless specifically stated otherwise, like with Fortune or Fate). Heroes cannot enter your deck/hand (again unless specifically stated otherwise-- Lost and Alone).

I am not currently at liberty to look up a source, but I believe that this comes directly from the core set manual.

Yeah you're right found it in the core rulebook in the decription for the combat phase. Didn't quite rember that one but has never been an issue for me until now thou :)

OK thanks for clearing this one up guys.

I thought it was too good to be true.

Still there's always house rules !