Pre STOG post June 2009

By FFGSteve, in UFS General Discussion

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick post to let you that the STOG will go live Monday (slight chance of tomorrow if certain things line up) most likely though Monday. There will be a lot to cover so make sure you read through the whole thing. A couple of points to note. If there are any bans they would not take effect until July 1st, please read that again and DO NOT read anything else into it. I will also clear up some questions about the reprint cards.

See you in the arena,


Thank you for the post Steve. Certainly helps everyone prepare for any month-end events.

All the best in crafting the lengthy monthly memo, and I am looking forward to US nats and a strong summer of UFS events ^^

- dut

FFGSteve said:

A couple of points to note. If there are any bans they would not take effect until July 1st

Because Nats could really use more skewed results -_-

But hey, you've given me a glimmer of hope, something you've never been able to do


I aplaude your decision to make bans not immmediate. With U.S nationals coming up in just a few weeks, it would scrap alot of people's deck plan's and leave way to little time to deck build and test. If it's the card I think it is, alot of decks are gonna change. Anyways, thanks for the update I look forward to see what you've decided.

FFGSteve said:

A couple of points to note. If there are any bans they would not take effect until July 1st, please read that again and DO NOT read anything else into it.

I remember last time that was said : Addes Syndicate got banned. There was much fun.

Not reading anything into it sir.

Homme Chapeau said:

I remember last time that was said : Addes Syndicate got banned. There was much fun.

I was thinking more along the lines of, "I know it's November, but we won't ban Defender, Hugo, etc etc, until February of 2008!" THAT was the winter of our discontent.

Thanks Steve. That makes deckbuilding for Nats a lot less hectic on my part...

quarzark said:

Thanks Steve. That makes deckbuilding for Nats a lot less hectic on my part...

What do you mean? There will not be any bans in the June 2009 SotG. He told you not to read into it.

I believe sarcasm was employed here.

Homme Chapeau said:

quarzark said:

Thanks Steve. That makes deckbuilding for Nats a lot less hectic on my part...

What do you mean? There will not be any bans in the June 2009 SotG. He told you not to read into it.

exactly, which means that the meta is going to be the same.

I had multiple decklists depending on what possibly could be banned or errated. Whether there are bans or not isn't an issue, since any bans won't be enforced until July 1st, and Nats is in June.

Not like bans really effect me, I just borrow cards from peeps, the only thing I pay for in this game is tournaments.