New Campaign - An Empire Served

By DanteRotterdam, in Game Masters

I have been working on a campaign for Edge of the Empire these last few months and have play tested it with two groups.

Over the coming weeks I will post the different Chapters of the campaign here.

I would love some feedback on the adventure but would love to see others play it as well!

Adventure Overview
This adventure takes the party across the entire galaxy. Visiting famous locations from the movies and EU, meeting interesting characters and (perhaps unknowingly) playing an active part in the story of the Original Trilogy.
It is a story of intrigue, betrayal, space stations, monsters and alien planets. It has battles in space, exploration and chases. It features dishonest politicians as well as brutally honest Imperial officers and Giants raiding villages on far off planets.
Episode 1 takes place on Bothawui where the players find themselves in the service of a Bothan Clan called the Kerob Clan. They are hired to smuggle one of the clan members to Jovan III and past an Imperial Blockade to their farming operations.
The Bothan power struggle comes into play during their stay on Bothawui when spies from opposing clans inform Kerob Clan's biggest rivals the Ezges Clan of the party's involvement.
Unknown to the party is the fact that the Kerob Clan is in cahoots with the Empire and has struck a deal to deliver the Party to Jovan Spacestation.....
Episode 2 sees the characters captured either in space while trying to reach Jovan III or on the surface of the planet. They are held prisoner aboard Jovan Station for days before they are brought before Major General Ulric Tagge who forces the party into his workforce and forcefully employs them to perform a scouting mission for an Imperial compound on the surface of the planet Endor. The reason he goes outside the Imperial machine is to make his brother Orman Tagge look good in the eyes of the Emperor while not having his nemesis Darth Vader involved.
Episode 3 places the party on the forest moon and makes for an exciting multipart adventure where the scouts encounter Ewok villages, fight Gorax, chase Condor Dragons and meet a Yuzzum hunting party. While looking for a suitable location for the shield projector that will eventual be used to protect an enormous space station.
Episode 4 has not been written yet....
Edited by DanteRotterdam

Off course I will need to be able to upload a word document or PDF first... **** my low computer skills!

Edited by DanteRotterdam

Actually, I have been working out the details of Episode 2 now as well in detail.

Hope you like it!

Edited by DanteRotterdam

Episode 3 is now up!

263 views… No feedback.

So either it is flawless and amazing or no one read it yet or it was so bad people want to spare my feelings...

Reasons aplenty for a bump.

Just had a few minutes to read through Ep 1.

I like how neat the pages appear and it seems like a new GM could run this with some comfort. I will definitely point my GM-in-training to this campaign once he learns the basics.

I would ask if you can adjust the tables to ensure that they don't have run-off letters such as in "Streetwise" and "Computers". Also consider adding in hyperlinks to other parts of the document, that may make it easier if someone is using an electronic device to quickly get to the topic. An example being "Kerob Clan" page 15/19, multiple successes give information on Asyr. Asyr could be hyperlinked to the character notes from page 1.

Consider clarifying what information is obvious about the locations and NPCs, such as adding shading or some other identifier to the text.

Page layout and spacing could be improved to reduce awkward over-flows mid setence/paragraph (see page 7/19)

Also - you say 100-150 XP gained so far. This would put them around 200-250 total XP depending on their species, right?

263 views… No feedback.

So either it is flawless and amazing or no one read it yet or it was so bad people want to spare my feelings...

Reasons aplenty for a bump.

Ok, I'll be honest, I hope you have a thick skin, but I hope it is constructive.

I wanted to read it, but it didn't grab me. It starts with a ton of character descriptions, and stats, but no plot. I have no idea whether I will care about those characters, which ones are important and which aren't, because I don't know what the plot is. There's a reason FFG puts all that stuff in the back, or only at the end of the segments for which they relevant, it's because nobody really wants to read them until they know what kinds of challenges the players are going to have to face and how those NPCs factor in.

If you started with a hook you'd get a much better response. And the hook can't be "you hear about a job that will reduce your Obligation or get you some credits"...that's kind of assumed for this kind of game. I skipped down to "Starting the Adventure" and there is a bunch of stuff for me to read to the players, but I *still* have no idea what it's about. At this point I gave up.

You need to say up front what the story is about, why it matters, how it's intriguing or different. Take a look at how the FFG books are structured, or even the old WEG materials. Maybe use this thread to work out the intro and get some feedback on that before you commit to changing the rest.

