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By ThenDoctor, in Zombie Apocalypse

News update. Nothing we didn't really consider in the forums before. The mention of different colored dice is a little disconcerting because it screams to me unique dice sets for sale eventually, but they may have just made a point to make sure the players know it's easier with different colored dice.

Yes, But it looks like it's just standard 6 siders (1,2,3,4,5,6) in two colors. That shouldn't be to hard to scrounge up on the cheap.

So what do you think of the sythem? It seems better than old world of darkness 1's cancel out 6's systhem. With that one you were a lot more likely to fail the more dice you rolled.

That shouldn't be to hard to scrounge up on the cheap.

That's not and has never been my issue with the concept of a unique dice system. However I sent in my very question and according to the answer it was stated different colors for the sake of the test. No proprietary dice in the vein of EotE apparently. Which is good in my opinion.

I still have the leftovers of a huge dice pack I got from my warhammer days with white black and red 6's so that's what I'll use so I can roll them all together.

Edited by barabelsftw

From the example (see below), it sounds like you need numbered d6 (or pips, but no symbols a la WFRP3 or EotE). Alice seems to succeed because her Logic of 3 + Uncancelled Positive dices = 3+2+6 = 11 > Uncancelled Negative (5).

Did anyone understood it like that, or if I am wrong, how is success determined?

I would personally have preferred an EotE/WFRP3 special dice. but at least we wont have to buy anything new.

Alice rolls the dice and receives “2,” “2,” and “6” on her positive dice, and “2” and “5” on her negative dice. The negative “2” cancels out one positive “2.” Alice has a Logic characteristic of 3, and the remaining positive “2” means that Alice succeeds at the test and the lock opens! However, the remaining uncanceled negative die indicates that Alice takes a single mental stress due to the pressure caused by the approaching undead.

I got these to use as counters for magic the gathering. I mighta swell put them to some more good use.


From the example (see below), it sounds like you need numbered d6 (or pips, but no symbols a la WFRP3 or EotE). Alice seems to succeed because her Logic of 3 + Uncancelled Positive dices = 3+2+6 = 11 > Uncancelled Negative (5).

Did anyone understood it like that, or if I am wrong, how is success determined?

I would personally have preferred an EotE/WFRP3 special dice. but at least we wont have to buy anything new.

Alice rolls the dice and receives “2,” “2,” and “6” on her positive dice, and “2” and “5” on her negative dice. The negative “2” cancels out one positive “2.” Alice has a Logic characteristic of 3, and the remaining positive “2” means that Alice succeeds at the test and the lock opens! However, the remaining uncanceled negative die indicates that Alice takes a single mental stress due to the pressure caused by the approaching undead.

Yes, it looks like Alice succeeded, but she still gets a mental stress since there was an unmatched 5 in the negative pool.

Ovrall I'd say that the system does what they wanted it to do, but I think there are certainly some unnecessary complications to it. The apparently having to exactly match negative dice to cancel them out seems a bit wonky. And I really don't like the way that the stress "points" seem to work, especially where the player can describe the way they affect the character. Maybe things will be better explained in the actual rules. But then I was expecting to be using a rules set that my group is more comfortable with anyway.

Interesting system. I wonder if the GM rolls for NPCs, or if their dice is simply added to the player's roll as negative dice. Making everything a player-only roll would certainly speed up gameplay (it sure does in Numenara). Though I guess that would mean that NPCs wouldn't have characteristics, but probably several traits. In fact, non-human NPCs might have traits that contribute multiple dice (a dog might have ++Keen Ears and Nose, and Cthulhu might have +++++All-Powerful).

I might be way off-base, but that's the kind of potential I see for this kind of system. A player declares an action and the GM only needs to throw a couple negative dice (or some extra positive if the odds are, indeed, in their favour), and let the player sort out the rest. Keeps things quick, and the players always feel like the power is in their hands.

I hadn't thought of that, but it's a good idea nonetheless. I like the idea of the obstacles not needing to be fully fleshed out, reminds me of dungeon world sort of.