Question about deception strategy card.

By El_Tonio, in Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion

We were playing the other day and were not quite sure how the Deception card worked. Here is an image of the card:


So, let's say the other person figures out you are playing this card, is there any way for them to win or is the best they can do a draw?

For example, the person playing it could play a single 1 point card (i.e., an exhausted main character) and it would be impossible for them not to lose if the other person had initiative (in which case they would win because of the card). Unless, of course, the other person went over, in which case they would still win.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Your opponent can kill off your 1-point card with a 2-point military, for example, forcing you to flip a new card, which might be higher than 2.