Hope that helps. I'm not trying to be mean, just honest.

Perfect criticism! In fact I overlooked a simple set up to start it all off as I had that all in my head from the outset so it never occured to me to start with that while it is pretty obvious it needs just that!

I'll start working on that tomorrow! Thanks!

A short description that will be tagged onto the first part of the adventure:

Adventure Overview
This adventure takes the party across the entire galaxy. Visiting famous locations from the movies and EU, meeting interesting characters and (perhaps unknowingly) playing an active part in the story of the Original Trilogy.
It is a story of intrigue, betrayal, space stations, monsters and alien planets. It has battles in space, exploration and chases. It features dishonest politicians as well as brutally honest Imperial officers and Giants raiding villages on far off planets.
Episode 1 takes place on Bothawui where the players find themselves in the service of a Bothan Clan called the Kerob Clan. They are hired to smuggle one of the clan members to Jovan III and past an Imperial Blockade to their farming operations.
The Bothan power struggle comes into play during their stay on Bothawui when spies from opposing clans inform Kerob Clan's biggest rivals the Ezges Clan of the party's involvement.
Unknown to the party is the fact that the Kerob Clan is in cahoots with the Empire and has struck a deal to deliver the Party to Jovan Spacestation.....
Episode 2 sees the characters captured either in space while trying to reach Jovan III or on the surface of the planet. They are held prisoner aboard Jovan Station for days before they are brought before Major General Ulric Tagge who forces the party into his workforce and forcefully employs them to perform a scouting mission for an Imperial compound on the surface of the planet Endor. The reason he goes outside the Imperial machine is to make his brother Orman Tagge look good in the eyes of the Emperor while not having his nemesis Darth Vader involved.
Episode 3 places the party on the forest moon and makes for an exciting multipart adventure where the scouts encounter Ewok villages, fight Gorax, chase Condor Dragons and meet a Yuzzum hunting party. While looking for a suitable location for the shield projector that will eventual be used to protect an enormous space station.
Episode 4 has not been written yet....

I will write a longer description to start each chapter with over the coming days.

Edited by DanteRotterdam

A short description that will be tagged onto the first part of the adventure:

Adventure Overview
This adventure takes the party across the entire galaxy. Visiting famous locations from the movies and EU, meeting interesting characters and (perhaps unknowingly) playing an active part in the story of the Original Trilogy.
It is a story of intrigue, betrayal, space stations, monsters and alien planets. It has battles in space, exploration and chases. It features dishonest politicians as well as brutally honest Imperial officers and Giants raiding villages on far off planets.
Episode 1 takes place on Bothawui where the players find themselves in the service of a Bothan Clan called the Kerob Clan. They are hired to smuggle one of the clan members to Jovan III and past an Imperial Blockade to their farming operations.
The Bothan power struggle comes into play during their stay on Bothawui when spies from opposing clans inform Kerob Clan's biggest rivals the Ezges Clan of the party's involvement.
Unknown to the party is the fact that the Kerob Clan is in cahoots with the Empire and has struck a deal to deliver the Party to Jovan Spacestation.....
Episode 2 sees the characters captured either in space while trying to reach Jovan III or on the surface of the planet. They are held prisoner aboard Jovan Station for days before they are brought before Major General Ulric Tagge who forces the party into his workforce and forcefully employs them to perform a scouting mission for an Imperial compound on the surface of the planet Endor. The reason he goes outside the Imperial machine is to make his brother Orman Tagge look good in the eyes of the Emperor while not having his nemesis Darth Vader involved.
Episode 3 places the party on the forest moon and makes for an exciting multipart adventure where the scouts encounter Ewok villages, fight Gorax, chase Condor Dragons and meet a Yuzzum hunting party. While looking for a suitable location for the shield projector that will eventual be used to protect an enormous space station.
Episode 4 has not been written yet....

I will write a longer description to start each chapter with over the coming days.

I opened the first one and . . . basically, what other people said. I scrolled and scrolled through NPC profiles with no sense of what they were there for, and gave up. I think adding those summaries will make a HUGE difference! Since the episodes are in different documents, consider putting the short summary of the whole campaign at the top of each, or at least "our story so far...". Also you could make your own "opening crawl" images. You've put a lot of effort into this, and people interested in visiting iconic locations should check it out!